Standing under the fortress city, Ji Yu looked up at the sky which gradually warmed up under the control of the child body and quickly became clear again, feeling extremely emotional.

Because, at this moment, Ji Yu felt as if he had become a real god.

He can manipulate the weather at will, and even the ecology can be copied continuously. As long as Ji Yu is given some time, Ji Yu is even confident that all the planets in the entire solar system can be restored to life.

Malphite was standing on the muddy ground, while Irisviel was flying in the sky, her eyes filled with many doubts.

And she finally had time to ask these questions during the nap at this moment.

"Father, is this city built for humans?"

"No, at least not at this stage."

Ji Yu gave a clear answer, and controlled Malphite to smile at Irisviel.

"This city is provided for you. Although Blue Star is also your home, in the final analysis, sometimes you need to seek development for yourself on a planet dominated by humans."

"This place can be fully provided to your family in the future, as well as the human beings who believe in you and agree with you."

"As for more, you need to be reserved."

"Although humans and you are in a cooperative relationship, dominance has always been a very problematic matter."

"In the age of theocracy, disregarding primary and secondary will inevitably bury hidden dangers. Therefore, here, you can create the order you want at will."

"Life that does not abide by this order can naturally refuse their arrival."

When Ji Yu said this, he was actually worried about the emotions of the avatars now.

Because Adam wants to create his own order, while Malphite hates humans. Although the deer is heartless, in the final analysis, he is also wary of humans.

As for Irisviel, Irisviel doesn't hate humans too much, but because of the existence of Joanna and the little girl, she more or less has a certain kindness towards humans.

However, to sum up, there is a certain degree of wariness towards humans, Ji Yu's incarnations, and these aliens.

Of course, this kind of wariness is not aimed at civilians, but at officials.

At the same time, at this time, Ji Yu has gradually developed an ambition.

And this ambition is naturally derived from the long-term 'maintenance' of the avatars.

People change, and Ji Yu, as an ordinary person, will naturally change too.

In the past, Ji Yu could say that he had nothing to ask for and helped mankind with a peaceful heart, but now Ji Yu has a new idea.

That is, since helping human beings is a disadvantage for oneself and the incarnation, why not take this disadvantage for granted?

And this kind of thing is a matter of course, and it is natural to bring some human beings into the new social system in the age of God's descent.

With the god Ji Yu as the core, with the incarnation as the supplement, build a kingdom that belongs to the gods.

In this kingdom of gods, humans and animals naturally become an equal relationship for all beings. Only Ji Yu and the incarnations are transcendent existences.

Divine right, Ji Yu suddenly wants to have this right.

This is Ji Yu's desire in Adam's imagination, and after thinking about what he is for and what he can get.

Ji Yu will always treat human beings with peace of mind and try his best to save everything.

But in the process, Ji Yu also planned to establish his own country.

And this country will naturally appear on Mars.

This first fortress city is where it all began.

Listening to Ji Yu's words, Alice Fairy looked thoughtful.

Then there was a kind of recognition in the cold voice.

"Father, are you doing this for brother Adam?"

Ji Yu's existence is close to Irisviel but at the same time invisible.

Although she seems to be having a direct conversation with Ji Yu now, Alice Feier still has the feeling that Ji Yu is far, far away from them.

Reminiscent of Adam's teachings to these brothers and sisters before, Alice Feier naturally guessed that Ji Yu's move was probably to make them prepare for his possible departure in the future.

This preparation is naturally to allow them to separate and rule from humans without conflict.

Dad might leave? After the purple moon crisis?

Thinking of all this, Irisviel couldn't help feeling a helpless expression like a child again.

In the final analysis, Irisviel is just a life with two months of wisdom. No matter how mature her thoughts are, she still has the feeling of being attached to her parents in her heart.

Therefore, whenever thinking about what Adam said before that Ji Yu might leave, Irisviel couldn't help but feel a very uncomfortable feeling in her heart.

Seeing Irisviel looking at him with a hint of pleading and apprehension in his eyes, Ji Yu suddenly smiled sadly.

"It can be said that this is not only for your elder brother, but also for you."

"As for what your brother Adam told you before, I might leave after all this? You little fellows can figure it out for themselves. Your father, I am not as desireless and great as you imagined. "

"Just like you, as long as there is wisdom, there must be concerns and desires in the heart."

"For example, I want to be with you, for example, I want you to follow my father so well all the time. These are all kinds of desires."

"Anyway, Irisviel, don't think of your father too great."

Ji Yu said with a smile, and his voice was full of intimacy and ridicule.

As if an ordinary father and daughter were chatting, Ji Yu didn't have much taboo about talking to Irisviel.

However, Irisviel would not treat Ji Yu's words in an ordinary manner.

Therefore, when Ji Yutiao smiled and explained his thoughts in a fatherly manner, Alice Feier immediately said firmly in joy:

"Irisviel also wants to be by her father's side all the time, so I don't want you, father, to be as great as brother Adam said."

"Father, even if you want to leave Blue Star in the future, please take Irisviel with you to leave. Irisviel has nothing to miss here."

Irisviel's huge body of 500 meters looks very terrifying, but the gesture of the little girl reflected in her tone also made Ji Yu feel a kind of contrast.

In this regard, Ji Yu smiled slightly: "Well, it's fine, father knows, in short, it is enough for you to have this kind of heart, as for what will happen in the future, it depends on your efforts."

Ji Yu's words naturally had the meaning of urging them to continue to maintain this kind of heart, and Alice Faier could naturally hear it.

So Alice Feier immediately nodded firmly at Ji Yu.

Looking at Alice Faier, Ji Yu also had a lot of emotions.

An ordinary twenty-six-year-old social animal, who would have thought that he would be where he is today?

Being protected by a group of 'cute' children, that feeling is really warm.

At least, this gave Ji Yu a lot of comfort when facing Ziyue's pressure.

However, at the end of this conversation, Ji Yu thought of another thing, so he said immediately: "By the way, Alice Feier, what are you going to do with the dwarves in the realm?"


Irisviel was stunned for a moment, and immediately thought of Doro, the Sax family who had completely recognized him as the messenger of the gods.

On the opposite side of the deep sea realm, in that skinny and dwarf tribe, these people have been waiting for Irisviel's rescue.

They want to see everything in the normal world, feel the sunshine, and go to the beautiful world imagined in their hearts.

Their beliefs have always been strong, but they didn't dare to make this request at all when facing the behemoth Irisviel.

After all, the two parties have only been in contact for less than a month, and they are extremely respectful and devout towards Irisviel, who are afraid of being misunderstood.

During this month's interaction, Irisviel brought them a lot of modern materials, and of course they also provided Irisviel with a lot of holy crystals.

As for their desire to come to Blue Star to see the normal world, Irisviel naturally saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart.

It's just that, for Blue Star, these saxophones are really too ugly, and they are almost no different from monsters.

The whole body is dark, skinny, mutant individuals with asymmetrical eyes and mouths can be found everywhere.

Although these saxophones have kept their hearts in the purple moon world, they have long been unable to be regarded as normal creatures under the radiation of the harsh environment that has accumulated over time.

Irisviel is also very sympathetic to these Saxophones, but in order not to let them suffer unnecessary discrimination, and to prevent them from exposing the existence of the Holy Stone to humans, Irisviel naturally did not intend to let them appear easily at Blue Star.

However, now, after the appearance of the fortress city on Mars, this situation may be slightly changed.

Alice Feier said with bright eyes: "Father, do you mean to let them live here?"

"Well, I have such a plan, but it depends on your opinion. After all, they are a group of poor people, and now they are also your family members. It is okay to treat your family members a little better." Ji Yu nodded and smiled.

After Ji Yu finished speaking, Alice Feier was naturally overjoyed.

The heart seems to be cold, but kindness is the commonality between Irisviel and the creatures of the gods, so after getting Ji Yu's affirmative answer, Irisviel quickly began to return while saying goodbye to Ji Yu.