Chapter 297 The Ultimate Means of the General Affairs Office

Name:Heart of Empire Author:Big Airship
Diana is not unaware of the news that Verina battled with the merchants in Sand Bay Harbor.

Although, during this time, he spent most of his time in Orineldo. He may return to Bailangbao occasionally, and did not make a public appearance in Shawan Port. But a lot of news came into his ears through various channels.

He is very satisfied with Verina's work in Sand Bay Harbor.

Obviously, the female knight hero basically understood the two-sentence policy given to her by Dane. She did not recklessly confront directly with the General Affairs Office and the three giant chambers of commerce behind the General Affairs Office, but she showed her own tough attitude very well.

In a recent letter, she mentioned that after the introduction of the new tax bill in Shawan Port, and after various battles with the three major chambers of secretly and secretly, the commercial activity of the entire city was within half a month. Inside, it has been reduced by ten percent.

This is a very large dive, enough to cause panic in any city manager.

In particular, the rate of decline still has no meaning to slow down. It seems that as long as the new warlords of Shawan Port continue to fight with those merchants, the business of Shawan Port will continue to decline.

This is a prelude to the city's rundown. Even if Verina is a determined person, she can't help but be frightened.In her letter, there was a sentence that Dion agreed with.

"... Any small means, under our strong attitude, and under the guarantee that we have sufficient military power, are just gimmicks. They have no meaning and cannot shake our foundations. But here In this kind of struggle, the commercial industry of Shawan Port will be greatly affected, and it will be inevitable that the degree of commercial activity will shrink drastically. This may be the strongest move of the business people Is also their biggest hole card. "

Diana's 100% agreement with Verina's view.

The three major chambers of commerce have played a lot of small tricks in Shawan Port, and Verina also spent a lot of brains to crack these small tricks.

But in reality, this is not the essence of the matter. Only a fool would think that those means can really threaten Dane's rule in Sandy Bay Harbor. In the same way, no matter how beautiful these small means are, they will not be able to truly remove the influence of the three major chambers of commerce in Shawan Port.

The most fundamental thing is to look at the essence through these small means. The purpose of the three major chambers of commerce is to destroy the commercial capacity of Shawan Port to force Verina and Dane behind Verina to submit.

This is also the most powerful weapon in the hands of the General Affairs Office: as long as I think, I can make today's bustling Shawan Port ruined into a wasteland that even a ship would not want to come tomorrow.

Don't think that the warlords who once controlled the Shawan Port do not want to hold this hen that can lay golden eggs thoroughly in their own hands. However, this is not something that can be done by thinking about it. Under the extremely tough performance of the General Affairs Office, any warlord had to bow his head.

There is no way to control Shawan Harbour. The General Affairs Office would rather destroy this bustling city than let it fall out of the merchant's control and fall into the warlord's hands.

This is where businessmen are tough.What's smart about them is that they don't plan to eat alone in Shawan Harbour. No matter which warlord controls the port city, they will respectfully offer a benefit to the generals who control the city.

For warlords, a dilapidated sandy bay port has no value. And if it is kept in the hands of businessmen, it will at least receive a large sum of money each month.

So how will warlords choose?

Almost all warlords were defeated in such a routine. No one has ever fought these merchants in Shawan Port. Their power has penetrated into every corner of this port city, and is not limited to this. Multinational business groups, even if they do not possess any military power, they are not ordinary. The warlords can fight.

But Dane still asked Verina to stay tough. This attitude is also equivalent to telling the merchants that Dane will not-at least not now-choose to compromise.

Merchants have not never seen such a warlord.

Although the destruction of the Shawan Port will also bring huge losses to the businessmen who control the lifeblood of the city. However, commerce is fluid. Without Shawan Port, they can probably tap this market from other places and in other ways, and there will always be times when they can make up for their losses.

But for the lords, it took them so many lives to fight with other warlords, and the city that they captured was so old that it was completely decayed, which was almost unacceptable damage.

So no matter how tough the warlords are, they will always choose to compromise.

As for the "degree" among them, what kind of measure you want to grasp depends on the game between the two sides.According to the businessmen's experience, in general, the decline of a city reaches 10%, and the lords can't sit still. But it is obvious that Dane is much more patient than they thought. After half a month of fighting, Shawan Port has dropped 10% of its trade volume, but Dane has no intention of compromise.

This is somewhat unexpected from the General Affairs Office, but in their eyes, this is nothing more than continuing to make losses. They believe that ~ ~ 10% of Dane does not give in, and 20% or 30%, there are always times when Dane can't bear it.

What if I can't afford it? Let Sand Bay Harbor break down.

However, what they didn't expect was that Dane, who had not made a public appearance in Shawan Port since this time, already had the idea of ​​breaking the game.

Having just drank the potion of permanent strength, Dane, who is adapting to the newly growing power, has settled his days and sent a reply to Verina.

In his reply, he asked Velina to continue to fight with the General Affairs Office of Shawan Port. The ultimate goal is to maintain the situation as much as possible and maintain a tough attitude while slowing the decline of Shawan Port. The rigid index is that within half a month, the degree of decline in the overall commercial trade value of the port must not exceed 15%.

This is an indicator that Verina desperately needs to complete, but Dane does need at least the Cavaliers to fight for some more time for him.

As for other actions ...

Dane thought about it and wrote several letters to several people. (To be continued.)