Thus, the person who had that girl's voice in the end was only a fake because that girl had already grown up.

At that time, Moose City was covering his wounded eyes, so he thought that the person who was talking to him was also from that university.

When the Moose City heard this, it seemed as if half of his soul had disappeared, his hand drooping down powerlessly.

An Xia'er pushed away the Moose City's hand and walked towards the side.

"I only thought Angel liked my voice and wanted to learn it. But to me, it was my honor for her to imitate my voice." An Xia laughed. "Until you mentioned that I was impersonating her to get close to you, I kept thinking about what happened that year, hur hur."

Anchor remembered Angel's expression when she came back from college. It turned out that she had been a thorn in her side ever since then …

It was because she had always been secretly in love with Moose City but had suffered so much that she didn't have the chance to accept him.

"Angel, to some extent, her patience is really admirable. No, it's simply too scary. Perhaps she knew that I've come into contact with you before, and knew that her stepsister had a relationship with the man she's fond of. So from then on, she started planning to replace me, until you returned home and saw us together. "How terrifying."

Angel's plan was to hide for a few years just to wait for Moose City.

After that, he would use this matter to chase her out of the An clan. What a brilliant method!

How could the pure and innocent her be the opponent of the scheming Angel? It wasn't strange at all that she would be chased out of the An clan by Angel and her mother.

Moose City looked at her back and clenched his teeth, his breathing started to change, "Then why did you say it now?"

"Moose City, I didn't expect that you would return to that university to investigate about what happened that year." An Xia turned around and walked over. "Actually, if you didn't investigate, I would have become a real fake. After all, Angel had my voice back then and I didn't, so I couldn't tell a hundred times!"

Thus, rather than saying that Angel's voice was sweet and coquettish, it would be more accurate to say that it was mixed with a hint of a doll's voice …

It was the voice of An Xia, who was only about 15 years old.

At that time, Moose City did not know that the one talking to him was actually such a young girl. He had always thought that she was a girl from the Platinum Business University.

"If you understand, why don't you tell me?" Moose City looked at An Xia, and he coldly smiled, "You didn't even think of saving our relationship right? No, maybe you didn't intentionally say it, because you already have your eyes on Lu Bai? "

If it weren't for the fact that there were no cars in and out of the parking lot, and she couldn't beat this 1.8m man when they fought, Anchor would have really slapped him twice in the face —

"Are you shameless? Now that things have come to this, do you still want to say that it's my fault? Moose City, what happened today was all your fault! "

"So, you already know Lu Bai, right …" The Moose City was tangled up in this matter, because it was truly difficult for him to believe that if An Xia really loved him, why would she be unwilling to do even a little bit of remediation?

She clearly explained the misunderstanding that could be solved …

She looked at Moose City for a long time, but did not answer his question in the end. "If you want to think like this, then feel free to do so. She wouldn't tell him that it was precisely because of Angel's medicine that she got to know Lu Bai.

It was all thanks to them!

No matter what methods she used today to make the Moose City pay, these were all things that they had once used on her.

Once, she was a pure, happy, carefree Second Miss An …

Moose City's betrayal of her feelings made her sunny heart turn cloudy. At this point, she was no longer simple. She learned how to endure, weave wells, and even attack.

"Bam!" Moose City once again pressed his hand on the door of her car, looking at her sinisterly, "Then have you ever thought that Qi'er really loved me? Even if she wasn't the girl I loved back then, she still saved me … If she hadn't taken me to the hospital in time for my car accident, my eyes might have been blinded! "

he said, almost gritting his teeth.

Therefore, even though he knew that Angel wasn't the person in his heart, it wouldn't be too good for him to treat Angel too well … It was partly because her heart wasn't completely out of control, and partly because Angel had still saved him.

Only God knew when he returned to S City and saw Angel and Angel at the entrance of the meeting room —

One of his favorite women had cheated him.

And the woman he thought he should hate, was the one he should love …

At that moment, when he was standing at the door of the meeting room, he looked at An Xia'er. He really wanted to ask her, why didn't she tell him earlier?

"Oh, really?" An Xia looked at him gritting her teeth with interest. "Are you trying to say that I'm angry at you for not succeeding? Because even though you knew what happened that year, you still chose Angel, right?" However, I do not believe that you would not have asked me about this if you had not regretted it. "

Moose City's reaction told her that he was regretful from the beginning … The girl he loved the most was the girl who had spoken to him that year, not the girl who had saved his eyes, but the girl who had healed his soul.

Moose City looked at An Xia's eyes for a long time.


"An Xia'er, leave Lu Bai." He said, "I'm truly sorry. I will think of a way to compensate you …"

"Shut your mouth!" "Moose City, I will never return to the past with you, and I will never love you again. I will love someone else who can bring me out of my predicament! He's the one who deserves to be entrusted to me for the rest of my life! "

Regardless of whether Lu Bai loved her or not, she would still try her best to fight for it …

"Are you talking about Lu Bai?" Moose City's face darkened for a moment, his fists clenched tightly, he then laughed out loud, "Didn't you hear what those people in the Gourmet City's restaurant said? If you stay by that man's side, you are a woman that can hold him back, betraying yourself to be his secret lover!"


In the end, An Xia'er couldn't hold back and slapped him.

Moose City turned his face slightly to the side. He was stunned for a while before he slowly turned back with pursed lips — —

Perhaps it was because he had misunderstood her and felt guilty, but towards this woman who dared to slap him, for the first time, Moose City did not retaliate. He only stared at her with an extremely gloomy gaze.

An Xia'er's breathing slightly trembled. He still had the face to say such words …

"I'll say it again, leave Lu Bai." Both of Moose City's hands supported the door on both sides of her body, locking her in place. "He can give you … me …"

"You can't!" An Xia'er met his eyes, "Moose City, he gave me a chance to rely on. You can't give me that, and I won't seek your protection any longer, because I won't leave him either. There is a bond between him and me that is even stronger than yours —"

Moose City's entire heart was filled with jealousy and unwillingness, ever since he knew that An Xia'er had mentioned the events of the past, and that she had already completely picked Lu Bai first.

He slowly moved closer to her, his eyes gradually becoming colder. "Are you saying that you signed some kind of a lover contract with him? Rich men indeed like to use this method, but you can't play with things like An Xia'er!"

"Moose City, listen up. You are a man that I hate the most to me!" An Xia'er coldly reminded him, "No matter what agreement I have with him, your jealousy and interference are all laughable!"

When Moose City heard An Xia'er's words, she couldn't even laugh coldly at the ridicule in the end, and her eyes locked onto her without blinking — —

He finally understood.

Whether or not they had a good two years, they were gone by the time they broke off their marriage...

The current An Xia was no longer his. Yes, he had indeed personally pushed her away.

"Nothing you do now will affect me." An Xia's eyes held an unshakeable determination. "What's more, I have a vow that is even stronger than a wedge between us."

That was the vow at the wedding!

That marriage certificate is stronger than any marriage contract!

Moose City clenched his hands tightly.

"Understood?" "If you understand, then scram!"

An Xia'er pushed his hand away and opened the car door. She had gone through great difficulty to come out to play with Zhan Qian tonight, but now that they met Moose City, she didn't have any mood left …

The Moose City behind him had her head lowered and the hand hanging by her side was tightening. This was the first time the Mu Clan Prince, who had disregarded all the rules, had shown such a defeated state.

Just as An Xia'er was angrily getting on the car, the corner of Moose City's lips twitched evilly. "An Xia'er, that friend of yours has gotten into a dispute with another customer, and I didn't invite the reporter from the S City Business News to come over. She disregarded the rules and took a photo, and right now she's already on top of it.

"Moose City, how dare you!" Hearing that Zhan Qian's face had been seized, An Xia'er's mind exploded. She immediately rushed out of the car. "Zhan Qian has nothing to do with our matter. She's here for the Gourmet City!"

"But that reporter is your friend, so she can't get away from it." Moose City knew that An Xia'er would no longer forgive him and her methods started to be extreme, "The people beside you will become my tools to deal with you!"

To a woman, it didn't matter if she was hurt, or got …

He would always be a crazy man who threw caution to the wind!

He would not rest until he had received an oath!

His returning love and possession, like the flames of darkness, crept up from the vastness of hell...

"Moose City, you damned bastard!" Anxia fiercely pulled off his tie, her eyes turning red from anger. "Release Zhan Qian for me immediately!" Otherwise, I won't let you off! "

A car came in from the side, and there was a flash of light.

The lights of the luxury cars illuminated the figures of An Xia'er and Moose City.