Kodaya opened his mouth, obviously not knowing how to express his current mood at this time.

I don't know how to continue chatting with Fenghuo.

It seemed that he had underestimated the beacon.

But why would anyone be so good? This is definitely something Kodaya didn't understand.

"Then can you redeem me a reward?"

But Kodaya believes it or not, it doesn't matter.

Because Ye Yang came here with this thing, not to prove to Kodaya how powerful he is, not to prove that he really killed the soul fragment of Tias.

With this thing, Ye Yang was to redeem rewards.

So when Kodaya was still in shock, Ye Yang went straight to the subject.

Redeem rewards.

Kodaya originally wanted to ask a little more, and wanted to know if the beacon really killed the soul fragment of Tias.

I felt embarrassed after hearing what Fenghuo said.

He seems to have deviated from the point.

After all, when people came here, they didn't want to ask him questions.

Kodaya also kept silent.

"You can indeed redeem rewards from me."

Since Fiberhome has said so, Kodaya will not be able to delay any longer.

After returning to normal, Kodaya was polite to FiberHome again.

Or it should be said that respect is added.

"Your Excellency, I have some things here, and I don't know which ones you need. Maybe you can choose."

After hearing Kodaya's words, Ye Yang nodded.

If this is the case, of course it is the best.

It was exactly as Kodaya said, he didn't know what Ye Yang wanted, so wouldn't it be enough for Ye Yang to choose?

After all, Ye Yang knew what he wanted.

Immediately afterwards, Kodaya went to search and found a few things, which were placed on the table in front of Ye Yang, neatly placed.

Just to make Ye Yang more convenient when choosing.

"Your Excellency Fenghuo, you can take a look."

Ye Yang began to look at the few things on the table.

There are a total of 5 things on the table, and each of them is not simple, at least from the outside.

Ye Yang looked at it the same way, for about 10 minutes.

During these 10 minutes, Kodaya also kept staring at Ye Yang.

It seemed that he wanted to see from Ye Yang's facial expression which reward Ye Yang liked more.

But Ye Yang raised his head after watching for 10 minutes, and didn't focus on those five things.

Instead, he looked at Kodaya.

The expression on his face was unpredictable, and after Kodaya looked at it, he felt a little unsure.

Because he didn't know what Ye Yang wanted to refer to, he didn't know which of these 5 rewards Ye Yang was not satisfied with, and would like one of them.

Kodaya originally wanted to ask. But before the words came out, the beacon in front of him had already spoken.

Fenghuo didn't indicate which one he liked or which one he wanted as his reward, but instead said something else.

"In your opinion, this shouldn't be a treasure, right?"