Chapter 575

Name:Golden Greenery Author:Zhuo Setong

Zhuoyang hit Jeff bernova with a low whip leg. His gloomy laughter stopped abruptly, and he fell to the ground. Bernois climbed up from the ground ferociously and rushed to Zhuoyang.


He kicks his chest straight in front of him, and bernois flies back Hit the wall and fell to the ground. Lying on the ground, bernois reached around and looked around, looking for something that could be used as a weapon. Unfortunately, this place has been abandoned for many years, and anyone who can use it a little bit has been shunned, except Half firebrick.

Zhuoyang didn't even move. The brick flew eight Zhangs away from him. In a hurry, bernois didn't have a good head at all. Next to the bricks, bernova was once again slapped in the face by Zhuoyang's high whip leg, and crispy hit the ground. "It's true that the newspaper says he can fight very well," said bernoisin.

He is self-conscious. The fact is very clear. According to the different fighting strength of both sides, he can't even get close to Zhuoyang. He can only be knocked down on the ground again and again. As a result, bernois could not lie up.

"Get up, let's go on." Zhuoyang hook.

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho," bernois laughed again, like the friction between a file and a bone. "If I don't get up, I can't beat you. You can kill me if you want. Do you know why I hit you Zhuo Yang separated the bottom of the windbreaker and put his hands into his trouser pocket.

"Of course, for Beverly..." PA! A foot in the stomach. "Correct answer! What else? "

"And your goddamn sister Ah - "a scream, Zhuoyang's foot stamped on his knee. This time it was obviously harder than before, because the pain was more intense.

Bernois crouched on the ground with his knees in his arms. "Damn, ah, you damn bastard..."

Zhuoyang opened his eyes and watched him roll on the ground for a while. After a little pause, he reached for the collar, picked up bernois, and leaned against the wall to make him stand firm.

"Say what you just said, let me hear it."

"Then listen! And your fucking bitch... " "Bang!" Can Zhuo Yang allow him to say that he has a heavy blow in his ribs. This time, he was really fierce. He broke two ribs of bernois, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

Bernois screamed, but he couldn't fall down. Zhuoyang grabbed his collar and pinned him on the wall. He was howling loudly, and blood was pouring out of his mouth on his shirt and jacket.

“…… Damn it, oh, my God Zhuoyang, you should die, you and your sister should die, and Beverly that bitch, you should die... "

Biting his teeth and swearing, he punched Zhuoyang. Zhuoyang's left hand opened and grabbed his wrist. His right hand grabbed the neckline and raised it hard. His arms called at the same time. He twisted his body and swept his legs outwards. The whole man of bernova was like a broken sack. After a 270 degree swing of the straight body in the air, he hit the concrete ground hard.

Zhuoyang did not wait for his body to collide with the ground to stop steadily. He sent out a powerful force from Dantian. His Qi ran through his right leg, and his instep was running quietly between bernova's chest and abdomen lying on the ground. Bernois soared from the ground and was stopped by the shear wall columns in the factory building three meters back.

He no longer had the ability to resist. He was broken in many parts of his body, and his internal organs were severely damaged. Bernova could only moan and was covered in blood.

What should we do next after we defeat bernova with dark force? Zhuoyang doesn't know.

Zhuoyang is not a killer, not a underworld. His purpose of this behavior is to teach bernova a lesson. He was afraid that he would defeat him. He didn't want to kill bernova at all. But now, bernois is not convinced.

“…… There is a kind of word You kill me Come on... " Bernois murmured.

What should we do now? Kill him? It's not easy to kill, especially when the opponent is no longer fighting. Keep beating him? If we continue to fight like this, we will die.

“…… Do you dare to kill me? You are a star and a man of honor. Would you like to be a murderer? "

It may not be difficult for both sides to beat each other down in a fierce fight, but to kill in a relatively calm mood, ordinary people need professional training to do so.

“…… Dare you? I have a rotten life, but your life is very valuable. Dare you? "

This is the biggest advantage of small gangsters in the face of ordinary people. They are powerless, have no money to use, and can't fight better than ordinary people. They don't have a group of brothers who have the same heart, but they have a bad life.

“…… I'm such a rotten dog that I don't eat when I die. Do you dare to take it? Ha ha, you dare not, you are a normal person, you are a superior person, Zhuo Yang, you dare not kill me... "

Normal people can't compete with small gangsters. It's impossible for them to take their own lives to replace the rotten life that even the scavenger vultures will despise.

“…… Ha ha, you dare not kill me, but I dare to kill you Ha ha... "

Zhuo Yang put his hands into his trouser pocket again: "OK, then you get up and kill me."

Bernova shook his head: "I will kill you, but not now. I can't beat you, but I will kill you..." The meaning is obvious: you can't hide a black gun behind you.“…… Either you kill me today, or you can't hide. Dare you? Ha ha I have a bad life... "

Zhuo Yang doesn't have the psychological quality to kill, and doesn't know how to kill.

“…… I will haunt you like a ghost You can't hide, you're a celebrity, I'm rubbish, you can't hide! "

Zhuoyang has never been prepared to kill anyone. He has never planned to kill anyone since he went out today.

“…… It's not just you. It's Beverly's bitch. Of course, it's your goddamn sister. You can't hide. Ha ha Ha ha ha... "

Zhuoyang has never killed anyone, but at this moment, he has killed people.

“…… If you don't kill me today, I will kill you one day, and they I have enough money to live! "

Zhuoyang took out bernoula's Swiss spring knife from his pocket, and approached the dead dog, dirty and vicious, with a dead duck's beak.

Zhuoyang spread out his left arm and held his knife in the air. This is a damned man. Zhuoyang must get rid of him for her sister's safety. As for what to do after bernova, he has not begun to think.

Where should I cut it? Larynx or carotid? In this way, a lot of blood will flow, and the blood will spray out. Or just pierce his heart? There will be a lot of blood.

By the way, Uncle Li mentioned it. Should I put the knife away and just break his neck? Can the voice of cervical vertebra fracture be very noisy?

Bernois looked at Zhuoyang standing in front of him. He could not see his face or Zhuoyang's eyes in the shadow of the moonlight. But bernova smelled death. Zhuoyang was like the God of death holding the sickle of death.

“…… Zhuoyang, you dare not kill me, you dare not kill me... " Bernois finally felt the threat of death, and he finally began to fear.

Zhuoyang raises his knife!