Because that sexy female voice broadcast, appears again!

"Water attribute, 5S!"


In an uproar!

Everyone is shocked again!

Because, as far as they can see, the metal ball in Chen Ping's hand is turning from red magma ball to dark blue, just like a blue sea water ball!

In the whole cabin, there is a cool smell of the sea in an instant, and there are waves in my ears!

Chen Ping is looking at the change of the metal ball in his hands, and his face is full of shock. He looks up and looks at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan at the moment has been jealous of the face beyond recognition, the heart roared to Ollie!

This son of a bitch, can't let a person live!

Ye Fan thought that he was already a genius, but at the moment, seeing Chen Ping's attribute value, he felt that he was being abused!

Water attribute, 5S!!!

This is already a dual attribute!

Even that Liu Jiao, also slowly pushed his own frame, full of excitement and excitement color!

Dual attribute, 5S!

He's never seen him!

However, the next moment, the whole cabin of the panic, completely broke out!

Everyone began to hold their heads, rub their hair, face full of shock, mouth open can be stuffed into eggs!

There are many women, now is full of worship color, tightly staring at Chen Ping's back!

"Metallic, 5S!!!"

Or that sexy broadcast!

But it's enough to blow up the whole cabin!

The metal ball in Chen Ping's hand has restored its original appearance, and the rating display screen shows metallicity, 5S!

At this moment, Ye Fan is not calm. He takes a few breaths and looks at Chen Ping with the eyes of looking at the monster.

Liu Jiaojiao has been going crazy, he strongly suppressed the inner impulse, and his breath began to become short.

Almost everyone is waiting. What attributes can Chen Ping rate in the next moment.

However, after half a day, the metal ball in Chen Ping's hands has no change.

Liu Jiaojiao nodded and pushed his glasses. He took the metal ball in Chen Ping's hand and said, "it's very good. Three attributes, all 5S."

Ye Fan is also relieved. He is really afraid that Chen Ping will have another 5S attribute!

That would be terrible!

Everyone, at the moment, is also a sigh of relief, tension, not completely relaxed.

They all stare at Chen Ping intensely, trying to remember the man's face.

Three attributes, 5S!

Absolutely genius in genius, abnormal in abnormal!

Even ye Ge is just two attributes.

In addition to the fire attribute of 3S, Ye Fan's another attribute has not been revealed in front of the public.

Every time we want Ye Fan to show his hand, he always jokingly says that it's his own card, how can you show people easily.

Even a long time later, we all forget the fact that ye fan has two attributes.

Now, here suddenly appears a man who has three attributes and is all 5S rating!

Everyone is going crazy!

Many flower crazy girls want to come up and Chen Pingtao close, but ye fan a look to stop.

Then, he patted Chen Ping on the shoulder and said, "OK, after the rating, Liu will teach you how to use and control your attributes."

Chen Ping is still a little confused and asks, "what does this attribute mean?"

Liu Jiaojiao said with a smile: "attribute is the closeness of your body to a certain substance. The higher the rating, the easier it is for you to manipulate and use these substances. Take your fire attribute as an example. Ordinary people will naturally get burned when they encounter fire. However, for those who have fire attribute, once their own potential is developed, the fire will do them almost zero damage. "

Said, Liu Jiao quite pretended to be forced to hit a ring finger, in an instant, between him there is a burning flame.

"How do you feel about the fire?" Liu asked.

Chen Ping gazed at the flame between Liu's fingers and frowned: "it seems to me that it is like a newborn baby, very happy and lively."

Liu was stunned and said with a smile, "baby? It's the first time I've heard such a metaphor, but maybe that's how you feel

With that, Liu Jiaojiao motioned Chen Ping to reach out, and then transferred the flame between his fingers directly to Chen Ping's.

That moment!

The flame, miraculously standing between Chen Ping's fingers, the burning flame, seems to have met the relatives, the beating flame, become particularly excited.

Liu Jiaojiao naturally saw the change of the flame. The fire of the size of the nail plate seemed to have a huge energy and was ready to go.Well

Get ready to go!

In an instant, Liu Jiaojiao wanted to understand what, his face was shocked!

He wanted to do something immediately, but it was still late.

The flames between Chen Ping and Chen Ping immediately sprang up and burst into a fiery ball of fire, as if to burn the cabin clean!

Moreover, the huge flame suddenly turned into a ferocious and roaring Unicorn!

The hot air wave swept the whole cabin in an instant!

"Not good!"

Liu Jiao's face sank and raised his hand. The cold air in his palm directly covered the flame that had jumped out of Chen Ping's fingers!

In an instant, the cold air collided with the flame, making a sound of shimmering, followed by the whole cabin was filled with white water mist!

They ran out of the cabin in confusion and watched the whole cabin filled with fog.

Chen Ping was a little embarrassed and kept apologizing to everyone.

The big guy also laughed and didn't say anything. On the contrary, he gave him a friendly thumbs up and said, "great, brother, you are the first to make such a big battle!"

"I admire you

"Brother, I will introduce you to my sister."

"Take me with you. I have more license plate numbers and more resources..."

Chen Ping grinned and soon got into touch with everyone.

Here, Liu Jiaojiao looks at the cabin, pushes his glasses, looks at Chen Ping who is having a good chat with the big guy. He turns to Ye Fan and asks, "Mr. Ye, in fact, has more than so many attributes. Why should I forcibly close the rating?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Do your own job. Keep all his data confidential."

Ye Fan looks serious said, looked at Chen Ping.

Liu Jiao nodded and said, "I understand."

Half an hour later, Chen Ping and Ye Fan left here.

Before leaving, Liu taught Chen Ping a book called "Introduction to the disciples.".

Chen Ping read a few pages, all about the introduction of disciples and the special forces behind the door, and then he explained how to use his own attributes to control the material and energy in reality.

After watching for more than ten minutes, Chen Ping felt dizzy.

This kind of thing is really too profound, or to say, too bizarre.

Simply, he closed the book, put his hands on his head and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Ye Fan naturally saw Chen Ping's worries and asked, "what do you want?"

Chen Ping took a deep breath and replied, "I'm thinking about what I'm going through now, what are my disciples, and what is the world and power behind the door."