Chapter 1581

Xia Tianming, who was talking to Li Yun, did not change his face. His voice was really loud: "Li Yun, do you really want to blow up a volcano?"?! And blow up an active volcano

"You're right."

The leaders in the conference room looked at each other.

Blasting an ordinary mountain requires repeated certification. After a lot of examination and approval from various departments, and safety work is done in advance. Only after confirming that there is no one around for several kilometers, can they dare to detonate carefully.

During this period, we need to drill several holes to make the explosive completely buried in the mountain, and set up timing device to let the explosive detonate in batches, so as not to cause ground vibration and earthquake!

It's so troublesome to blow up an ordinary mountain, not to mention an active volcano!

What if the magma erupted?

Will the earth's crust vibrate?

Is the neighborhood alienated?

"Give me a reason!"

Xia Xia Ming was strict in his wording and did not say he was against it, but of course he did not immediately agree with him.

Blow up a volcano, the follow-up trouble is beyond imagination!

Even Li Yun could not agree immediately. Fortunately, all the leaders in the conference room are heavyweights. If the results of the discussion are reported to the general leader, they will be allowed soon.

Under the circumstances that the six magic door group leader can not even be responsible for the decision!


Li Yun didn't say anything more, just handed him a set of photos.

Summer Ming silence after watching, and silence for a long time.

"Group leader Xia, you have a word to say An old leader showed his hands, "it's a donkey or a horse, whether it's good or bad. Let's demonstrate whether we agree or not to agree with Li Yun's request to blow up the volcano!"

Summer Ming shakes his head and grins bitterly. Without saying anything, he gives his mobile phone to the staff next to him and asks him to project the photo onto the curtain.


When the staff saw the photo, they took a breath and other leaders in the conference room looked at him one after another.

"Xiao Zhang, what's in there worth making a fuss about? Come on, let's see! "

"Yes, yes!"

Xiao Zhang dare not neglect. Every leader here is a big man who can cause Huang Xuanguo earthquake by stamping his feet. He is lucky to be a recorder of the meeting. As long as he does not make mistakes in the future, he will surely make great progress.

Soon, the photos sent back by Li Yun were displayed on a huge white curtain three meters long and wide.

The red light instantly reflected a strange color in the conference room. The people squinted and took a breath of air after seeing what the red light was.

It's exactly the same as before!

"How could it be!"

The old leader, who had been urged before, lost his voice and called out.

In the screen, a large area of fire red magma, there is a grand palace standing in the flame, just like the mythical god palace in charge of the flame!

"It's not a movie special effect, is it?" A leader asked subconsciously, but soon with a wry smile, "well, I made a mistake. Li Yun can't fool us with special effects."

People didn't laugh at him, because the thought that flashed in their mind just now was also doubting whether the vast and magnificent palace of fire in front of them would not be a special effect film!

"There are other photos."

Summer Ming said that Xiaozhang quickly manipulated the computer and showed other photos one by one.

Fiery red magma, huge palaces, floating plates floating on the magma, flame passage, underground caves