The shopkeeper, who is fast asleep, suddenly hears the scolding of shopkeeper Cheng. He squints and swears. When he sees that it's shopkeeper Cheng, the shopkeeper immediately changes his attitude and says, "shopkeeper Cheng, would you like to have tea?"

Shopkeeper Cheng frowned at the man. She was in business and couldn't stand the lazy person. She frowned and said, "where's your shopkeeper?"

The shopkeeper bent over to invite the shopkeeper of the teahouse, but he saw that the shopkeeper was also napping in the room!

When the shopkeeper woke up, he gave a few words to the shopkeeper. When he saw the shopkeeper Cheng standing outside, the shopkeeper stood up with a smile and said, "it's shopkeeper Cheng. Why are you free today? Are you here for tea? "

Then he asked the waiter to make tea for shopkeeper Cheng.

Shopkeeper Cheng stopped the shopkeeper, looked at the middle-aged shopkeeper and said, "shopkeeper Shi, I remember you are in the business of selling materials, and your business is also good. How can you sit in this teahouse every day?"

Shopkeeper Shi repeatedly sighed: "it's not because the business of the teahouse is bad. Alas, I'm thinking about selling this shop these days."

Bai Jin's eyes are brighter when he listens to shopkeeper Shi.

With a smile on his face, shopkeeper Cheng looked at shopkeeper Shi and said, "it's a coincidence. Shopkeeper Shi is honest. I came here today to ask you how much do you want to sell this shop?"

Shopkeeper Shi's slightly turbid eyes immediately flashed a smart light. He looked at shopkeeper Cheng, but he was puzzled and asked, "what are you asking, Cheng Zhang? Does anyone want to buy it? "

Shopkeeper Shi certainly doesn't think shopkeeper Cheng wants to buy it. After all, lady Cheng runs a big embroidery shop. How can she take a fancy to his small shop.

Shopkeeper Cheng nods with a smile. Then, Bai Jin comes forward to meet shopkeeper Shi and asks about the shop.

When shopkeeper Cheng saw that shopkeeper Shi was eager to get rid of him, his eyes turned. Then he held Bai Jin's hand and said, "shopkeeper Shi, you are in the business of medicinal materials. You must not care much about this teahouse. Since shopkeeper Shi wants to sell it, give him a sincere price."

Shopkeeper Shi takes a look at shopkeeper Cheng and looks at Bai Jin. After thinking about it, he points out three fingers and asks for three hundred Liang.

Although the location of this teahouse is a bit off side, fortunately it is on the most prosperous main street in the town, with many guests coming and going.

Shopkeeper Shi's price is not high, but it's not low.

Bai Jin thought and said, "shopkeeper Shi, although this teahouse is located on the main street, it is at the end of the street. Although there are many guests, there is no guarantee that all the guests will come here."

What Bai Jin said is also true. Although the teahouse is located in the main street, it is at the end of the street. No matter the guests or merchants who come and go, they will not necessarily finish the street. Otherwise, the business of the teahouse will not be so bleak.

Shopkeeper Cheng also nodded and said, "shopkeeper Shi, what the white girl said is reasonable. Since you want to buy it, you can offer a sincere price."

The stone shopkeeper looked at Baijin with a tangled face. His eyes turned, but he thought that he wanted a higher price, but he didn't expect that the little girl was not easy to fool. What's more, there was shopkeeper Cheng. Even if he wanted a higher price, it was not very good.

With a smile on her face, she suddenly thought of something and said, "by the way, shopkeeper Shi, do you remember the double-sided embroidered Tuan fan your wife bought from me?"

Shopkeeper Shi sighed with a smile and said, "naturally I remember." The mother-in-law of his family bought the Tuan fan, and she kept saying that the double-sided embroidery of Tuan fan was good, but she sold less, otherwise she would have to buy more.

Shopkeeper Shi has also seen the double-sided embroidery fan. The embroidery craft is really top grade.

Shopkeeper Cheng said with a smile, "the double-sided embroidery is made by the white girl."

Shopkeeper Shi's eyes lit up immediately. He looked at Bai Jin in surprise and asked, "is that double-sided embroidery really made by a girl?"

Bai Jin nodded with a smile.

Shopkeeper Shi's shrewd eyes turned, and he thought about it from the bottom of his heart. After a while. Then he said with a smile: "white girl, since we are all familiar, my shop will sell you 282, but I have a condition."

Shopkeeper Shi looks smart, and he is really a very smart man.

His condition is that the price of his shop can be reduced by 20 Liang, while Bai Jin needs to embroider a pair of high-quality double-sided embroidery for his old mother on her 80th birthday.

On the surface, although shopkeeper Shi has reduced the price by 20 Liang, the double-sided embroidery takes time and effort. What's more, shopkeeper Shi needs a pair of superior double-sided embroidery from baijinxiu. If the exquisite double-sided embroidery is sold well, it will cost more than 40 Liang!

If you want to make a careful calculation, shopkeeper Shi is still making more money! Manager Bai Jin and manager Cheng naturally thought of it. Manager Cheng looked at manager Shi's face and said, "manager Shi, are you asking too much? Not to mention the remote location of your shop, and you are eager to sell it at a high price, which is more than that. Do you want white girl to embroider a pair of top-quality double-sided embroidery for you This is too greedy!

Even if the shopkeeper Shi reduced the price by 20 Liang and sold it for 280 Liang, this remote shop is still very expensive.Shopkeeper Shi is honest smile, a pair of eyes are very smart.

He said with a smile: "shopkeeper Cheng, I can't agree with you. Although my shop is located in a remote place, it's also on the main street. Moreover, although I want to sell it, I won't sell it casually if I can't meet someone who has a chance."

Shopkeeper Cheng turns his mouth and knows that this is the usual bluffing style of businessmen. She really wants to help Bai Jin, so she is ready to remind Bai Jin. Who knows, without waiting for shopkeeper Cheng to speak, shopkeeper Shi looked at Bai Jin with a smile and said, "white girl, what do you think? You know, although the location of this shop is not as good as those in front of it, it also occupies a main street, and the customers and businessmen who come and go do business are also good at it

Shopkeeper Cheng couldn't help apologizing and said, "if it's really that good, your shop won't be so cold!"

Shopkeeper Cheng feels that shopkeeper Shi is really good at calculation, so he is not happy!

Although it takes calculation to do business, shopkeeper Cheng feels that since we are all acquaintances, the price should be sincere.

But shopkeeper Shi said with a smile: "shopkeeper Cheng, you are wrong. I have no one here. That's because I have done the wrong business. If I change to another business and sell other things, maybe there will be a fire here!"

Finish saying, stone shopkeeper smilingly looking at white brocade way: "white girl, what I say is reasonable?"

Shopkeeper Cheng turns her mouth. She also looks at Bai Jin and reminds him. But Bai Jin smiles and says to shopkeeper Shi, "shopkeeper Shi is right."

Shopkeeper Shi immediately became a flower with a smile: "is that white girl going to buy it?" Bai Jin looks like a meditative person. Then she looks at shopkeeper Shi and says, "shopkeeper Shi, what you say is right, and shopkeeper Cheng is right. Although your shop is on the main street, it's at the end of the street. It's located in a remote place. Many of the guests will not come here.

shopkeeper Shi raises his eyebrows and squints at Baijin.

Baijin looks very calm, but she continues: "shopkeeper Shi, you are right. Since this shop only sells predestined friends, let's see if I am predestined with it today."

"Shopkeeper Shi, I sincerely want to buy this shop. Shopkeeper Shi offered the price and conditions. I'll tell you the price in my heart. I'll give you two hundred Liang, and I promise you that on the day of your mother's birthday party, I will embroider a good birthday embroidery and send it to your house."

Shopkeeper Shi's eyes suddenly widened, his face puffed and asked, "what, two hundred taels?" It's down by eighty-two at a time?!

White brocade face with respect of color, look is very light, she nodded, warm voice way: "two hundred Liang."

Only stone shopkeeper face changed a few changes, staring at white brocade's eyes is a flash of complex color.

In fact, the location of his teahouse is too small, and the room of his shop is too small. He makes a lot of money selling 280 Liang!

But these two hundred taels are Although it doesn't pay, it doesn't earn too much.

Without waiting for shopkeeper Shi to speak, Bai Jin saluted and said, "if shopkeeper Shi thinks the price is right, then we can sign a contract. If shopkeeper Shi thinks it is unreasonable, maybe I have no fate with this shop, so I don't disturb shopkeeper Shi much."

With that, Bai Jin says that she will come back to the shop tomorrow to see shopkeeper Shi. If he doesn't agree, the matter of buying the shop will be all right.

With that, Bai Jin went out with the shopkeeper.

When Bai Jin turns around and walks towards the door, her hands hidden in her sleeves are tightly clenched into fists. Her eyes flash with tension, and her whole body is also tight.

Step by step, when Baijin was about to approach the threshold, he heard shopkeeper Shi say in a loud voice: "I sell it!"

White brocade feet step stop, sleeve hands slowly loosen, fundus tension color gradually dissipated.

Next time, Bai Jin and shopkeeper Shi discuss the specific business of the shop. After they have agreed, they can pay the money and the title deed of the shop tomorrow.

Bai Jin paid a deposit. After discussion, he went out of the teahouse with shopkeeper Tong Cheng.

On the way, shopkeeper Cheng looks at Bai Jin's eyes, full of surprise.

"White girl, have you never done business before?" Shopkeeper Cheng asked hesitantly.

Bai Jin looked at the shopkeeper Cheng, shook his head, and said with a smile, "No

Shopkeeper Cheng's face was puffed, but her eyes were full of admiration. She said: "Miss Bai, I just thought that if shopkeeper Shi didn't let go, I would talk about friendship with him again, and let him buy that shop for several tens of Liang. If 2340 liang of silver is worth it..."

Who knows white brocade directly married two hundred Liang, also is really bold.

Bai Jin is a little girl who has never been in business. How can she understand the twists and turns of business?

It's a good buy it now price. Shopkeeper Shi won't pay for it, but he won't make more money. After all, the shop is not big, and it's very cost-effective.

If there are only two hundred taels, the stone shopkeeper will not sell it. But Bai Jin promises to embroider a pair of double-sided embroidery for the stone shopkeeper. In this way, the stone shopkeeper will hesitate.I'm afraid that shopkeeper Shi didn't expect that he thought Bai Jin was young and didn't understand the business of the shop. When he saw that the price of the shop was reduced by 20 Liang, Bai Jin would naturally be grateful to buy the shop and embroider a pair of double-sided embroidery.

Who would like to, white brocade directly overwhelm the lowest price, but also put out the conditions of embroidery, hit a stone shopkeeper unprepared.

Bai Jin blinked his eyes and said sincerely, "manager Cheng, thank you for your help today."

Shopkeeper Cheng waved his hand: "thank you. You talked about this shop by yourself. I didn't help you."

Bai Jin said with a smile: "but if there is no shopkeeper Cheng to help me speak, then shopkeeper Shi may not say a sincere price at the beginning."

Shopkeeper Shi is a shrewd calculating man. If it wasn't for shopkeeper Cheng, maybe he would ask too much.

It's because of Cheng's help that shopkeeper Shi doesn't ask for a hard price, which also makes Bai Jin reach the price in his heart.

Shopkeeper Cheng was a little embarrassed and said with a smile, "what's the matter, white girl? We are old acquaintances. If I can help you say a few words, I will help you."

They talk for a while, Cheng changgu wants to go back, and Bai Jin also wants to go back to tell Shen the good news of the shop.

Who knows, she just said goodbye to the shopkeeper in the same city. As soon as she turned around, she saw a man standing behind her. This person is biting a lip, the vision is not good of stare at white brocade, is exactly white wonderful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!