Chapter 3984

Before leaving, Alice said comforting words: "but the good thing is that this is the place where the gods sleep. If they can sleep with the gods, I believe their souls will be redeemed. May the goddess and Isis protect their souls!"

Alice created a prayer ceremony for Athena, which is similar to the drawing of a cross for God Jesus or the combination of hands of Buddhists. It belongs to ritual things.

The rest of the people have no faith, but follow Darius to believe in Jesus Christ. So they all draw crosses.

Bryan, who got the scepter handed down by Isis, didn't know what the prayer ceremony of the goddess he believed in. He could only kneel respectfully on the ground and pay three respects to Isis, the goddess floating in the starry sky.

Since then, the expedition has come to an end.

Alice used the method that Isis taught her, and quickly left with the crowd.


"Come out at last?"

Less than twenty figures appeared in the hall of the temple. Wook could see the tall statues of gods in the hall at a glance, nine of which were exactly the appearance of the nine gods he had seen above the Black Pyramid.

It's not easy for him to shed tears!


In the hall of the temple, in addition to them, there were four or five waves of people who did not know where they came from or what their origins were.

When they saw Li Yun and others appear, they were all stunned.



"Hands up!"

"All down."

The group took out all kinds of weapons and surrounded them with threats.

Li Yun, these people don't understand what it means?

It is estimated that these guys are also psionic people from all over the world. They failed to catch up with the first wave of people entering the valley, so they came in later. After they found the temple, they did not dare to go in. They just lingered here, intending to eat black.

“F*ck! Damn it

Wu Ke, who is a man with his tail behind Li Yun's buttocks, has learned a Chinese language, and directly points out a middle finger to the hundred people.

The meaning is self-evident.

The result is self-evident.

The two sides fought together, in the hall of the temple, under more than a dozen huge statues of gods.

Li Yun didn't do it, neither did Alice, and WAN Qingfei watched the play with a smile. She raised her hand to see who dared to attack, and a silver silk thread that could hardly be seen flew out quietly.

No one saw how the silk thread moved. She raised her hand three times and at least three heads fell to the ground. The wound on her neck was smooth and smooth - her throat was cut by the silver silk thread!

This sudden battle ended quickly.

In less than three minutes, Wuke cleaned up the last enemy, stepped on the floor and said with a cruel grin: "I entered the temple and went through countless trials of life and death. But for Mr. Li's protection, I would have died many times! After Laozi finally came out, it was just when he was full of fire, but you stupid people took the initiative to bump into him! I don't know what to do! Go to hell and repent

Wook crushed the man under his feet. At the foot of a metal power, he was hit head-on by a train.


Wook laughed heartily and turned to look: "Mr. Li, first of all, Mr. Li? Why did you leave directly? And I'm going to treat... Okok, next time, next time sure! "