The tutor of Du yuan's research group, named Guan, has a very high voice in the field of theoretical physics. His main research directions are relativity and cosmology.

At present,

the group is studying the subject of the Big Bang Universe model, which is a kind of modern cosmology theory, which almost supports half of cosmology. Its main view is that the universe has experienced a period of evolution from hot to cold.

"Xu mang... You are a theoretical physics major." Professor Guan asked curiously, "why not study relativity and study quantum mechanics?"

Xu Mang: it's over, I'm afraid it's going to be a fight!

Relativity and quantum mechanics are almost like the salty and sweet tofu bean curd. It's easy for two groups of people to fight and spit on each other.


"I study all of them." Xu mang chuckled: "relativity deals with the macro world, quantum mechanics deals with the micro world, and sometimes comes into contact with the problems of the macro world."


"Our scientific research group is working on the establishment of the early model of the universe's inflation. There are still many problems with the theory of cosmic inflation. Although it is widely accepted in the scientific community, there are still many physicists, mathematicians and philosophers expressing their opposition."

"At present, inflation requires extremely specific initial conditions. Another is that the inflation field required by inflation does not correspond to any known field, and the potential energy curve seems to be consistent with almost any observed data, that is, lack of verifiability."

"We are working on the first problem." "There are many difficulties," Guan said

Xu mang was confused. For the first time, he came into contact with the so-called theory of cosmic explosion. He only knew that the universe is accelerating its expansion. Although the age of the universe is 13.82 billion years, it is estimated that the full diameter of the universe is 160 billion light-years due to the accelerated expansion.

"Professor Guan."

"I really don't understand the theory of inflation." Xu mang said helplessly.

"No, no, no!"

"We need your help to work out an equation." Professor Guan reluctantly said: "you may not believe it. No one in the Department of mathematics can solve it... Saying that there are logical errors in the formula we give."

"How could it be!"

"What do their math professors know?" All of a sudden, Professor Guan got excited and said angrily, "if you can't work out, it's said that there is a problem with the formula. How long has the Riemann conjecture passed? Does that prove that the Riemann conjecture is also wrong? What do they study? "

Xu Mang: (° ー)


sure enough, everyone who is engaged in scientific research will be extremely excited when they are doubted by their peers.

It seems that Teng, the head of the Department of mathematics at Jiangu, does not deal with the Department of physics, while Professor Guan and the Department of mathematics of NTU do not deal with it?

Is it necessary?


"Professor Guan, you want me to calculate, right?" Xu asked.


"I would go to Mordor and come to see you, but I didn't expect you to deliver it yourself." Professor Guan said with a smile, "Xu mang... We must figure it out."


"I'll take a look at the situation first to understand."

After that, Xu mang came to their laboratory under the leadership of Professor Guan.

"Let me introduce you. This is Xu mang from Fuda University. He wants to help us solve a computational problem." Professor Guan said to his members, "please clap your hands."

There was a lot of applause.

Xu Mang's soul was sublimated in the applause.

"Xu mang."

"We boldly assumed a new concept of inflation, but we encountered many problems, which were solved one by one, leaving one of the most important problems." Professor Guan said helplessly: "when we bring the numerical value into the formula of de Sitter space, we find that... Asymmetry."


"Professor?" Xu mang a face sad urge: "this is a bit too much... All asymmetry, then how to solve?"

Professor Guan laughed and said in silence, "if it's symmetrical, we'll solve it ourselves."


makes a lot of sense!

But beauty in this flourishing age can not solve the problem of asymmetry.


"Can you show me?" Xu asked.


For a moment,

the professor took Xu mang to a blackboard, which was filled with a lot of mathematical formulas. However, Xu mang couldn't understand many of the formulas. He didn't know what he was doing, but he could understand only one formula.

The steady state exponential expansion formula is also called Dexter space.

"Do it!" Professor Guan said.Xu Mang: ( ̄ △;)

I'll go!

Professor Guan doesn't treat me as a human being. If you don't understand anything, let's start.

Start a yarn!


"Can you at least get one student to help me narrate it?" Xu mang helplessly said: "I can understand the steady-state exponential expansion formula, and I don't know anything else."


"Too anxious." Professor Guan called out to a student, "Chen Mu!"

A girl ran up to Professor Guan and asked respectfully, "Professor, do you want me?"

"Chen mu, help Xu mang explain some of the formulas on the blackboard." "This is Chen mu, the most gifted student in our group," Professor Guan said to Xu mang

Sleeping trough!

It's OK!

It's just... Against the common sense of science that there are such girls in physics department.

Xu mang more want to think more incredible, in the boring physics, how can appear girls, and still good girls.


compared with Xiaoman, there is a big gap.

This girl is not as good as Xiaoman except that she is a little taller, bigger in the front and a little cocky in the back.


it's just that Xiaoman is not as beautiful as Xiaoman, and other airports are far more than violent airports.


"Professor, I will finish the task." The girl named Chen Mu nodded and said seriously.


with the help of this girl, Xu mang almost understood the problem.

"Do you understand?" Chen Mu asked, "Xu Dashen... What else do you not understand? If you don't understand, I'll tell you again. "


"in the middle is the expansion of space, here is the problem of time, here is the reheating, here is the elimination of heterogeneity." Xu mang said calmly, "am I right?"


"What a god Chen Mu looked as like as two peas in Xu Mang's face. "You are exactly the same as the legend."

Xu mang glanced at the little girl fan, and finally knew why there was such a girl in the Department of physics. Her emotion was lacking. If she was a little normal, how could she come to the Department of physics or an extremely boring theoretical physics major.

At this time,

Xu mang looked at the formula DS ^ 2 = - (1-ar ^ 2) DT ^ 2 + (11 ar ^ 2) Dr ^ 2 + R ^ 2D Ω ^ 2 on the blackboard, and began his infinite journey of daze.

Since it can't be balanced,

then it means that the cosmological constant has been brought in wrongly, that is, space and a cannot be directly proportional to each other, but they are all right...

"are there any paper and pens?" Xu asked.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Chen Mu quickly took a stack of A4 paper and a black pen for Xu mang.


Xu mang was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what to say. After all, he was kind-hearted.


Xu mang began to calculate. According to the balance of P = P, Xu Mang's answer was indeed biased and could not be symmetrical at all.

Sleeping trough!

It looks right, but it's wrong.

How amazing!

Just like Yang Xiaoman, she looks like a goddess of high cold, and in private is a woman who can't wait.

"Xu Da Shen?"

"Can you... Can you handle it?" Chen Mu asked.

"I don't know."

"I'll see it again." Xu mang didn't pay attention to it at all. Anyway, it had nothing to do with himself. At that time, you were wrong, and you were deeply hidden in merit and fame.

At the same time,

the members of the research group started a heated discussion in private.

"I'll go! Professor Guan even invited Xu Mang and Xu Da Shen to come... It seems that he has a firm heart to tie up with the Department of mathematics. "

"No, what do you think? Professor Guan is famous for his scientific research. He likes to fight with professors in mathematics department, and he can kill them every time. Now the professors in the Department of mathematics have caught Professor Guan's handle, so they can't fight back. "

"It's boring... It's subverting my view of professors."

"What's boring... Professors are human beings, not robots. Maybe that's how they deal with boredom."

"Ah... Do you think Xu Da Shen can solve this problem?"

"Hard! Although Xu Dashen is an excellent student, he is just a student after all. I heard that this problem is unsolved. "

After a while,

the group had its first break today. For half an hour, apart from stretching and chatting, these people focused on the man sitting in front of the blackboard.

He is Xu Mang, a new generation leader in the field of physics.Unfortunately,

the leader is in a daze.




What's the situation?

Why is Xu Mang and Xu Da Shen in a daze?

Is it a tragedy?

"Xu Da Shen?"

"Do you have nothing to do with it?" One of the students asked in a low voice.


"Oh... It's hard." Xu mang casually said: "your new inflation model, from the physical performance, there is no problem, but in the mathematical point of view, there is a big problem, how to calculate the equation of state is not equal."

It's over,

it's over!

After more than a month's hard work, the results are not even theoretical.

Scientific research is not only successful, many cases end in failure. Although all the people present have considered this at the beginning, they are a little sad and reluctant to give up when this day comes.

"What's the matter?"

"They all look sad. It's just that one experiment failed." Xu mang didn't care much about it. Maybe it wasn't his own project. He said calmly: "if it's a big deal, start all over again."


"Xu Da Shen, you don't know." Du yuan, who is in charge of the calculation, said helplessly: "we spent a month on this graduation... As a result, now my heart is a little tired and will not love again."

When I go,

is there such a tragedy?

Xu mang helplessly smiles, but don't say... Looking at the sad strength of a group of people, it seems that even the air is beginning to fill with sadness.

"This research topic is very important to you?" Xu asked.

A group of people nodded.

Xu shook his head and sighed.

(ε = ('ο '*)) ah ~


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