
Renault of course can only say this in his heart, if let the Gu family know, he went to Gu Jinxi, that day, I'm afraid it will be turned over.

"I can play with you when I have time." Renault hung up the phone and looked proud.

Gu Huaiyu listened to what he said, and his back teeth were itching.

But according to the information from the secret guards, it is not of any value.

Gu Huaiyu can only attribute him to his great uncle.

Renault has robbed several businesses of the white Empire, and Gu Huaiyu is not willing to be outdone. You come and go. It's really exciting.

It's just the people at the bottom of their hands.

A week passed.

Renault and Gu Jinxi have not yet resumed contact, the assistant and the Secretary can not stand it first.

The Secretary pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "this week, I have lost five pounds."

“…… You're only five pounds, and I'm nearly ten pounds. The most important thing is that I can't sleep well at night and lose a lot of hair. In another month, I feel like I'm going to be bald. "

“……” The Secretary touched the hairline quietly.

Before long, he will be the same bald guy.


"What do you say?"

"How do I know? You can do something about it."

"What can I do? Don't you think the boss's favorite person is you? Go and persuade."

"No, I think boss's favorite is you."

"Oh." The Secretary sneered, "at this time, you are modest."

"Modesty is a virtue."

“…… Is it interesting? "


Fighting each other won't solve any problems.

In a moment.

The Secretary said, "as the saying goes, you have to tie the bell to untie the bell."

"Miss Jinxi. Is it possible? They don't care about anyone. "

"Do you have Miss Gu's contact information?" The Secretary pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and broke the ship.

The assistant hissed: "do you want me to call Miss Gu? I don't fight! "

"Let's be bald men together."


A moment later.

Assistant: "I provide the telephone, you call, your eloquence is good!"

“…… Yes

If it goes on like this, they will die sooner or later. It's better to have a happy one.

So they hit it off.



Gu Jinxi has been busy for a long time and has no rest.

In the afternoon, Fu Qingliu came to her side and said to her, "Jinxi, you haven't had a rest for so many days. You can have a rest tomorrow."

"Grandma, I'm not tired."

"Silly words, how can you not be tired? You've been standing late this day, and I think you've been depressed these days. What's on your mind?"

Gu Jinxi touched his face and shook his head: "No

"That's tired. Listen to me and have a good rest tomorrow."

"Well, by the way, how's aunt Ann?"

These days an LAN almost lived in Fu Qingliu's studio. Fu Qingliu gave a smile: "she is still very talented."

"Thank you, then, and greet her for me." Gu Jinxi shook Fu Qingliu's arm.

Fu Qingliu looked at her with a satisfied smile on her face: "OK, you have a rest first, I'll go to see an LAN."


In the afternoon, there is a two-hour break.

Gu Jinxi returned to the rest room, ready to take a nap. As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt that the mobile phone was shaking.

Anonymous phone calls?

Gu Jinxi did not answer.

It's about a liar.

Just lie down, the phone rings again, still anonymous.

After repeated this for several times, she became angry and wanted to see who was playing the prank: "Hello, who is it?"

"Miss Gu."

There came a calm and clear voice, which was not offensive to people, but also knew her surname was Gu, so Gu Jinxi frowned: "do you know me? Who are you and why do you call anonymously

These days, her mood is also more depressed, so a mouth and a barrage of like, questioning the fierce.

The Secretary pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and told him his identity calmly.

Gu Jinxi eyebrow heart mercilessly twists: "something?"

"There is something I want to ask Miss Gu for help."

"No time, no help." Sensing that Gu Jinxi wanted to hang up the phone, the assistant there scrambled for the phone: "Miss Gu, as the saying goes, saving one life is better than building a seven level butcher. Do you know how many lives you want to save? Do you know how great you are? You are simply the Guanyin Bodhisattva who is the universal Bodhisattva of all living beings. "Gu Jinxi was amused: "you should not ask for the blessing of Jesus." "When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I think the eastern Bodhisattvas and immortals are more spiritual. Miss Gu, if we didn't really have no way, we would not have called you. Boss has not eaten or drunk for several days, but as soon as

is waiting for your call, you can call him. "

"If you don't fight, I've already said everything."

"It was boss who was angry. Now he's almost gone. You can sacrifice a little and give him a step."

"Why should I give him steps? Isn't he wrong? There is no such reason. "

"But boss will break down if he doesn't eat or drink like this. He is in a bad mood. Many people will lose their jobs. Miss Gu, you should not have the heart to see so many people suffering from Innocent involvement."

Gu Jinxi eyebrow deep lock: "how he is still like this, motionless implicated innocent."

"Miss Gu, we really have no choice but to come to you with good advice. I hope you --"

GU Jinxi was silent and didn't express his position immediately. He just said, "is there anything else I can do? I'll hang up if there's nothing else."

"No more."

Gu Jinxi ended the call.

Look at me and I'll look at you.

Secretary: "did she agree?"

Assistant: "I don't know."

“……” If the boss knows that they have made this call, but the problem is still not solved, they should be frustrated.

Gu Jinxi originally wanted to have a rest for a while, but because of this phone call, he was not easy to be calm and impatient.

Barely holding on till the end of today's exhibition, she went back.

Think well not to care about not to pay attention to, but in the end is soft hearted, worry about this, worry about that, let her have a trace of wavering.

Come on.

She scratched her hair and decided to wait for him to call that day.

Who knows the mobile phone on the hand suddenly vibrates.

The familiar number jumps on the screen, and she throws her cell phone out.

"Ah -" she picked up the phone in a panic, pressed the answer button, and there was a trace of shortness of breath.

No one spoke. Gu Jinxi took the mobile phone away and looked at it. She suspected that the phone had been hung up.

"Cough," she cleared her throat, "why don't you talk."

Renault fingered the penholder in front of him: "you didn't say it."

"I didn't say that. Besides, you called me first!" On this point, Gu Jinxi still felt very proud. Fortunately, she kept it.

This silent contest between them is who makes the call first, who bows his head to admit defeat.

"I have the wrong number." Renault's face was cold, and his voice dropped a few degrees, with a thick nasal sound.

"If you hang up, I'll ignore you." Gu Jinxi himself did not realize that this was a little coquettish.

Renault was silent.

Not at all like him.

Gu Jinxi was a little nervous and thought of jet lag: "Hey, why don't you talk? Are you sleepy? Then you can sleep."

"I don't care if you hang up."

"Oh." Gu Jinxi dumbfounded, "then you don't speak."

"You say, I listen." Renault leaned back and his stiff body gradually relaxed.

He lost the battle.

But the results are not bad.

"What do I say?" so deliberately, Gu Jinxi did not know what to say.

Renault's voice was hoarse: "you were not very glib before, so you can fight against injustice."

"Yes, have you been making trouble with my Huaiyu recently --"

"your Huaiyu?"

Light shallow four words, but through the thought-provoking and deep bottomless gully. My Huaiyu is so familiar. Once upon a time, she said the same to him. My Huaiyu came.