Chapter 2122: Extraordinary Twins

Chapter 2122 Extraordinary Twins

Su Zhuoqian nodded and praised earnestly: "It's brave!"

"I can still sleep myself!"

Xiaobao straightened his chest.

"Really sensible." Qiao Weiyang followed with praise.

"Then I will go to bed by myself! Dad is better night than Mommy!" After Xiaobao finished speaking, he ran upstairs, without noticing Su Zhuoqian who had pitted him, and the smile on his lips appeared.

Jing Yun couldn't help but snorted. He was really a little kid, who could be fooled by this trick, so he went to sleep.

The rank is really too low.

Jingyun snorted softly, and stretched out his hand to rub his ankle.

Although Qiao Weiyang did not deliberately approach Jing Yun, he immediately discovered his condition.

"Jing Yun, what's the matter?" Qiao Weiyang came over.

Jingyun held his mouth and said nothing.

Qiao Weiyang sat down beside him.

Jingyun smelled the particularly elegant smell on her body, and the corners of her lips curled up.

Su Zhuoqian stood up, strode over, his figure enveloped Jing Yun.

He frowned slightly, his jaw line was tight: "It hurts? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No. I want to drink water."

Su Zhuoqian looked at him steadily for two seconds, and went to fetch him water.

Jingyun took it and took two sips.

Su Zhuoqian just took the cup and placed it on the coffee table, and heard Jing Yun say: "I want to read, the "A Brief History of Time" in my room."

Su Zhuoqian's figure stagnated.

Jing Yun looked at him frankly and innocently: "Can you?"

"Yes." Su Zhuoqian squeezed these two words out between his teeth.

A triumphant smile appeared on Jing Yun's face, and he watched Su Zhuoqian go upstairs.

Suddenly, he felt a hint of playful gaze on his face, and quickly turned his head to look at him. Seeing Qiao Weiyang looking at him meaningfully, he was a little uncomfortable: "What are you doing?"

"Can you show me your feet?" Qiao Weiyang stretched out his fingers, the slender fingertips were almost brightly white.

"Don't look." He pursed his lips and refused.

With the corner of her eye, she looked at Qiao Weiyang, and found that she had not left because of her refusal, and her lips were slightly loosened.

Qiao Weiyang was holding a tea cup and slowly drinking water, waiting for Su Zhuoqian to take down the book.

Jingyun glanced at her secretly again.

At about this time, Su Zhuoqian had already got the book and walked towards the position of the stairs.

"My leg hurts a bit, can you accompany me upstairs?" Jing Yun spoke to Qiao Weiyang before he came.

He always felt that Qiao Weiyang would definitely not hug himself.

He has always hated being embraced by people, even though he had problems with his feet in the past, which is the one that needs to be held the most.

But forget it, it doesn't matter if she doesn't hold it, she is just showing that her methods are better than Xiaobao.

Qiao Weiyang put down the tea cup and reached out to hug him.

Jingyun was caught off guard and made a big blush.

He grew up so old, anyway, as far as he can remember, he walked by himself, walking fast and walking slowly, his legs hurt or not, he did not show any strangeness, and he was never like Xiaobao. After he learned how to act like a baby, he used acting like a baby as a means. .

So he hasn't been hugged much.

He thought that Qiao Weiyang would let himself go...

However, Qiao Weiyang’s embrace is really soft, with a delicate sweet scent, not strong, not close to the smell, but the sense of existence is very strong, Jing Yun can smell it every time.

When Su Zhuoqian raised his eyes, he was slightly surprised to see Qiao Weiyang holding Jing Yun.

This kid...

"I will accompany Jing Yun up." Qiao Weiyang said softly, "You should rest first."

Qiao Weiyang passed by Su Zhuoqian.

Su Zhuoqian and Jing Yun were looking at each other.

Sparks burst into the eyes of the two men.

Qiao Weiyang smiled on the corners of his lips, put Jing Yun on the bed, and said, "Can you show me my feet now?"

"Don't look." Jing Yun still refused.

As if every time he speaks, saying "no" in the first word has become his instinct.

This time, Qiao Weiyang didn't take his hand back, and put his fingers in the air, in a gesture of swearing not to reach the goal.

Jingyun finally twisted and put his feet up.

"Why wouldn't you show it to me?" Qiao Weiyang asked.

"Anyway, there will be no results after watching it. I grow up so old, and more than 80% of the people I know are doctors."

Qiao Weiyang was amused by him, and hooked his chin: "Grow up so big? People who don't know thought you were seven and eighty."

"I am four or five years old!"

"Well, let me do the calculations, four or five years old, it's almost as many as nearly one-fifth of me."

Jingyun snorted without speaking.

"If you are given a result, would you like to take medicine?"

"Don't eat."

"Could it be that you would rather keep doing this?"

"The value of a person does not lie in whether the body is completely healthy."

"But if there is a chance to be completely healthy, why not do it?"

Jing Yun raised his head: "But I don't care."

"But I care." Qiao Weiyang said while touching his leg bones and carefully performing hand movements, "You and Xiaobao are both my sons. My son must be good. I can let him They are fine, why not?"

When she heard her say "my son", Jing Yun's face was frozen for a second in a gentle and gentle tone.

Then, he still said: "Who is your son anymore."

"Whether you admit it or not, I am married to Su Zhuoqian, and you are both my sons." Qiao Weiyang smiled and looked at him, "Unless you are strong enough to let Su Zhuoqian listen to you, otherwise, I won't change this. ."

"You know that I am young and have to be obedient, right?" Jing Yun snorted.

"It has nothing to do with your age. Jing Yun, you are our son, we have the responsibility to take good care of you, so that you do not have any regrets. Those medicines before, don’t matter if they are not important. If you really refuse to take useful medicines , I have to tie it up for you too."

"you dare!"

"Look, I dare not!"

Jingyun lowered his head, panting in frustration.

Qiao Weiyang’s tone softened: "Your foot pain is because the meridians are not flowing smoothly. I just gave you a physical massage, and it shouldn’t hurt anymore. If it still hurts at night, put this medicine on it."

She took a pill from her clothes and put it on the table.

"But, if you can bear it, you don't have to post it. It's up to you."

Qiao Weiyang stood up, "I'm going to rest, you can figure it out."

After Qiao Weiyang left for a long time, Jing Yun slowly got off the bed. Just saying that his feet hurt, it was not all a lie.

His legs and feet do suffer from pain from time to time because of this congenital disease.

Because there has been no cure, he knows that there is no point in screaming pain, so he can endure it by himself.

Fortunately, he was born with first-class ability to bear pain, and he was not very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)