"I, I didn't deliberately leave his phone number, it was the last time I accompanied my friend Shumin to find Han Jiao to teach him, and left it on my mobile phone." "I didn't take the initiative to contact him, and I didn't care about his number left on the mobile phone for a while..." said Nie

This time she learned that her grandmother had been taken away by Han Ziqi, so she turned over his phone and called.

"Delete his number, now." Muse City stared at her and ordered her to delete Han Ziqi's contact information.

Although he is not her relatives or parents, he has the right to let her delete the contact information of that man!

Because he is her employer, they signed the contract!

Yes, as the nurse he hired, he can't communicate with people of unknown origin!

“…… Yes. " Nie Xiangsi took out his mobile phone and deleted Han Ziqi's number.

After seeing her delete the man's number with her own eyes, muscheng turned away her oppressive eyes. "I've asked ah Jin to find a nursing home for her and the orthopedic doctor who is familiar with her to look at her legs and feet. I'll arrange someone to see your grandma when Han Ziqi hasn't left s city."

"Thank you, Mr. mu." Nie's eyes are a little wet.

If it wasn't for the city of mousse to help her, she really didn't know what to do. Han Ziqi would force her to the blood of B3, and her grandma would be threatened at any time in the nursing home. But she was a nurse in the city of mousse, and she couldn't take care of her grandma In this way, she is bound to neglect both sides!

"Thank you, I don't need to. Tell me the reason why Professor Han found you and what happened between you from the beginning to the end." Ordered the city of mousse.

Professor Han is looking for a blood group of B3, which is a problem that cannot be ignored for him!

Because in today's world, only his mousse city is the blood type, which means that Professor Han came to find him

Nie Xiang thought about it, and thought that it would be better to let moose city know about it, because she was worried that Han Ziqi would find moose city again, so it would be better to let moose city have a preparation in advance.

"I met my friend when I went to s City Medical University for a lecture. Then, because my friend Shu min admired him, we took a group photo and left a phone number..." Nie Xiangsi tells the process of her understanding with Han Ziqi.

After hearing this, the face of Muse City sank completely.

When Nie Xiangsi just wanted to say something to him, the first thing that shocked him was not that Han Ziqi wanted to find a B3 blood type person, but that he satirized Nie Xiangsi. "If you go to a car that doesn't know a man, should you say that you are a woman with a big heart, or are you the same as those women who admire him?"

"I didn't!" Hearing the irony of muscheng, Nie Xiangsi quickly denied, "I was dismissed by the doctor because of Mr. Mu and you..."

Mousse's face was cold.

Nie Xiangsi swallowed and his voice became smaller again. "I'm not blaming Mr. mu for you. I told Mr. Mian about his mother. I really have something wrong. But after being dismissed by the doctor at that time, I was in a very low mood, because my grandma and I were living on my job. How can I know that it rained at night, and my hand was hurt again? Professor Han said that he would pass my apartment area with Shumin by the way, so I got on the bus. "

"By the way? Only a stupid woman like you can believe that! " "He sent them back, and they want to collect rewards from you. Are you satisfied?" he sneered

"I didn't expect..."

"There are so many things you didn't expect." "The purpose of Han Ziqi's coming to s city is not simple. Before he finds you, he still wants to get the book in my hand," said muscheng

Of course, what he wants from Han Ziqi is

"Books?" Nie Xiangsi suddenly looked back at Muse city. "Is that the Lost Kingdom of gage?"

The city of mousse didn't speak, but his alert and cold expression had answered the question, the book!

"Why does he want that book?" Nie Xiangsi was surprised.

"It's not just what he wants." "In a word, that book must have a higher value, otherwise they can't all want it," muscheng thought of Lu Bai's phone

Nie Xiangsi breathed a sigh of relief. "It's OK. I'll give it back to Mr. mu, or I can't afford to lose it..."

"Don't leave me at will these days." "I have a hunch that Han Ziqi won't leave the s city so easily. If he wants to find a person with B3 blood type..." he stared out of the window

But the words behind Nie Xiangsi can't hear!

Nie Xiangsi only felt that his cheeks were hot and his blood was flowing backwards. From his neck to his face to his ears, he felt as if he had been scalded by boiling water. The words of muscheng echoed in his head --

don't leave him.

Don't leave him alone.

He told her not to leave him at will She's not dreaming, is she?

"Do you hear me?" Muse City glanced at the dazed woman.

"Oh, I see!" Nie Xiangsi turned around and immediately agreed. His voice was out of tune. "Thank you, Mr. mu. Since Mr. Mu will help me when my grandma changes the nursing home, I can stay and take care of Mr. Mian."

"I'm asking you, what Han Ziqi said is true?" Looking at the woman with empty brain, "ten years ago, did you go to the people's Hospital of s city to donate blood?"

Why did Han Ziqi find Nie Xiangsi's head when he was looking for the blood type B3? Muscheng always felt that there was a problem in it.

Nie lovesickness, and slowly lowered his head, " Yes. "

"Are you rhnull blood?"

“…… Yes. "

Or because of the particularity of his blood type, when hearing that Nie Xiangsi is also a rare blood type, muscheng looked at her more.

"Take care of yourself in the future. People of your blood type are not suitable for blood donation!" "The good old people in the world can't do it!" Muse told her

In the eyes of Muse City, this woman herself is a person who may be in danger of life if she bleeds too much. It's stupid for her to run to donate blood to others!

Her blood is universal, and she wants to be the virgin to save the ischemic? What a silly woman!

"I It doesn't matter to me. " Nie Xiangsi's voice was getting lower and lower. Of course, she didn't dare to tell him that she was the one who transfused blood. "It's really nice that you, Mr. mu, haven't been found by Professor Han. I was really worried when he said that the person he was looking for was B3 blood type..."

Before the words fell, her wrists were clenched!

She looked up and saw that a pair of black eyes were staring at her horribly. "What? Do you know that I'm the one with blood group B3? "