All eyes immediately focused on the man who raised his hand.

"Mr. Li At noon, the young lady came downstairs. I saw her

Li Yanjin catches a glimmer of hope and immediately asks, "and then? Did she go out or went back to her room? Is there anything wrong with her? "

"Miss, she It's normal. " At noon, the cook asked me to go to the cellar and get a bottle of white wine for cooking. I went to the cellar to get the wine. When I passed the living room, the young lady almost dropped the wine in my hand. "

"And then?"

"After that, I didn't see the lady."

Li Yanjin frowned, and the clue seemed to be interrupted again.

He pondered for a moment and asked, "have you talked to her in the process?"

The servant nodded: "Mr. Li, Miss Li asked me what I did with the wine, and then I didn't say anything else."

Li Yanjin asked, "what time was it then?"

The servant recalled, "it's just when the kitchen is going to make lunch, so I'll get the wine."

Li Yanjin had a number in her heart, and Longsheng asked, "after this time, have you seen each other for the beginning of summer?"

Everyone shakes their heads in unison.

I haven't seen it.

At the beginning of summer, the sense of existence in Li's family was very low.

She either stayed in the room or went out to play. She seldom wandered around at home, walking around and staying at home.

So slowly, few people pay attention to where she is at the beginning of summer and what she is doing. They think she is in the room or out to play.

Who knows today That's what happened.

Li Yanjin no longer spoke, his face was heavy as stagnant water, and his brow was wrinkled into a Sichuan character, which had never been loosened.

Since the servant came back with the wine I haven't seen her.

Now we can be sure that the beginning of summer disappeared at about 12 noon.

Li Yanjin looked up at the housekeeper and said, "have you finished monitoring the door? Are you sure you haven't seen it in early summer? "

"Yes, Mr. Li. I have seen it all, miss. She I really didn't go out the front door. "

Gu Yanbin was listening, and suddenly he smiled with a laugh, full of sarcasm: "according to this saying, Li Yanjin, at the beginning of summer, it was like this, and disappeared in Li's house without any reason?"

Li Yanjin didn't pay any attention to him at all. She pondered for a moment and gave an order to the housekeeper: "search the carpet of Li's house, and don't let it go anywhere. In addition to the beginning of summer, there is a six-year-old boy, who is also missing, all for me to find. "

The steward was stunned: "Mr. Li Are you sure? How can miss Li be at home? "

"I'll let you find it, and I'll find it right away!"

The housekeeper nodded and took the order.

When the housekeeper was about to take someone with him, he searched all over the Li's house. At noon, the servant, who was almost broken by the bottle at the beginning of summer, suddenly opened his mouth.

"Mr. Li, little Miss, she Would she be trapped in the cellar? "

Li Yanjin immediately looked straight at her: "what do you say?"

"Miss is very interested in the wine in my hand. I see her like that..."

Before the servant finished speaking, a security guard suddenly exclaimed, "no! When I passed the wine cellar today, I saw that the door was not closed properly. I thought I forgot to close it, so I I'll lock it from the outside. "

Before Li Yanjin could finish listening to the security guard, she started to walk in the direction of the wine cellar. She was so fast that she disappeared in a flash.

Li Yan then responds and trots out of the villa.

Wine cellar?

Gu Yanbin is not familiar with this place, so he can only follow two people behind him and follow them to the cellar.

A fatal mistake was made at the beginning of summer.

Whoever comes in and out of the cellar will close the door.

One is to prevent the temperature from being damaged, and the hot gas outside will increase or decrease the temperature inside. For the preservation of red wine, it is better to keep the temperature constant.

Second, I'm afraid of such an accident at the beginning of summer.

Once the door is closed, no one will care whether there are people in it or not. The people in it can go out and the people outside can go in.

But at the beginning of summer, she kept the door open. What she thought was that she would come out soon and not stay too long. Who knows This is what happened.

In the cellar.

At the beginning of summer, the whole body began to shiver.

Although the temperature is more than ten degrees, it's not too low, but she has been here for 12 hours. She still wears so little and has nothing to eat

In addition, the fear in her heart gradually affected her mentality at the beginning of summer.

Just like cancer patients, if they don't know that they have terminal disease, they may live longer.

People who know they have cancer are more likely to be knocked down by the disease.

At the beginning of summer, he stretched out his hand from time to time to explore Xiaojun's breath and touch the main artery at his neck.

She was afraid that Xiaojun would stop breathing so slowly.

And now, time goes by more and more.

At the beginning of summer, I raised my head and looked at four pieces to find a sharp tool to scratch my skin.

But she turned to think about how she could not even stand up and find something.

Thinking about it, I raised my arm at the beginning of summer, and a thought flashed in my mind --

bite with my teeth.

She didn't know what time it was, but she knew that time had passed for a long time, but no one came to her, just afraid it was There is no hope of going out.

Compared with the fact that two people died here, it is a matter of complete merit and virtue for one person to survive.

But at the beginning of summer, she was afraid of pain.

But she had no other way.

Her legs were bruised and she pinched them.

The nails and lips have turned purple and cannot be looked at directly.

In fact, death is not terrible. What is terrible is the despair before death.

Like lingchi, she cut her heart one by one and let her die, but for a while, she was not allowed to die.

"Little uncle, Yanjin..." She murmured his name, "you really don't find me missing, you don't want to come to me?"

"If you didn't see me in three or five hours, you would be crazy..."

"As expected, if I forget it, I will forget it completely. Won't there be any more ripples?"

"Will you come..."

"If something happened to me, would you feel so sad for me when you think of me in the future?"

"I think so Yes, even if I'm not the woman you love deeply now, I'm also your niece. Blood is thicker than water. You're not No matter where I am or where I am. "