Chapter 460: The Tragic Prince Sequel

"Your Majesty Ibrain, please...don't..."

At this moment, King Tehamoir spoke with a dry and thin voice.

Ibrain tilted his head slightly and glanced at him.

The king of Yaco showed complex emotions such as pleading, expectation, and anxiety, and shook his head slightly. Everyone didn't know if it was an auditory hallucination, as if the saint sighed lightly under his crown.

The scene was silent again for several seconds.

"what do you want?"

Ibrain suddenly said to Chen Lun.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and their originally raised hearts were also slightly relieved. Since His Majesty Ibrain said so, it means that the two sides still have room for maneuver. They are really afraid that the two will fight, and then, as the other party said, everyone present will fight in a powerless manner. With a poor posture, he was caught in the aftermath of the fight and died tragically.

This is too wronged and aggrieved...

"It's better for everyone to take a step back."

Chen Lun still had a smile on his face.

"I can let them go, but only part of them. I have to bring some people back to 'communicate', right?"

In fact, he didn't care much about whether he could capture all the members of the Yake royal family. After all, the war was over, and this kind of thing could only be regarded as icing on the cake, making his "resume" better.

I have got what I really want on the battlefield...

Lots of experience points!

Through the continuous struggle of the players under his command, he has accumulated almost five million experience points, which is enough to upgrade the main profession to the full level!

So if it wasn’t necessary, Chen Lun didn’t want to confront a saint of stars because of several members of the royal family... He was sure to escape in the opponent’s hands, but it would be a waste of time.

Just now, he had calculated that the other party was unwilling to take the risk of affecting others to fight with him, so he deliberately pretended to be fearless, but in fact he wanted to gain more benefits.

"Your Majesty..."

King Tihamoir's heart tightened, and he called out to Ibrain again. The rest of the royal family also became terrified, fearing that they would be the ones who would be taken away by this strange man.

Ibrain was silent and did not speak.

Immediately, he raised his hand and shook it, and the light of the stars flickered. Among the members of the royal family behind him, five people floated up by themselves, and were roughly thrown in front of Chen Lun, making a muffled bang.

These five people were covered in dirty mud. They were stunned for a moment, and then they shouted in fear.

Among them were Bai Luza and the old man who had advised the king not to compromise with Chen Lun. The other three were middle-aged men who didn't seem to be very close to Tiha.

"Uncle... Uncle! Help me! Don't leave me behind!"

Bai Luza cried out.

"Tiha! Let the Holy One re-select someone! I hugged you when you were a child! Have you forgotten?! Don't treat me like this, I am a hero of the Moir family, can't treat me like this !"

The old man's face also changed drastically, and he shouted with a grim face.

Tihamoir wanted to say something, but Ibrain raised his hand to stop him. The king of Yaco's face changed several times, and finally fell into silence like a compromise.

Chen Lun looked at the five members of the royal family in front of him, rubbed his chin, and said softly:

"Are there only five people? Too few... Besides, they are all insignificant people, how about adding one more?"

He said, pointing.

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and it turned out to be Princess Ahsoka in the carriage behind her, who was peeking outside with the curtain lifted.

"No! Absolutely not!"

The queen screamed in panic.

King Tiha also stopped in front of the carriage with a gloomy expression.

Princess Ahsoka seemed to be frightened, she lowered the curtain, and there was a thumping sound in the carriage, as if the little girl had fallen and cried out in pain.

"You'd better stop testing my patience, Jack."

Ibrayin said coldly.

"All right, Your Majesty."

Seeing this, Chen Lun shrugged his shoulders, and lightly tapped Bai Luza in front of him with his silver cane.

"In this case, then... leave."

He smiled slightly, and his left hand turned into a group of pale snakes, tightly entangled the five members of the royal family in front of him, and then took a step forward, leading them out of everyone's sight.

After confirming that he had left, the members of the royal family breathed a sigh of relief and kept wiping the cold sweat from their foreheads. Many of the ladies even cried inexplicably, as if what they had just experienced made them terrified.

The queen hugged Tihamoir tightly and kept praying in her husband's arms, as if thanking the gods for not losing her daughter Ahsoka.

Tiha reminded her in a low voice with a sullen face that the person to thank is His Majesty Ibrayin.

In the carriage behind everyone.

Princess Ahsoka fell to the ground, her little face was pale, and the scary man in the black hat was still imprinted in her mind... When the man looked at her just now, she felt a kind of extreme panic. Friendly and handsome face, but like a lingering nightmare.

Crystal clear teardrops slowly slid down Ahsoka's fair face.

She whimpered uncontrollably and curled up into a ball.

"Tiha, don't blame me, this is the best way to protect your family."

Ibrain turned around at this moment, and calmly said to King Yaco.

Tihamoyle shook his head.

"I know...if it weren't for you, everyone present would have been unavoidable. Yaco was defeated, and the United Kingdom of Anlong would be reduced to history. We, the former rulers, would not end well... Now I just hope that I can be with you The family can live a peaceful life, thank you very much, Your Majesty Ibrain."

Ibrain nodded slightly, and turned around again with his hands behind his back.

"I will continue to fulfill my promise and **** you to the capital of the Kingdom of Beelzebub, 'Mostima'...but after that, you don't have to pray about my honorable name."

Hearing that He reiterated his promise again, King Tiha knew that His Majesty Ibrain was drawing a clear line, but he also knew in his heart that he had no leverage to keep him, so he nodded in disappointment.

After thinking for a few seconds, he made a final request to the Holy One:

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask you one last thing."


Ibrahim said without looking back.

Tihamoir looked around for a week, looked at his relatives, and finally said to him:

"The Rose Royal Family has never regarded us as allies, they are just using us... I am worried that this trip to the Kingdom of Beelzebub will not only fail to live the life I want, but will also cause endless troubles... So, I want to change Destination, please **** us to the kingdom of Byron."

Tiha smiled wryly.

"At that time, we will find a remote corner and spend the rest of our lives."

Ibrain listened silently, then walked forward, his figure gradually faded into a little bit of starlight, and at the same time his voice came:


Hearing His Majesty's answer, King Tiha let out a long breath.

Although he felt physically and mentally exhausted, he still forcibly pulled himself together, called everyone to pack their bags, and set off again, as if he had forgotten everything just now, and he didn't say a word about the five royal family members who were taken away.

Sitting back in the independent carriage again, Tiha took a sip of the spirits and silently took out a red letter... This was an alliance letter sent from the Kingdom of Beelzebub on the eve of the war. The person who wrote the letter was A duke named "Hodgsonfield".

What was stated in the letter were all promises and compliments. Now it seems that the whole article is full of lies and sarcasm. Tihamoyle could no longer contain his anger, and tore the red letter to pieces.

"Mongrel Rose! You should all be damned!"




Far away in the territory of the Kingdom of Beelzebub.

The capital is Mostima.

In a majestic Gothic villa, between the dark high walls, on the third floor of the villa in the middle, in a room by the window, a black-haired man wearing a dark red satin dress and a royal blue waistcoat was writing something at his desk.

Tuk Tuk.

The door was knocked twice.

A maid’s voice came from outside the door:

"Duke Hodgson, it's time for dinner. The cook has cooked your favorite red wine smoked steak as ordered. The pre-dinner fruit is fresh purple grapes."

The man stopped the pen, looked up and whispered outside the door:

"Okay, I see, let Stephanie take the children to the restaurant and wait first, and I will go downstairs immediately."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Duke."

The maid responded, followed by footsteps walking away.

The man continued to write, the pen scratched across the parchment, making a rattling sound, leaving behind a series of beautiful black and blue handwriting.

After a while.

The Duke stopped the pen in his hand and nodded in satisfaction.

He first looked at the letters at hand, tapped them with his fingers, chuckled and said to himself:

"The Western War is almost over..."

The recipients of these letters are different, but the surnames at the end are all "Field", which is the surname of the Rose Royal Family... One of them was written to the Rose King Mansfield.

The Duke slowly put the letter paper he had just written into a blank envelope, picked up the pen and wrote two words on it—

Suicide note.

"Hodgsonfield, the Duke of the Rose Royal Family, a fanatical follower of the flesh and blood **** 'Lady Rose', a loyal main faction...Because of linking up with members of the royal family, planning to support the United Kingdom of Anlong, trying to plunder the population during the war, and arranging a sacrificial ceremony privately, the matter was exposed ...and finally committed suicide in fear of crime in his own villa."

The Duke murmured, and the smile on the corner of his mouth grew even wider.

"Nice script, isn't it?"

He placed his suicide note at the top of the pile of letters, and immediately capped the black pen.

Lying on the expensive leather chair, he took out another book from the drawer, opened it and read it leisurely, humming a brisk melody.

"...The darling of Sunshine, Prince Dazlet, he has never felt the so-called fatherly love since he was a child, and even his mother doesn't know who it is. The elder brother was exiled, and the younger sister's indifference always made this poor Sun Prince feel lonely. , he wants to do a big thing, a big thing that is not inferior to what his elder brother has done, so as to relieve his father's worries, attract his father's attention, and make his father proud of him, but unfortunately, this is the fuse of the tragedy... "

The Duke read the content of the story softly, as if he found it interesting, and he would stop from time to time to savor it slowly.

Finally, he slowly closed the book.

The title of the book is revealed on the cover—

"The Prince of Tragedy: Brother and Brother".

"The sequels of almost all stories in the world will be labeled as 'failure', but I don't think so...These two stories reflect each other, complement each other, and are indispensable."

The Duke of Hodgson made a comment and put the book back in the drawer.

There is also a book called "The Prince of Tragedy", which seems to be a series with the one in his hand. However, when he stacked the two books together, they disappeared out of thin air.

The Duke turned the chair and faced the French windows behind him.

The purple moon has slowly risen in the night sky.

"Hodgson's fate was replaced by me. This is a useful identity, but unfortunately...the stage of the empire cannot be without me as the host."

The Duke shook his head.

"The stage layout is ready, the script has been written, and I have given my beloved leading actor a gift of growth... Jack, the Western War should make you ready for the final preparation, and I will wait for your gorgeous appearance."

As he spoke, he took out an exquisite revolver, aimed it at his temple without hesitation, and pulled the trigger.


A crisp gunshot flashed across the night.


The hurried footsteps, accompanied by the loud sound of the door being smashed, echoed piercing screams in the whole villa.




A few days later.

The United Kingdom of Anlong declared its surrender in an all-round way. This western war, which lasted for two months, finally ended in a complete victory for the empire.

Chen Lun returned from the battlefield with part of the imperial army.

Passing through the territory that originally belonged to the Principality of Yaco along the way, you can see imperial convoys and a large number of gentlemen in suits and shoes from time to time.

Seeing this, Chen Lun knew that in a very short period of time, every inch of land in the United Kingdom of Anlong would be "domesticated" by the empire... those powerful and wealthy businessmen from Cuisul would use their intelligence and power , and develop this place into a new "gold rush land".

At that time, although I don’t know whether it will be good or bad for the aborigines of Anlong, at least in terms of infrastructure and technology, it will be improved by more than one level.

After returning to the border of the empire, Chen Lun separated from the troops of the imperial army.

Participating in the war during this period has made the cadres and councilors under his command a little tired. He plans to take a rest here and return to Wangcheng sometime later. In addition, Chen Lun has another purpose, which is to make a small experiment here...

In a hotel in Vulture City, Abang.

Chen Lun let his subordinates move freely, while he leaned on the sofa in the bedroom, secretly operated the panel, and released a "small task" to the players.

Mission name: Operation Woodpecker.

The goal is very simple, that is to search for the extraordinary forces in Vulture City of Huangbang, but anyone who is on the wanted list will be killed immediately. A series of hunting and killing activities were carried out with the purpose of eradicating the "worms" of the empire.

Everything is backed by him.

The local shelters and churches dare not intervene at will.

As for the task rewards, there are still three basic sets of "experience points", "gold pounds" and "contribution points", not many, but enough to arouse the interest of players.

The reason why Chen Lun sent such a mission was not that he was full of righteousness and wanted to eradicate pests for the empire... The real purpose was that he wanted to see if he could share the kill rewards of the players like he did on the battlefield.

‘If possible, then my next upgrade speed will probably go to a new height! '

Chen Lun was thinking with anticipation.