Then he said, "is chairman Zhao here?"

"I told him before I came over." "He will come right away," said Mo Hengjin

When Lu Bai came to the chairman's office, chairman Zhao came.

"Mr. Lu?" Chairman Zhao is nervous.

I was almost frightened by the situation at the chamber of Commerce meeting just now.

He thought that there would be no one in the world who would dare to contradict Lu Bai. Unexpectedly That Mr. Lauren is indeed the largest Chamber of Commerce in the world. Everyone is not simple!

"Tell me again the details of the group you met in the tunnel at that time." Lu Bai said to him, "including every word Peio said at that time."

Lu Bai believes that Peio will go with them. He must have some plans.

"Yes." Chairman Zhao said from the beginning in detail, "at that time, he robbed the leader of the whole group of people in the tunnel department, saying that his name was Rocca, and he was from black Solomon. He was going to rob me to find the painting, but Pei Shao got off after he heard that the other party was from black Solomon..."

Davis's pace is not slow. For those who just started to compliment themselves, he is also polite, as if everything is so natural.

One of them followed him, cheering for him ceaselessly, "Congratulations, Mr. Lauren, listen to the chairman's idea just now, I think the next consultant must be you..."

"Yes, thank you." Davis said.

"The chairman must have been moved by your courage, Mr. Lauren. After all, no one of us dare to do this to him..."

When it's the wind, Davis picks up the phone.

"The other division leaders have come back, and Loka has brought back the people who have the fourth picture. Why, the chamber of Commerce over there hasn't worked out yet." It's Rodin's voice on the phone, reporting back to black Solomon.

The rich man around me didn't know that Davis was dealing with the most dangerous black organization in front of him. He was still saying compliments to Davis enthusiastically, "Mr. Lauren, in fact, I'm the most optimistic about you. When you become a consultant, you must remember me..."

"Well, that evening's meeting will be as usual. My chamber of commerce is over." Davis heard the good news and pulled up the corner of his lips.

On hearing the meeting, the rich man next to him said, "Mr. Davis still has a meeting in the evening?"

"Family meeting." Davis smiled mysteriously, "and the family members brought me good news." Refers to the person who caught the painting.

Originally, seeing that Zhao Dong appeared at the meeting just now, Davis thought that Rocca had failed.

So it seems that the painting is not on the Zhao Dong.

"Oh, I see." The rich man praised, "the Lauren family is not expensive as one of the four financial aristocrats in Europe. Mr. Lauren is really busy, so I won't disturb..."

Davis ignored him completely, turned around and left. The rich man behind stood awkwardly in the same place when he saw that he had been ignored

Come to the office of the chairman of the chamber of Commerce, the beautiful secretary is waiting.

"Mr. Lauren, please!"

Lu Bai is sitting in the talking area of the office, not only Al and Mo Hengjin, but also chairman Zhao.

Seeing Davis coming, Lu Bai said to the Secretary, "pour Mr. Lauren tea."

The Secretary nodded.

"Mr. Lauren, please take a seat." Lu Bai and brown eyes glanced at the seat in front of him.

Compared with Lu Baiyin's gray suit, the simple and cool high-end masculine temperament, Davis in the dark red long coat is another kind of temperament. He took his seat and said in the first sentence, "just at the meeting, I was offended, but please forgive chairman luiste. I have to fight for something for the Lauren family, such as a higher reputation, so I need the consultant of the chamber of Commerce Location. "

Lu Bai, of course, would not pay any attention to his afterwards saying, "it doesn't matter. The position of the chamber of Commerce, which can be occupied by those who have the ability, has always been. As long as you verify that Mr. Lauren does have that qualification, your efforts are fair and aboveboard."

Davis smiled. "Thank you for your understanding."

Mo Hengjin also smiled and half sarcastically said, "but just now Mr. Lauren's words are tit for tat. I don't know. I thought you had some trouble with Lu Bai."

"No, Mr. Mo is joking." Davis said politely, "you and I, like Mr. Al, have great respect for chairman luiste. However, I was not a close friend of chairman luiste before. I didn't have much time to meet. The meeting time was limited. I could only express my own suggestions in a limited time."

"Very reasonable." Lu Bai gave him a word of approval. The smile on the corner of his mouth could hardly show his emotion.

"Thank you for your understanding."

"However, although I am a friend of hengjin'er, I don't usually meet much time." Lu Bai said, "we have our own families and families, so there is no saying of favoritism in public affairs."

Of course, it is human nature that everyone will be favoritism, which is inevitable.

After all, everyone wants to take care of their own people.

However, no one will say that he is favoritism to others. Lu Bai, who is good at dealing with public affairs and communication, knows what kind of words are good for communication occasions!

Davies nodded. "Of course, I believe President LuisTe is a fair man." Of course, he will not believe Lu Bai's words. Everyone is just a set of superficial words!

"Just before Mr. Lauren came, we were talking about an emergency." Lu Bai glanced at chairman Zhao sitting on one side.

"Oh, what kind of emergency? I'm lucky to hear that? " Davis, please.

"Just now chairman Zhao said that on the way to the chamber of Commerce, he was blocked by a gang of illegal people in a tunnel in New York, and almost missed the meeting." Lu Bai didn't worry about what happened on the way to Director Zhao.

"Oh, that could have happened." Davis pretended not to know, at the same time, he looked at director Zhao with a rather general feeling. "That's a great thrill. Chairman Zhao is blessed with nothing."

"No, he was the one who was going to kidnap the painting in his hand." Said Lu Bai.

Davis was on the line again. His face was slightly shocked. "Painting? Oh, I heard that three people holding famous paintings of the kingdom of Israel in the chamber of commerce were killed. Is it hard to fail? Chairman Zhao also has that kind of paintings in his hands? "

Lu Bai's lips rose slightly and asked Davis, "don't Mr. Lauren know?"

"No, I don't know."

"Everyone in the chamber of commerce should know about this at present, because it is the members of our chamber of Commerce who are killed." Lu Baidao, "Mr. Lauren didn't know if he was too indifferent to his allies."

"I'm ashamed." Davis smiled and said, "I know I want to compete with a consultant of the chamber of Commerce. You will definitely want to know about the Lauren family, so I have been integrating some family information, as well as the market situation and financial situation of the company of" Davis Medical Institution "for a while so that you can understand it. I really didn't care about that, but I will certainly pay a good visit to the families of those suffering allies afterwards. "

The words are round and watertight!

"Mr. Lauren has a heart." Lu Bai said.


"I mean, a consultant for the chamber of Commerce." Lu Bai hooked his lips.

“……” Davis didn't promise back. He kept his demeanor, which was his default.

"By the way, just about chairman Zhao, he was able to get to the chamber of Commerce in time because he went to a security company and asked someone to escort him." Lu Bai said, "and it was escorted by the boss of the security company himself. The boss was wise and knew that the other side would surely come to intercept chairman Zhao, so he asked chairman Zhao to take care of the painting before leaving."

Davis's face was unmoved, but he lost his breath in the dark.

So, Rocca brought back the boss of that security company? It's no ordinary person to be able to open a security company. Many security companies in the world are run by veterans or veterans.

It will never be easy to pry open a soldier's mouth!

"In order to complete the Commission of chairman Zhao, the boss took Zhao Dong's safety as an exchange condition and left with the other side." Lu Bai said that, with a habitual noble and cool smile, "Mr. Davis, do you know why I told you this?"

"Please make it clear." Davis made a "please" sign. 7