Fu Zhongting picked up a bottle of sauce and threw it at the woman over there.

His technique is very precise. It is right on the woman's head. When the woman's hand is crooked, the remaining sulfuric acid will lose its accuracy, and it will make a crackling sound to the shelf nearby.

Seeing this, Zhong Jiaqi immediately endured the pain and said to Qi Jinnian, "go, take Jinxi there quickly!"

Qi Jinnian was flustered, but he didn't lose his mind. He pushed the cart and asked Zhong Jiaqi, "how are you? Are you ok?"

"It's OK. Let's go. Zhongting is here!"

Fu Zhongting had already arrived at them. As soon as he lifted his leg, he subdued the woman who was already dizzy to the ground. The supermarket security guard came to help. Fu Zhongting seized her bag, and the security guard pressed her on the ground -

there was a bomb in the bag -

Fu Zhongting's face suddenly changed. Based on Fu Zhongting's many years of combat experience, he knew it at a glance Dao, this bomb is real!

Zhong Jiaqi over there was injured. Although she had some difficulties in moving, Fu Zhongting still said to her, "the golden year is given to you. Be careful!" Then he took the bag and ran out quickly.

Everything is racing against the clock. The bomb has entered the countdown. While running, Fu Zhongting shouts: "get out of the way, all of you!"

At the same time, he also thinks about where there are open spaces and where there can be bombs. Now it's too late for bomb experts to wait. But the supermarket is really overcrowded, and the normal path must not work. Moreover, the bomb power is not good. The woman carrying the bomb clearly wants to die with the people in the supermarket, and she has to pull so many cushions when she dies It's really vicious to be attentive.

Fortunately, the supermarket was on the first floor, and Fu Zhongting tried his best to run to the open space outside. However, the sound of the bomb countdown came from his bag. However, looking around, the road was filled with water. He looked around and found that there was an open space for electric demolition, which was surrounded by a half man high wall. No one should be working at this time. As he ran, he yelled: "get out of the way, there's a bomb, stay away, stay away!"

When they heard him, they saw that he was running rapidly and the bag in his hand. The crowd ran in the opposite direction with him.

Fu Zhongting calculated the time in his mind. He knew that the bomb would explode in ten seconds, and he needed time to run back. So he could only throw it out as hard as he could when he was close to the open space, and then ran back quickly.

"Bang -" the huge explosion sound came, and the low wall half a person high behind him immediately flew with debris. Fu Zhongting's body was also blown to the ground by the airflow from behind. At the same time, the buildings around him were obviously shocked.

People make a panic call, squat down one after another, everything happens in an instant, fast people have no time to respond.

After a long time, the tremor passed. Someone tried to raise his head and found that there was no problem. All the people stood up carefully from the ground. Some people found Fu Zhongting and immediately ran to help him. They asked someone to call an ambulance. Someone helped him up from the ground carefully and said, "how are you? Are you OK."

Fu Zhongting didn't speak. His brain was buzzing and his eyes were also empty. After a long time, the world in front of him became clear and his ears heard the concern of the people nearby.

People all saw that he rushed out with a bag and let everyone be careful, so they all cared about his condition. Fu Zhongting recovered and found himself surrounded by so many people. He stood up immediately. Someone pressed him down and said, "you can't move. We'll send you to the hospital for examination."

"No, I'm fine. Someone in the supermarket is injured. I'm going to have a look. I'm fine." He broke free from the hands of the people, and when he stood up he gave a good shake. Finally he stood still and ran forward.

He did not forget that Zhong Jiaqi was splashed with sulfuric acid in the supermarket.

In the supermarket, it's really a mess.

When the bomb exploded just now, there was a panic, especially when Zhong Jiaqi was splashed with sulfuric acid.

Sulfuric acid has a strong oxidation, emitting a lot of heat, coat for Zhong Jiaqi to prevent a large area of disaster, fortunately, it is not very serious inside, but it is also splashed on the ground can not be underestimated.

Qi Jinnian immediately took off his coat, wiped Zhong Jiaqi, and then ran to the bathroom with her arm. Zhong Jiaqi did not forget to take Jinxi with her.

But because the wound was on the back, he couldn't wash it with water directly, so Qi Jinnian could only wet his clothes and help Zhong Jiaqi wipe them.

Zhong Jiaqi looked at Qi Jinnian's sad and crying face and comforted her in turn: "it's OK. Jinnian, don't be nervous. It doesn't hurt."

Now she is worried about Fu Zhongting. She doesn't know how he is. He should have taken the bomb out. In such a short period of time, she doesn't know if she has found a suitable place to settle down. She hopes everything will be OK.

"I'm sorry, it's all we've done to you." I hurt my hand before, and I was splashed with sulfuric acid. Fortunately, there's clothes on my back. If it's on the face, the consequences are really unimaginable.The pain was really painful. A small part of the back skin was burned. Zhong Jiaqi gritted her teeth and held on. Suddenly, she saw Fu Zhongting coming and immediately stepped forward.

"How are you?"

The two asked, almost in unison.

Zhong Jiaqi, looking at Fu Zhongting, was also full of embarrassment. He immediately took his physical examination and said, "the bomb didn't hurt you."

Fu Zhongting shook his head: "can't hurt." He turned Zhong Jiaqi around, saw the wound behind her and said, "go to the hospital immediately."

Zhong Jiaqi nodded, but she still endured the pain. Seeing this, Fu Zhongting immediately carried her on her back and said to Qi Jinnian, "can you hold Jinxi?"

Qi Jinnian immediately went to hold Jinxi, but Jinxi said, "I can run. Let's go quickly. Aunt Jiaqi looks so painful."

Then she took Qi Jinnian and ran out.

Zhong Jiaqi lies on Fu Zhongting's broad back and wants to laugh, but she can't laugh at all. The skin around her oxidizes rapidly. If she doesn't deal with it in time, it may be abandoned. She doesn't care much about it. It's really painful.

However, it is rare that there is still such a close contact with Fu Zhongting. Zhong Jiaqi half closed her eyes, and she was thinking all the way, as if this could relieve her pain.

Fu Zhongting still has debris on her head. When she saw it, she couldn't help reaching out and gently brushing it off for him.

Fu Zhongting found out that he was stunned, but he didn't say anything. He just quickened his pace.

It's a very subtle feeling. A moment's feeling. It can't be said.

Sent to the hospital, Zhong Jiaqi lies on the bed and is immediately sent in for emergency treatment.