The first floor of the laboratory, basement.

The people who just came in didn't find the entrance of the basement, but the smoke leaked through the entrance gap of the basement, which forced the following two genetic researchers out.

This basement is a research room with complete equipment and the latest facilities of the world's first-class.

Lu Bai is standing in front of a hydroponic device, frowning at a body soaked in it, which is full of tubes.

As the two researchers nearby said, this man is not alive, because he has no consciousness, just like plants, but his body still lives on the nutrients delivered by pipes, but he will never wake up.

Lu Bai looked at the face and didn't speak for a long time.

Next to them, two 40 year old geneticists lowered their heads and watched the sweat on their faces as they guessed that Lu Bai might have something to do with the man in the hydroponics

"President Lu?" Douhe is such a calm person as Qin Xiujie. He also looks strange on his face. His eyes are wide and he looks at the person in the hydroponics.

"He..." Lu Bai suppressed the emotion and didn't let it fluctuate too much. "How did it come from? Why is it here? "

"Mr. Lu, it's none of our business." Two researchers lowered their heads, and one of them trembled and said, "before we came, this person had been here. It must have been Miss Rodin who had moved this person here before. There should have been other researchers doing this person's research before us. Miss Rodin wanted to wake the man up, but it seemed that the previous researchers didn't, so miss Rodin killed them. "

Another person also said, "in fact, we are very worried about this man In fact, he can't wake up. He is like a plant, only the body is alive. But if we say it directly, I'm afraid miss Rodin will kill us. "

"Rodin wants him to wake up?" Lu Bai's eyes are cold.

"This Rodin was not a safe man at the beginning." Qin Xiujie looked at the man in the tall cylindrical hydroponics, and said coldly, "if he wakes up, I'm afraid he's also used to deal with Lu family or general manager Lu, but he didn't expect to see him here..."

Although Qin Xiujie had never seen the person in the hydroponic vessel before.

But Qin Xiujie knew it must be that man!

Rodin's lab lets people hydroponically cultivate a person who has something to do with Lubai. What else can he do to deal with Lubai?

Maybe before Nangong family was defeated, Luo Dan heard that Nangong Yanlie's opponent was Lu Bai. She planned to help Nangong Yanlie, so this person would be in her laboratory.

"A year ago, Miss Rodin would come here from time to time to have a look." "It's just that it's not here now," the researcher said. "It was the last time I sent Princess Sibera to have a look, but I didn't urge us any more."

Another researcher, Dao Guo, "she may give up. After all, Miss Rodin is also a scientist. Although she is not a geneticist, she should know that it is impossible to wake up this person after spending so much manpower and material resources."

"Who else knows that he exists?" Lu Bai pressed his lips tightly, and the cold air around him seemed to emanate.

"Mr. Lu, except for us, it is estimated that Miss Rodin is the only one who does not even know the security guard outside." They said, "it's illegal to do genetic research. Miss Rodin can't make a statement."

Lu Bai looks at them slowly.

The bodyguards around immediately took out their guns and pointed at them!

"No, no, no, we'll keep our mouths shut!"

"Don't kill us!"

The two researchers immediately knelt down and begged desperately.

Qin Xiujie looked at Lu Bai. "General Lu, how to deal with them?"

Lu Bai looked at the two people kneeling down. His face was indifferent. His sharp brown eyes narrowed. When he wanted to say something, the two outside took al to find Princess Sibera's bodyguard.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. al found Princess Sibera. She fainted at the news of King korohante's death. Mr. al said he would take her back to expose the fake princess." The bodyguard came down from the basement entrance and said.

Lu Bai is not surprised to find the real princess Sibylla here. After all, Rodin must have kept the lab under guard, but he didn't expect to see the man in the hydroponics.

"Let them go back first." Lu Bai said indifferently.

The bodyguard immediately nodded and went up again.

Qin Xiujie said, "Mr. Lu, let's hurry back. If Mr. al wants to take the real princess Sibera to find the fake princess, they should go to the funeral of Prince korohante. The young lady is also there..."

Lu Bai looks at the person in the water culture vessel. His mood is not generally fluctuant and he hasn't spoken for a long time. Although he tries to control himself, he still sees his inner wavering in his eyes.

Thinking of anxier, his thoughts came back, but he didn't plan to go back with al. "Xiujie, let's send this hydroponic device back to country Z."

When Qin Xiujie saw that Lu Bai was not at ease with the people in the hydroponics, he nodded, "yes, President Lu, I'll arrange it right away."

Qin Xiujie immediately went to one side to make a phone call, "prepare a special plane to fly to country Z, and then fly to country Z in an hour to escort important things..."

Lu Bai said coldly to the two researchers next to him, "if you don't want to die, just go with my people and escort this hydroponic device to country Z. you will continue to take care of the people inside."

The two researchers thought that Lu Bai had come and they could leave without being controlled by Rodin.

Hearing Lu Bai say that they have to continue to be in charge of the people in the hydroponics, they were all in a sweat. They couldn't speak for a while, they didn't want to do it, but they didn't dare to refuse.

Because they refused, they didn't think Lu Bai would let them go.

Judging from Lu Bai's tone just now, Lu Bai obviously doesn't want to let more people know the existence of people in the hydroponics

Lu Bai sneered, "why, do you want to continue to do research for me, but don't worry, I'm not a devil. The people who work for me have high salaries. In the future, you can choose a time to go home, right, just like work. But the information about the hydroponic device and the people in it should not be disclosed to anyone, including your family or friends. If it leaks... "

Two researchers in their forties took a mouthful of water.

"Then I can't guarantee your family's safety."

The sweat on the heads of the two researchers watched.

"If you don't want to work for me and don't want to continue to study for me, OK." Lu Bai smiled horribly, "then I only want you to shut up here forever."