Chapter 1556

The bomber hovered over the cabin.

The rumbling sound was on the top of my head, which made me feel cold behind my ears, and my hair stood up!

Several helicopters approached the cabin purposefully, and the military hemp rope for training was lowered from the hatch of the helicopter. The soldiers with long guns and helmets slid to the ground orderly from the top of the hemp rope!

Not long ago, twenty soldiers armed with long guns aimed at the cabin, and the closer they got!

The first one said in incoherent Ning: "I'll shoot those inside, unless you come out! 5、 Four, three... "

As he counted down, he waved, and his comrades in arms approached the hut one after another, with their backs against the walls of the hut. Standing by the door, they were about to enter!

Because the line they get is that the prince of Ningguo is here!

His majesty ordered linglie to catch alive. Once linglie's eldest son fell into their hands, Ningguo's National Guard threw a mousetrap. Once the war started, she was obedient this time. Everything was going on in secret and she listened to heaven's orders.

She has done everything she can and succeeded, but only to deepen mutual trust; if she has failed, she has no shame, and no one will say that she is a devil, a witch or a spy.

Qing Rong naturally remembers it. At that time, he was also one of those who doubted tonight. He was even unhappy because Qiao Yekang sent her back to the palace midway instead of sending her to the Security Bureau or the palace to explain.

But just now, the bomber and helicopter were on top of his head. When he thought he was dead, red Qi took them to escape from the tunnel quickly. Before he escaped, he had a chance to drop a three minute time bomb.

The feeling of escaping from this kind of thing is really breathtaking.

He had to say seriously: "when I get back, I'll make time to apologize to my aunt. Thank you for saving her life this time