Chapter 309: one against three

Chapter 309 One against three

The head of the Netero doll flew into the air.

A fleeting flash of thought power appeared on the headless body that remained in place.

That is the thought poured into the puppet by the face. As the puppet is damaged, this thought immediately overflows, which is equivalent to the instant loss of part of the potential energy of the face.


The head of the Netero doll fell from mid-air to the ground, and the light in the eyes returned to Fiona's eyes.

Moyu retracted his knife and retreated, keeping as far away as possible from the members of the Phantom Troupe.

The most important thing right now is to procrastinate.

Then passive defense and counterattack is the correct choice, and it is impossible to choose to take the initiative.

Mianying still hasn't recovered from the reality that the Netero doll was killed in a single blow.

Wo Jin was already so excited that his whole body exploded with a passionate aura.

He witnessed Moyu's ability to kill the Nitero doll with a single knife, thus confirming that Moyu is an opponent who can make him enjoy himself.

"Let's play a game!!"

Wo Jin was so excited that veins bulged around his temples, and he opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

An invisible wave of sound suddenly rushed to the surroundings, as if engulfed in the attribute of the release system, it spread throughout the entire courtyard in an instant.

The figure closest to the sound wave was shaken back to his senses, while Franklin and Finks, who came across the hole in the wall, frowned, silently enduring the noise pollution attack from Wojin.

Moyou, who was hundreds of meters away, and even Kangzai, Fiona, and the others couldn't help but look at Wojin, who was showing off his aura wantonly.

This bear-like man with a casual **** and backless, attracted the attention of everyone nearby with his actions.

"Enhancement system."

"This an enhancement system, and it's not simple."

Kangzai and Fiona, both of the Enhancement Department, directly made a judgment on Wo Jin's department.

Moyou was stared at by Wojin's war-like eyes, but he was unmoved. He turned to look at Fiona who had already regained his eyes, moved his lips, and spoke silently.


Fiona frowned, seeing Moyou's silent lips.

But it was precisely because Moyou took the initiative to let her go that she hesitated for a moment.

Beside Kou Kou didn't notice Moyou's lips. She realized that the situation was extremely bad, and what she wanted in her heart was to escape from the moment as much as possible.

What antique treasures, what reputation...

It doesn't matter anymore at this time.

Coco supported Fiona's shoulders.

Her actions seemed to remind Fiona of her responsibilities.

"Send Kou Kou out first, and then come back..."

Fiona bit her lip slightly, nodded towards Moyu, then quickly got up, and supported Kou Kou with her backhand.

Before Kou Kou could react, she was carried by Fiona on her shoulders.

Following that, Fiona ran towards the courtyard gate.

Thanks to the fact that the counterfeit Nitero's Baishi Guanyin's attack power is average, otherwise how could she remain in such a state after being hit by a palm.

The sudden action of Fiona and Kou Kou seemed to be a signal of war on the field.

Wo Jin didn't need to seek Moyou's consent at all, and rushed towards Moyou like a chariot.

This ferocious and furious forward movement actually blurred the surrounding airflow.

Moyou suddenly felt like an enemy.

Strengthening system...

This is the type he has always hated the most.

However, in one-on-one, there are many tactics that can be implemented.


There is more than one opponent.

Moyu quickly thought about countermeasures.

Kangzai, who was hit by the Nitero doll before, now understands the situation.

Even Eredin, who advocated coming back to witness the demeanor of the legendary hunter, realized that turning around this time really put himself in danger.

If he wanted to make amends now, he would turn around and leave without hesitation.

Eredin raised the hem of her skirt with both hands, ignored the impending battle in front of her, and walked away along the route she came from.

Harvey, her personal bodyguard, followed closely.

Seeing this, Kang Jae quickly glanced at Moyou.

At this moment, he and Fiona had similar thoughts, they both wanted to **** the employer to a safe place first, and then come back to help Moyou.

after all-

Both of them are professional bodyguard hunters who have received commissions, and they regard commissions as more important than their lives.

Kang Zai quickly stepped to Eredin's side, and suddenly sensed something, his pupils shrank slightly, and his body burst out with anger.

"This is not a dirty sewer."

His tiger-like eyes impregnated with yellow thought energy swept towards the grass in front of Eredin, and he rushed there, mobilized his thoughts to gather his feet, and stepped heavily on the seemingly empty grass.


Psychic power poured into the ground, and the resulting shock wave oscillated and flew around Kangzai's feet like water splashes.

It seems that Kang Jae intentionally controlled the power in one place, so the impact range was only within one meter of him, and more power rushed into the ground.

The sand, dust and grass clippings that were about to be shaken fell to the ground, and the space a few meters in front of Kangzai and Eredin was distorted for a while, and circles of thought power glowed.

Rice's figure fell out of the rippling light, and rolled along the grass for a certain distance, spilling a lot of blood along the way.

"Ahem, grass..."

Reiss didn't bother to check the injury, and after cursing angrily, he quickly got up and opened the distance between him and Kang Zai.

He really didn't expect that the guy in front of him with the hairstyle and dress like a tiger would be able to bombard him with terrifying power the moment he leaked his breath.

It can be called wild senses, and execution without procrastination...

This caused his "tree hole space" to collapse instantly, and he almost lost his breath.

The idea of ​​dragging Eredin away to enjoy it slowly also fell through.

Rice, who was kicked out by Kang Jae, could not help but attract the attention of Eredin and Harvey, and only then did he understand the reason why Kang Jae suddenly attacked the ground in front of him.


Eredin's face was gloomy.

Harvey didn't say a word, but just guarded Eredin with a dignified expression.

Although his working time is not long, he has experienced many battles.

Only tonight—

He inexplicably had a feeling of danger that lingered like a ghost.

the other side.

Wo Jin rushed to Moyou.

As a strengthening type, his fighting style has always been straightforward.

There is no need to test or prepare tactics, and the indomitable fist can bring him everything he wants.


Wo Jin waved his arm, and the big fist of the casserole wrapped in the condensed thought force broke through the icy wind, and a shadow covered Moyou's face as if covering the sky and the sun.

Facing Wo Jin's straight punch that seemed to squeeze the surrounding air, Moyou simply gave up the idea of ​​being tough with Wo Jin, and exchanged positions with the shadow clone who had quietly separated tens of meters away before.


The next moment, Moyou appeared tens of meters away.

The shadow clone was exposed to Wojin's fist.

It's just that Moyou is already mentally prepared to bear the pain, which is also a result of being extremely evasive.

Shadow-changing can certainly give Moyu extraordinary mobility, but the shadow that stays in place has a high probability of being attacked by the enemy.

After that, waiting for the end of the shadow is nothing more than being unable to withstand the attack and collapsing, or carrying the attack and quickly moving.



Wo Jin grinned at the corner of his mouth, and instead of dropping his fist to attack the replaced shadow on the ground, he suddenly swiped his cross arm and opened the fist full of thought power.

Swish Swish Swish!

The casserole-sized fist held four crushed stones, and with the swing of Wojin's cross arm, it was wrapped in a red ball of thought, and at a speed comparable to a bullet, it came to the place where it had just shifted in the blink of an eye. In front of Moyou.

Obviously, when Wo Jin attacked Moyou, he had been using "condensation" to survey the situation, so he noticed the movement of the shadow that Moyou quietly separated with "hidden".

In addition, Wojin has the information that Moyou can exchange positions with the shadow, so he has this kind of attack method that is faster than thinking...or "prediction".

Whether to resist the oncoming rock bullet, or to return to the shadow to receive the next heavy punch.

These are the two choices that Wo Jin gave Moyou in this offensive.

"Have you been noticed..."

Moyou's eyes froze.

Of course he still has a third choice, which is to exchange places with the shadows chasing Bisji and the others.

It’s just that the distance is relatively farther, and it will consume more potential energy.

This is obviously not a wise move.

「Extreme Speed ​​· Dripping Water Wears Stone」

Between lightning and flint, Moyou chose to meet the red-glowing rock bomb, raised his hand, and a black knife appeared, and then pierced four diamond-shaped droplet-shaped energy in front of him, piercing precisely and flying over The four rock bombs.

In an instant, the rock bombs shattered and scattered.


Finks, who was striding towards the battle circle, saw Moyuna's operation of pointing the rock-piercing bullet with a knife, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows and whistling.

And Wo Jin also saw this scene, but only maintained a terrifying grin with grins and teeth, as if he wanted to choose someone to eat.

"Wo Jin, I said that I would get rid of him with my own hands."

At the same time, Franklin, who returned to the original place unharmed, looked displeased at Wojin, who launched the attack on his own.

Wo Jin glanced at Franklin, grinned and said, "I'm sorry, but if I give you this prey, I won't be able to sleep at night."


Franklin frowned.

At this moment.

Moyou switched places with the shadow again, flashed behind Wojin, drove his arm expressionlessly, and stabbed the black knife in Wojin's back to the heart.


The moment the knife tip touched Wo Jin's skin, it shot out fleeting sparks, and it was difficult to make an inch of progress.

This is not a defense that covers the whole body, but Wojin gathers enough thoughts to defend at the place where he is hit one step ahead.

"Hey, you don't think I've underestimated you, do you?"

Wo Jin raised his chin, turned his head to look at Moyou, who was attacking his back with a knife, and his eyes shone with the light of choosing someone to eat.

After confirming Moyou's strength and ability, this reinforcement-type monster who is keen on fighting and killing has already put Moyou on an equal stage, so how could he let Moyou take advantage of the loophole so easily.

"Then how much do you know about 'speed'?"

Moyou's eyes were calm.

The light in the golden eyes paused, and suddenly felt a fierce force coming from the temple.

But the shadow that flew over quietly turned into a shadow clone, and punched Wo Jin's temple with a volley.

The strength of the fist turned into an invisible impact, causing Wojin's half of his face to deform instantly, and blood was squeezed out from the crevices in his nasal cavity.

The bear-like strong body suddenly flew out.

Mobilized his mental power to withstand Moyou's backstab, which also caused Wojin's defense power in other parts to drop, so he was able to be wounded and sent flying by a half-strength shadow clone.

After the success of the front and back flanking tactics, Moyou changed his usual rock-solid style and replaced it with a strong style like a strengthening system.

He turned his ankle on the ground, and chased Wo Jin who flew out horizontally with a knife, intending to make up another wave of offensive before Wo Jin adjusted his posture.

But at this moment—

Gunshots resounded.

Franklin's series of bullets flew over.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but the timing of his shot happened to help Wo Jin out of the siege.

Aware of the incoming bullet, Moyou could only give up his intention of chasing Wo Jin, and while leaping to the left, he manipulated the shadow clone to avoid it to the right.

One person and one shadow moved almost simultaneously, allowing the flying bullets to pass through.

But there is another threat from the Phantom Troupe on the field.

It's Finx!

Finks, who is also a strengthening system, is naturally not much weaker in terms of physical strength and speed, so he dodges to the trajectory of Moyou's retreat.

At this time, Moyou was in a low-altitude skidding state, and there was no point of leverage under his feet, so it was difficult to defend against attacks.

And Finx was able to pick this moment to step on the trajectory of Moyu's retreat, relying on his rich combat experience.

Facing Moyu's approaching back, Finx was about to punch and attack...

Moyou, however, seemed to have eyes on the back of his head. He could immediately see Finx who was dodging behind him, and then drove the black knife to his waist without hesitation.


The black blade pierced through Moyou's wind-blown clothes, and then shot out from Moyou's armpit, pointing directly at Finks' seal.


Finks’ pupils shrank sharply, and he didn’t expect Moyu to have such a quick reaction in the absence of “vision”.

But almost instantly, it occurred to Moyou that the shadow that leaped to the right to evade the bullet had provided Moyou with vision, so Moyou could launch a counterattack so quickly.

Ordinary people would probably feel resentment when facing Moyou's knife that went through his armpit and clothes.

But Finks is no ordinary man.

He can easily see through Qi Ya's moving trajectory and hidden moves in the abandoned building, and he has amazing dynamic vision and reaction ability.

He turned from offense to defense in the blink of an eye. The fist that should have hit Moyou's heart opened into a palm in mid-air, holding the blade of the black knife firmly.

It is expected that Moyou's release of the shadow clone will definitely reduce the "display energy", and he also firmly believes that his own strengthening attributes can control the attack of the black knife.

So Finx chose to hold the black knife with his bare hands between this lightning-fast attack and defense, so that he could connect to the next wave of attacks without getting hurt.

But at the moment Finks held the black knife.

Moyu removed the black knife.

Finks suddenly grasped the air, and because the forward arm suddenly lost the force point, it turned a little to the left, which caused the empty door above the right elbow to be exposed.

next moment.

Moyu re-realized the black knife.

"Speed ​​Gun"

The static black knife suddenly shot towards Finks' seal like a loaded bullet.


Accompanied by a muffled sound that almost burst the eardrums.

Finks was stabbed in the hall, and the whole person flew out like a meteor with the black knife.

This scene, which happened within three seconds, fell into the eyes of others, but Wojin and Finx were almost sent flying by Moyou at the same time.

"His strength...!!"

Franklin, who saw this scene completely in his eyes, was shocked.

At this moment, he personally felt the great changes that had happened to Moyou!

There are too many pictures in my head...

Wait until I write more and then send it out in one go.

This afternoon, I feel much better and feel fine again.

So I couldn't hold back and ordered a cup of milk tea and 500 grams of roasted sweet potatoes...

Then I started having diarrhea and vomiting at mealtime, I...orz.

(end of this chapter)