Chapter 635: Elysia's Journey

Alicia continued to walk forward.

He could stay in place and wait for the world to perish, but it was too boring to do so, so before the world was completely assimilated by green, Alicia decided to take a long journey and take a good look. This world has been polluted by mankind.

The green plants he infected seemed to understand Alicia’s intentions. In order not to disturb Alicia’s view of the beautiful scenery, they curled up behind Alicia with extreme restraint, spreading to both sides, but they refused Cross Alicia to infect the land ahead.

This created a very strange scene.

Behind Alicia was an endless twisted forest, but in front of him everything was normal.

At this moment, Alicia seems to demarcate the dividing line between life and death in mythology, using itself as the midpoint to draw two completely different worlds between the dead and the earth.

The difference from the true card in the myth is that his dividing line can move.

Alicia's journey continues. His first stop is a small farm consisting of a barn, a farmhouse and a large cornfield.

The owner of the farm is obviously not a pure farmer, at least a farmer with a better aesthetic.

So although his farmhouse and barn are small, they are surprisingly beautiful.

Even the corn field was artificially planted into the shape of love.

It's just that at this moment, this artistically aesthetic farmer is carrying a shotgun, watching the direction Alicia is coming.

Alicia's welcome to the farmer was no surprise, after all, the momentum he made was a bit bigger.

And even if he didn't look at the ghostly forest behind him, his behavior of sweeping the forest forced a large number of animals to flee in the direction he was heading.

This can be seen from the damaged fence around the farm.

He walked forward slowly, and stopped until the farmer was near, and looked at the farm and the farmer curiously.

The farmland in front of him reminded him of some past events.

Back then, these monkey slaves liked to plant some plants and then pick their fruits for food.

At that time, they loved these plants very much, and even used their lives to protect them when faced with danger.

This is why they were blessed by the elves afterwards. The elves admired their friendliness to the plants very much, so the rain came down.

At this moment, standing in front of him, the monkey slave holding a long stick in his hand obviously still upholds the kind of pure kindness to plants, which makes Alicia a little more fond of him, and he is even considering whether to accept it. To be his own slave, after all, a long life really needs someone to talk together, otherwise it would be too lonely.

Let me tell you that the novel app I'm using recently, [Changyuan Artifact APP], supports both Android and iPhone!

It's a pity that a gun shot dispelled Alicia's thoughts.

He looked down slightly surprised and saw that a smoking lead bullet was embedded in his breastplate.

"Dare you...attack me?"

Alicia muttered to herself in an incredible tone, and then raised her head to look at the farmer.

However, at this moment, there was no one in front of him. The farmer had already dropped the shotgun in his hand and drove a pickup truck far away.

"Sure enough, humans are humans."

Alicia shook her head disappointedly, and after saying this, she stepped over the fence in front of her and continued to the distance.

His speed was still not fast, he was not angry at what happened just now, and he didn't even want to retaliate against the farmer.

He thought about it, all creatures in this world were going to die anyway, and it was obviously foolish to be angry at a dead person.

After leaving the farm, Alicia suddenly smelled a familiar smell, which made him turn around and look for the smell.

It didn't take long for him to see what was stinking.

Those are two giants who are snuggling together and falling asleep.

This made Alicia's eyes light up slightly.

Such creatures as giants also existed in the era when he lived.

It is even a powerful creature comparable to the elves. They are huge, majestic and full of wisdom. The best thing is that they are also proficient in construction and forging.

In that era, the equipment built by the giants was recognized as the best quality, and the cities where the giants lived were also majestic.

Only when he officially approached he was disappointed again.

Because the giant that appeared in front of him at this moment was too different from what he had in mind.

Not only are they naked and small and pitiful, but judging from the postures in their sleep and occasional movements, they also have problems with their intelligence.

"It seems that the giants have also been swept away by humans."

Alicia spoke slowly, and the endless green wave of her arm drowned the two giants.

He really couldn't tolerate the existence of these two giants in the world again, it was simply a tarnish to the image of the powerful giant in his impression!

After bidding farewell to the giant, Alicia came to a gathering place for wizards.

Compared with the previous farmer's farm, this wizarding place is simply a garbage dump.

There are dilapidated wooden houses and rats everywhere, and there are many dung buckets on the muddy ground between the houses, and an unbearable smell is slowly wafting out of them.

But compared to the smell in the dung bucket, Alicia felt more disgusted by the smell from the wizards in the wooden houses.

It tasted exactly the same as the guy who coaxed him to self-seal.

The same boring!

Frowning, Alicia turned his head and left without hesitation. He didn't even have the desire to take a look at this filthy existence.

And after it left, the twisted and weird forest rushed toward the wooden house like a cat smelling a fishy smell!

The faint screams still echoed behind him, but Alicia had no desire to look back.

He went straight to the east, looking for other scenes that evoked his memories.

It's a pity that no matter how far he has gone, there is still only an endless plain in front of him, not even a living thing.

Finally, when a faint orange-red light slowly rose from the side of the day, several scattered gray concrete buildings appeared in his vision.

This gave Alicia some interest and involuntarily accelerated her pace.

And as he approached, the buildings in front of him became more and more, and it turned out to be a small town.

"Oh oh oh!~"

A harsh sirens sounded from the town, and then the whole town came to life.

Countless people came out of the building and looked around curiously, seeming to be looking for the culprit who caused the alarm.

This is easy. The dead forest behind Alicia has formed a tendency to cover the clouds and the sun. Under the slow approach of that huge shadow, one after another screams soon came out of the town.

Alicia didn't pay much attention to these noisy humans. It was not that his cultivation was too high, but that his attention was all attracted by the buildings in front of him at the moment.

Alicia dared to swear that these buildings in front of him were absolutely the only thing he had seen in his life.

This is not to say how beautiful these buildings are, but to say that the materials and technology used in these buildings are really amazing!

In their time, magic or other supernatural powers must be used to create buildings with different shapes like those in front of him. This is no exception for the giants who are best at this.

However, from the moment on these buildings in front of him, he did not feel any magical breath.

What a wonderful thing!

Not enough Alicia's perception of these buildings is nothing more.

As a naturally pure elf, he can still smell a faint stench from these buildings.

That is evidence that they destroyed the environment during the manufacturing process.

So Alicia looked back after studying for a while and continued to walk forward.

His journey continues.


At the same time, in the secret of Freemasonry, Mike, wearing a black silk pajamas, looked helplessly at Victor, who was sitting opposite him.

There is an old saying in the East that a spring night is worth a thousand dollars.

Mike agreed with this, so he left the party early last night and returned to the villa in the secret Freemasonry with Penello.

Even he and Penello are still discussing where to start their honeymoon later.

It's just that Victor obviously hadn't heard this old saying, otherwise Victor would not choose to disturb him in the early morning of the second day of his wedding.

Shaking his head helplessly, Mike took out a cigar from the wooden box beside him and said:

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter with me."

After saying that Mike finished cutting his cigar, took out a match and was ready to light it.

However, Victor, who was opposite him, said at this moment:

"Mike, I want to borrow the elder wand and the resurrection stone in your hand, and the cloak of death in Harry's hand."

As soon as Victor said this, Mike's right hand froze just as he struck a match.

He just looked at Victor in silence and took off the cigar in his mouth until the match was completely burned out and said:

"Now that you have so many mysteries on hand are not enough for you to study? Why have you started to fight the Deathly Hallows again?"

"No! You are misunderstood! I want the Deathly Hallows, not for research, but..."

When Victor said, he looked around and saw that no one was approaching. Mike whispered:

"It's to recover my body! Seriously, I regret it, really. I originally thought I could endure loneliness and the loneliness brought by absolute reason. But I am actually far from being as strong as I thought. So, I I really want to go back in time!"

After he said that, Victor lowered his head deeply, afraid to look at Mike's face.

Mike sat there with a complicated expression.

To be honest, Mike really wanted to reject Victor directly, but anyone could say that, but he was not qualified to say it.

Because Victor will be separated from the body, a large part of the reason is because of the relationship between rescue Mike.

If it weren't for that battle, Victor, as a tech house, would absolutely not dare to violate the agreement with Mike, completely mechanized.

So now there is no doubt that Mike owes Victor a big favor.

It's just that he couldn't directly agree to Victor either. After all, gathering the Deathly Hallows is too dangerous.

If the critical moment of life and death is not reached, Mike will never adopt this method.

After being silent for a while, Mike tentatively asked:

"Didn't I give you a lot of mystery and Muggle technology products? I remember there are some things about biological manufacturing in it. Are those things not helpful to you?"

Hearing that Victor raised his head, the expression on his face was a little disappointed.

He already knew the answer from Mike's answer.

But he still didn't give up this idea, and then said:

"I have tried all of them, and I have made a lot of test objects, but no matter how delicate my body is, I can't feel my heartbeat, nor can I feel..."

Victor paused suddenly at this point, and looked down at his lower body.

Mike saw this scene in his eyes, and he immediately understood why Victor would suddenly make such a request.

Feelings are about women. It can also be said that they have been overwhelmed by the dog food that I have spread over the past two days.

This made Mike a little dumbfounded.

But despite this, the Deathly Hallows cannot be given out after all.

After thinking of this, Mike's heart hardened, he shook his head and said to Victor:

"The Deathly Hallows cannot be given to you, UU read , that's for sure. But I can understand your desire to become human again. So..."

Mike paused, reorganized the language and said:

"Hey, do you know Victor? Muggle scientists are currently working on a technique called cloning, and I think this technique will be of great benefit to your plan to recreate the body.

Of course, because of the ethics involved, that technology is top secret in the Muggle world, and there is nothing about this research in the Muggle technology products I sent to you.

But I have recently started to work with Prime Minister Yu Guo, and I believe that if I speak and pay a small price, he should still allow us to touch those things.

how about it? Would you like to serve as an investigator to the Muggle laboratory to study this cloning technique? "

Victor didn't speak for the first time. Mike said the words very deadly. Naturally, he would not continue to do useless work on this matter.

As for the cloning technology that Mike said, Victor didn't actually have much hope.

After all, in his opinion, the so-called Muggle scientists are a bunch of waste, and in terms of research efficiency, they are far from him.

But since Mike said it, he was willing to give it a try.

Thinking about this, Victor nodded and said:

"Well then, you can arrange it."

After saying this, Victor slowly got up, walked towards the door, and said as he walked:

"Sorry to interrupt you to rest Mike."

"I should say sorry."

Mike also got up and said, but at this moment, the house elf Shuke suddenly appeared in front of Mike.

He quickly climbed up to the side of the chair, leaned close to Mike's ear and said something very fast.

Hearing that, Mike's face changed drastically.