Everyone's actions will follow his progress.

Ye Yang knew that he had to quickly resolve the dilemma in front of him, so when he acted, he would consider very well.

Otherwise, the next thing you will face is not just a simple problem like Xiaoyang Guild, the players of the major guilds may be about to catch up. Only then will they really be enemies before and after, and there is no possibility of escape.

It's just a chase by one party, at least there is still the possibility of survival. Ye Yang himself will not worry about himself. He is always worried about his permanent companions. They are the ones who need to be protected and respected most. .

After working hard in the dungeon, the final result was changed. Could it be possible to watch as someone else took it away?

Bai Xiaoling had the highest combat power with Misunderstanding Moon and Smiley Cat, so Ye Yang sent them to respond later.

If someone comes from behind, it can help Ye Yang take care of it, which is the last guarantee for the team.

Rear care can be considered dangerous. If one does not do well, his life may follow. Everyone knows this. Fortunately, their combat capabilities are very strong. If they want to hold on for a short period of time, isn’t it very difficult? Difficult things.

Fenghua and Ouyang Chunchun, their combat effectiveness is average, so they can give full play to his advantage from the side.

Needless to say, Bai Yufu's strength is her ability to increase defense, but she doesn't have any combat effectiveness at all in combat.

Now after some practice, the ability to increase is much stronger than before. It is already a very good performance, and you can't expect too much in the follow-up.

In the First Spine Dungeon, there are still many guilds. They should deal with those guilds. They should not deal with Ye Yang's team, but Ye Yang knows that he and Ouyang Chunchun are too eye-catching. Up.

Every time the server world channel news is announced, they complete the first BOSS kill in the first spine instance!

"Ye Yang!"

"I advise you to be honest and withdraw from the first spine copy. If this is not the case, then don't blame our Xiaoyang Guild for being rude!"

"Our president said, we don't need your equipment and weapons, we just need to let you leave the first spine instance, and we will let you go!"

At this moment, the Hall Master of Xiaoyang Guild Chai Feng said directly to Ye Yang, it turned out that Xiaoyang Guild didn't want to kill Ye Yang, nor did it want to kill Ouyang Chunchun and Bai Xiaoling.

Instead, he wanted Ye Yang's team to leave directly from the first spine instance.

And will Ye Yang?

Of course Ye Yang would not. Even if his current combat power is not very strong, he would not leave the first spine instance. Who are they?

Let Ye Yang leave as soon as he leaves?

Ye Yang laughed directly, and then he said coldly: "These words are the same for the president."

"What kind of thing are you!"

"Does a hall master dare to talk to me like this?"

Ye Yang was not polite, he wouldn't just show them a good face just because the opponent is a player from Xiaoyang Guild.

When I saw the hall master of Xiaoyang Guild opposite, his expression changed suddenly. He didn't expect Ye Yang to dare to talk like this. You must know that Xiaoyang Guild was ranked second on the server. I have a 100% burst rate of online games,