Whether she likes it or not, she doesn't want to be hated by people she likes.

But moose City heard another point from her words, "you said, you thought you might do financial and commercial work? Why? "

Nie Acacia was stunned. He knew that he had missed his words

"You or something." Muse city knows that a nurse can't talk about all kinds of ambitions.

"I......" Nie Xiangsi thought about whether to round the words, "I mean If I am also engaged in business, I may have more topics with Mr. mu. Now I can only help to look after Mr. Mian, so I'm sorry, I can't help you any more. "

"Why do you want to help me?" He knew that this woman must have something to hide from him.

Nie Xiangsi is very limited. She is not good at lying. She can shut up the most things she is not allowed to say.

But in the face of the eyes of mousse City, her secret love for more than ten years made her eyes red. She stared at the plate of cake in front of mousse City, "why do you ask if Mr. mousse knows?"

He knows, doesn't he.

He didn't know she liked him.

If you like someone, you will surely hope that you can help him more or less. Can you be looked at by him?


Mousse city took the coffee and took a drink. His eyes were on the cup, and he stared at her sharply.

He put down his coffee and said, "do you know you're stupid?"

“……” Nie Acacia lips, eyes more acid.

"If you want to get a person's attention, you should take the initiative to attract him, rather than keeping his mouth shut and not answering the questions he wants to know."

“……” Nie Xiangsi knew what he meant.

"For example, if you don't want to face my grandmother and my mother, you can refuse to go to Mu's house." "Because you are just the carer I hired, if you don't want to work for the rest of the Mu family, you have reason to refuse," he added

Nie Xiang thought that because she didn't want to be hated by the Mu family, because it was his family.

But what is helpless is that she still can't let Madame Mu like it.

"Thank you Mr. mu for reminding me. I know I'm stupid." "But I can't answer some questions," said Nie

Now she can make some cakes for moose City, but it doesn't mean that she can tell moose city what she saved him, because she did collect money from moose family She promised the Mojia that she would not say it.

If she breaks her promise, the Mu family will look down on her even more!

So she felt that now the city of mousse can bring her and moustache out together, which is the biggest move. She had never thought that she could be so close to moustache before.

Since she can't be liked by moose City, at least she can't be hated by him

"Then I can answer your question." I don't hate you

Nie Xiangsi is happy.

"But I don't like it either."


Nie's heart fell to the bottom of the valley.

"But one thing I think you can be a little more confident." Muse City glared at her fiercely. "That's your ability to make me angry!"

Nie Xiangsi tightly pressed his lips, then slowly opened them, spitting out a few words with difficulty, "I'm sorry..."

"Here's the cake. I'll eat it. Go out." Muse city took back the eyes that stared at her, and the eyes that fell on the drawing paper appeared to be attentive and serious again.


Nie Xiangsi went to the door coolly and dared not stay.

She couldn't refute the words of moose City, because she felt very angry. She wanted to get the attention of moose City, but she didn't answer his questions at the same time.

Who would like her if she wasn't angry?

"Stop." Behind him murmured the city of muse.

Nie Xiangsi, who is in a low mood, slowly looks back. "Mr. mu?"

"If I asked you to return the book to me, would you?" he said

Nie Xiangsi is a little confused.

"You can refuse." "After all, as I said before, I can afford to give you that gift to thank you for saving Mu Mian," the city said again

He told Lu Bai that he couldn't give the book.

But Nie Xiangsi smiled softly, "Mr. mu, please wait a moment."

Nie Xiangsi left, but a few minutes later, came back, holding the heavy old book and a red bag.

"Here you are, Mr. mu." She took it in her hands and sent it to the city of mousse. "I said that you can give it back whenever you need it, and I can't accept such a big gift myself."

Looking at the book in Nie Xiangsi's hand, muscheng asked, "do you really want to give it back to me? You should know that this book is worth more than 8 million yuan, maybe more... " Considering that so many people want this book now, Muse city knows that this book is definitely of greater value.

"Yes, of course." Nie Xiangsi nods again.

Looking at her pure eyes, Muse City staggered her eyes, and her conscience was a little frustrated. I felt that I should not satirize her stupidity just now.

He took the book and said, "you are willing to return it. Don't say that I forcibly took it from you someday."

"No." Nie Xiangsi smiled.

"And what is that?" Mousse picked up the red bag.

"This is the red bag that the old lady gave me when I helped the old lady with her physical examination." Nie said, "I said no, but the old lady didn't look very happy, so I took it first."

Red envelopes

[let Miss Nie come to see me tomorrow. Since she saved Mu Mian, I will bring her a red envelope. ]The words of Madame moose rang in the mind of moose city that evening.

Thinking of this, Muse city left the red envelope in front of Nie Xiangsi. "Since it's for you, you can collect it. It's your hard work to check for my grandma."

"No, it's just inspection, not hard..." The honest man Nie Xiangsi said, "I haven't unpacked the red envelope, and I don't think it's good to receive it myself. Then I'll give it back to Mr. Mu together with this book."

"Let you keep it." Muse city directly threw the red bag to her. She was very angry in her heart. What did the woman do politely in front of him.

Nie Xiangsi catches him in a panic.

"Get out." Mousse's face was completely black.

After coming out of the study, Nie Xiangsi was still scared to death. He didn't understand what she said to Maurice.

Why did he suddenly get upset? Didn't she return the book to him?

Or, as he said, because he didn't like her, he didn't like what she did?

"Sister Nie, sister Nie." Mu Mian runs up and drags Nie Xiangsi's sleeve. "What's up? What's up? Is daddy very happy and happy to eat your cake? "

Nie Xiangsi returns to his mind, shows a warm smile to Mu Mian, squats down and says, "well, thank you for the idea of master Mian. Although Mr. Mu drove me out angrily, he left the cake, and I should be happy."