Chapter 849

Name:Golden Greenery Author:Zhuo Setong
Like Zhuo Yang, I came here at the age of 17. But I came ten years earlier than him.

However, Zhuoyang is much luckier than me, because his country is very strong and more and more rich, and my motherland, no longer my Yugoslavia.

That year, on the way to escape the war in Sarajevo, my parents died. I don't know whether the people in that tank are mu or Ke. Anyway, I haven't had my parents since that day.

My brother also died that day. If he is still alive, he is as old as Zhuoyang.

I'm Sylvia Tyana Jankovic. I'm an orphan. I came to Germany as a refugee. Now here, in madiburgh, they call me miss Sylvia.

That year, with the help of refugee agencies, I learned accounting course from night school. I've been wandering around Hanover for seven years, changing a dozen jobs. It's not because I don't work hard, it's because I'm beautiful, it's because I'm an orphan.

Every man wants to bully me. I know exactly what they think. I'm not silly Bai Tian, but a Yugoslav woman who crawled out of the dead. It wasn't until one day I met Angus that all this changed.

I became Secretary to the president of a football club. My man's name is Angus Mullen.

I know Angus was just because I was beautiful at the beginning, and his eyes can't hide from me. But at that time, I was tired, so tired, Angus only used a formal work contract text to move me, I want to stabilize.

I really look very beautiful!

Later I fell in love with Angus, I know, and he also loves me. I can understand his eyes when he looks at me, and his infatuation with me.

At that time, Angus was not easy, the company's business was not hot, and the team's performance was not very good. No one else knows, but Angus didn't lie to me. For a while, he was ready to sell the madeborg club. He talked with the buyer from Ruhr several times.

But all of a sudden, things changed because Zhuoyang came.

Angus as like as two peas, who told me that he love Zhuo Yang very much, because Zhuo Yang smiles when he is exactly like his son Jerome. Jerome also has black hair. I have seen a picture of Jerome. He is a very handsome little boy.

If Jerome were alive, he would be as old as Zhuoyang. If my brother bogoliub was alive, he would be as big as Zhuoyang.

Jerome and his mother died in Amsterdam in the year I came to Germany because of an air crash. Like me, Angus was orphaned.

The last four years have been the happiest for Angus and me. He has made a lot of money from China, which is a great, rich and friendly country. Mardiburg has become the best team in Europe. We are the treble champions.

I don't know much about football. I used to be just a secretary. Now Angus is flying between China and Germany all day. He asked me to be the financial director of madibao and let me help him keep a close eye on the money of the club.

I'm not sure how many treble titles there have been in Europe, but I know that Germany has never won them, and madisburg is the first. All this is because of Zhuo Yang.

From the first day I saw Zhuoyang, I liked him very much because he was the same age as my dearest bogoliubu. That day, Zhuoyang came to Angus's office to sign a young player contract, and I hid next door and watched him all the time. I don't know if my bogoliubu will grow as tall as Zhuoyang if he is still alive.

Angus gave Zhuoyang a very generous salary for young players. People thought it was because of Zhuoyang's teacher, Professor Norman. But I know that Angus thought of his Jerome.

I love Zhuoyang very much. When he first came here, he was a big boy, but he had to take care of himself. But at that time, he couldn't even wash his clothes. He is tired and has no place to cry. No one can be coquettish when he is in pain. He dare not cry when he wants to cry. I've experienced it, so I love him.

Zhuoyang doesn't even have a girlfriend.

He can't hide the men, but he can't hide my woman's intuition. Zhuoyang is the most active player, but he can't hide it from me. I thought he changed his girlfriend very often, but I know he didn't.

Yesterday, when the team came back from Paris and paraded around the city, every player took his girlfriend or wife with him. Their women were very beautiful. Of course, they were not as beautiful as me. Only Zhuo Yang takes Saihu with him. He even takes Saihu all the way to the balcony of the city hall.

Sometimes, I really want to hear Zhuoyang call me sister, but I can't, because Zhuoyang has her own sister. That's a very good Chinese girl, and she looks very beautiful, but she is not as beautiful as me. There are not many women I can admire. Miss Zhuo Qiuqiu is one, and the former Miss Li Xiaoqing is also one.

And Zhuoyang's mother, the professor and lady, they are all very admirable to me. China is a great country. There are so many beautiful and capable women, but they are not as beautiful as me.

Unconsciously, four years have passed. It turns out that time is so vulnerable. Zhuoyang is going to leave here. It's a sad topic to leave. I can't bear him to leave. Everyone can't. The birch on the peninsula is sending off the freighter on the canal every day, and it will finally send off the king here.Everyone says Zhuoyang is the king of madibu, but I never think of him as a king. I hope Zhuoyang is my brother.

Zhuoyang has grown up. He is going to see the whole world. I don't know what the world looks like. If you don't have to worry about tomorrow's unemployment, the most important thing is that there is no war. It's the same everywhere. Madibao is my world.

Zhuoyang has grown up, but he is still a big boy in my eyes. He will go as far as he came here four years ago.

I hope Zhuoyang can meet his girlfriend there. It should be a beautiful girl. Maybe she is waiting for him there. However, it should not be as beautiful as me.

I hope Zhuoyang can often come back to see me. If you can call me elder sister, it will be better.

Last night, Zhuoyang was here to talk with me and Angus for a long time. Maybe he was drunk. Later, he asked Angus with a smile.

"Uncle Mullen, when will you propose to miss Sylvia? It's been so many years. Let's do what we have to do. "

Angus was drunk too, and he laughed wildly when he heard Zhuoyang say so.

"Zhuoyang, would you like to be my best man then?"

"It's a deal, uncle ma."

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Angus and Zhuoyang are both drunk, but I know when they say these words, they are not drunk.

I'm really beautiful!