The discussion of oak trees in human society has always been hot, and according to a report by an authoritative news media in West Yorkshire, the number of believers in the Druid Order, which was originally less than 10,000 priests a week ago, has soared to as many as 250,000. .

And apart from the 250,000 official priests, tens of millions of people in West Yorkshire countries are actively and continuously discovering history and re-understanding the ancient culture of the oak tree.

As for the attitude of the official media from all over the world towards the so-called oak tree descended from God, it has always been somewhat specious.

Except for the initial wave of public opinion counterattacks against the mysterious tree promoted by Fanny Campbell and many others, these official media have now completely silenced it.

These official media did not admit that the so-called mysterious tree really exists, but they did not say that it does not exist.

And perhaps because the Druids had reached an agreement with the official media of various countries, they did not continue to expand public opinion.

However, the simultaneous silence of the two has further stimulated some people's pursuit of mystery and the unknown.

Therefore, the Druid Order still receives a lot of letters applying to join the Order every day.

The Order of the Druids is not a religious order that you can join if you want to.

In the cultural tradition of this organization, if you want to join, you must find a priest within the order and then get his approval and worship him as a mentor.

Then the instructor will introduce it to the order, and then study the druid teachings for several years, and finally pass the 'Bad' assessment in the order to officially enter this organization.

This is also the real reason why the oak and druid culture has always been deeply valued in the history and culture of West Yorkshire, but the scale is constantly shrinking.

Compared with certain religious organizations that recognize you as a believer as long as you believe in it, the Druid Order undoubtedly has a threshold, and the threshold is still high.

In this impetuous modern society, it is conceivable how bad the situation of the druid order was before.

However, everything has changed now, only because of the sudden appearance of the oak tree descended from the gods.

People are again actively pursuing history and actively learning about it.


It is now the twenty-fifth day that Ji Yu has the oak tree incarnation.

These days, Ji Yu silently watched the news about the oak tree on the Internet, and at the same time silently turned into an oak tree and continued to meditate.

For another week, the environment of the rainforest can be regarded as terrible for human beings.

The torrential rain kept falling and never stopped.

The Sea of ​​Trees has truly become the 'Sea of ​​Trees'.

Even more than half of the entire Bana Federation was soaked in rainwater during this rainy season.

And precisely because of the bad situation here, no matter how noisy the outside world is these days, they still can't go deep into the place where Ji Yu's avatar is.

However, in this environment that seems very bad for human beings, it is a rare period of peaceful development for Ji Yu.

Although Ji Yu's meditation during this period did not have the blessing of photosynthesis, it was also rewarding.

Although the increase in vitality of about 0.15 per day is not a big increase for Ji Yu's avatar, don't forget the influence of Ji Yu's [Area Radiation] and [Guide Resonance] characteristics.

It can be said that earth-shaking changes have taken place in the rainforest around Ji Yu in just two weeks.

The small oak trees, which were originally only more than 20 meters high, have now grown to nearly 40 meters in height.

At the same time, because of Ji Yu, the surrounding rainforest trees of different types have also grown to a height ranging from five to ten meters.

In short, around Jiyu, there are no trees lower than 30 meters at all, and at the same time, due to the influence of regional radiation from near to far.

At this moment, within a three-kilometer range around Jiyu, a rare circular green mountain range formed by tree crowns and leaves of different heights was formed.

The green of the leaves covers the sky and blocks out the sun. From a distance, except for the 300-meter-high torso of the oak tree that Ji Yu incarnate stands out from the crowd, the whole natural landscape is even majestic and majestic.

In addition to the changes in the rainforest trees, the birds gathered in the entire rainforest have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The number of birds gathered in this sea of ​​trees centered on Ji Yu is now close to a thousand.

Originally, this number could actually be doubled several times, but at some point, the birds that first gathered around the oak tree began to unite and drive out other foreign birds.

These combined flying birds are full of spirituality, and most of them have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The first change that is reflected in them is the body shape.

Many of the birds have mostly doubled in size during those two weeks.

And the birds that get this change are themselves small birds.

Most of these birds were originally only the size of a seven or eight-year-old human child's fist, and they looked like sparrows.

But now they have become the size of a pigeon, and their beaks are as sharp as an eagle's beak, their claws are as sharp as a spear, and their feathers have all turned into a natural green color.

They only need to lie down among the leaves in the sea of ​​trees to hide their bodies well, and when they attack, they can be fatal in one blow.

And it is precisely because of this that even if some large carnivorous birds flew from overseas during this period, they were all driven out in embarrassment.

What's more, in addition to these small birds that account for nearly 90% of the tree sea birds, there are also nearly 10% of the large birds and four majestic eagles.

These eagles now obviously regard the sea of ​​trees created by the avatar of Jiyu Oak as their own kingdom.

They are high above and lead all other mutated birds.

For these subordinate birds that were also transformed by the breath of the oak tree, the eagles did not prey on them. Instead, they led them to patrol the periphery of the sea of ​​trees from time to time and entered the bushes under the sea of ​​trees from time to time to prey on all insects that had begun to mutate.

And it is precisely because of the insect predation behavior of these birds that the possibility of being attacked by insect swarms around Ji Yu's oak avatar is avoided.

However, the variation of birds is only one of the most mutated under the influence of Jiyu Oak.

Another variation is the animal in the oak grove.

Most of these animals are snakes, but these snakes began to decrease slowly under the predation and deterrence of the four eagle eagles.

As a result, the birds in the entire area of ​​the oak tree have truly become one of the real masters here.

And one of the other owners of Oak Holy Land is, without exception, a member of the tribe of the Simon family.

The people of these tribes are now all strong and strong because of their piety and Adam's love.

In just two weeks, the strongest of these men was able to punch a hole in a tree trunk without hurting himself.

With this power, as long as these people walk out of here, they will definitely arouse the wonder and fear of the human world.

From this, we can see how powerful and terrifying Ji Yu, the second-level oak incarnation, is.

So, while Ji Yu was amazed, there was also a trace of joy and worry.

If the power around the incarnation of Joy Oak is used well, Ji Yu can do a lot of things, especially in dealing with the pollution of Ziyue.

The worry is that it is worried that countries will take more aggressive actions against the incarnation of the oak tree.

As a result, Ji Yu specially asked Adam to send down a divine revelation, ordering the people of these tribes not to use their inhuman power easily.