"Don't worry, he has only ten cards now. If you blow it up, I will double the reward!" Xu mang control the mouse, while holding a mobile phone in the speech: "quickly blow up!"

"Then I blew it up?"

"Blow up!"

There are four triples in the interface of happy fighting landlord, and then the lower multiple reaches 720 times.

"I'm ready..."

"you see, he didn't!" Xu mang grinned and gave four A's: "look at my performance below!"

At this time,

times reached 1440 times.

As you can see, Xu mang is playing against the landlord, and with him is Yang Xiaoman. They are more insidious and cunning. They work together to deceive innocent passers-by. This is not... They have caught a big fat sheep.

When the two men's shop just opened soon, big fat sheep changed into a man eating tiger.

"Two kings!"


Xu Mang and Yang Xiaoman collapsed...

"you pit me again!"

"Play hero League pit me, fight landlord, you don't let me go!" Yang Xiaoman was so angry that he vomited blood: "you wait for me tomorrow, and I will not beat you to death!"

Hang up,

Xu mang looks at the interruption of the call interface, and her back gets chilly. Is this woman too eager to win or lose? There are always winners and losers in playing games. How can you always win? How can others live!

"No, I'm not a tall man."


the next day,

Xu mang was beaten by Yang Xiaoman, a violent maniac. Although they did not want to admit that the relationship had changed, they knew it well for a long time, but neither of them was willing to pierce the paper window.

"I ask you!"

"You can't have handed in five blank papers, have you?" "If it's true... Then you'd better find a way, or you'll be fired again," Yang asked

"It doesn't matter."

"Every school has one or two warriors who dare to hand in a blank paper, and I'm just one of them." Xu mang smile: "the college entrance examination some people also write a composition to criticize the society, I hand in the blank paper is much more noble than them."

Xu mang said that the composition will be legendary zero score composition in the college entrance examination, without exception, the content is to criticize the bad social atmosphere, however... Xu mang has always held a disdainful attitude towards such people.

Maybe they feel very brave and expose some dark side of society at the cost of zero points in the college entrance examination, but their performance not only did not make waves, but also wasted an opportunity.

The gain is not worth the loss!


"I don't care about you!" Yang Xiaoman snorted coldly and quietly picked up his mobile phone and began to brush microblog.

For a moment,

Yang Xiaoman tilted his head and said, "today I'll have a hamburger."

"Aren't you too lazy to pay attention to me?" Xu mang looks confused.

"You mind me!"

"I want spicy chicken leg burger!" Yang Xiaoman's pretty face was red, with a trace of pride: "I also want Coke, spicy wings, egg tarts, sucking the original chicken, the original chicken to triangle!"

Although the heart is very reluctant, but the body is very honest, Xu mang silently notes down the things Yang Xiaoman ordered, after all... Signed the Treaty of Xu Yang.


the bell rang, and Liang Feng came to the classroom with a paper full of answers.

The paper will be delivered to school tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but Liang Feng, as a math teacher, can't wait to explain the most difficult mathematics joint examination paper in Ningshi.

"Seeing your expressions, I knew that I couldn't do well in this math exam." Liang Feng stood on the stage expressionless and said in silence, "but don't be too sad. This time, the mathematics paper is indeed some super outline, but you can't test it as normal!"


Liang Feng suddenly changed his painting style.

"You still need to work hard. You still need to be hard to forge iron. No one knows what the future college entrance examination will be and how difficult it will be." Liang Feng said, "now I'll explain all the topics in this paper and take notes of them all."

"Multiple choice question No.1..."

"multiple choice question No.2..."

"multiple choice question No.3..."

Mr. Liang Feng is very dedicated and explains all the multiple-choice questions all the way. Every process and every formula that needs to be used are explained very carefully, and the students at the bottom are also very serious.

Only Xu Mang and Yang Xiaoman,

one was lying on the table sleeping, the other holding his head in a daze.

Of course.

Liang Feng ignored these two people, the former is to give up, the latter is indulgence.

After the first class,

Liang Feng directly occupied the ten minutes between the break and still explained the topic on the stage. For this kind of procrastination, students have long been used to it. In their world view, if a teacher can't procrastinate, he is not a good teacher."This problem is very difficult and difficult, and you will not be normal, because it needs to use a very partial knowledge point." Liang Feng said: "I will release the answer first, the answer is 5, who is right?"

After saying that,

Yang Xiaoman raised his hand without expression.

"Just one?"

For this result, Liang Feng has already prepared himself and said quietly, "can you explain your solution to the problem, Yang Xiaoman?"


The next time belongs to Yang Xiaoman's personal performance. In this way and so on, the students suddenly realized.

Damn it!

What a bully!

The students present were shocked by Yang Xiaoman's extraordinary IQ.


a discordant voice appeared.


"This question?" Xu mang woke up from his sleep and said vaguely, "Mr. Liang, I'm right too!"





the students in the audience were in an uproar. After the uproar, they used endless ridicule. Xu mang was actually wrong. How could this be possible! You can't be arrogant just because you got the last question right in the last exam.

What is this?

Jiangsu Province gold medal teachers out of the paper, known as the history of Ning City the most difficult mathematics volume!

Are you right?

So there's only one situation... Right!

"Don't make any noise!"

Liang Feng reluctantly said: "next, we will explain the third fill in the blank. The difficulty of this problem is moderate. Although there is a little bit of super outline, we can still solve the problem. The answer to this question is x = 1. Who is right?"

Yang Xiaoman raised his hand,

Li Hua raised his hand,

Xu mang raised his hand in silence.

"Xu mang!"

"It's class time now. If you make trouble again, don't blame me for letting you out!" Liang Feng's face was black, and Xu mang issued a final warning.

"Li Hua!"

"Tell me how to solve the problem." Liang Feng pointed to Li Hua, the second in the class.

In a large string of such and such, after this and so on, the students suddenly brightened up.

"The fourth question is very simple. If you do something wrong, you need to reflect on yourself. Why are you not even right about such a simple question?" Liang Feng stopped for a moment and said slowly, "the fifth question... Is the most difficult one in the blank filling questions. The answer is - 20. If you are right, please raise your hand."

It's Yang Xiaoman again...

and Xu mang.


"Get out of here!"

Liang Feng pointed to Xu Mang and exclaimed.


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