Chapter 1500

"Chief, you send someone to the gas station on the road from Mount Adow to mount halaha and look for the surveillance inside."

"Well, yes, they must have put oil in there."

Listening to Li Yun's words, Zhao Tianfeng woke up to Hu Xiaomeng's method.

However, she was holding Xiaomeng strangely. She couldn't help pinching the girl's cute, fat face. She asked, "Xiaomeng, what if you can't tell from the fuel tank? For example, they didn't stop at the gas station at all! "

"There are ways."

Hu Xiaomeng said with a smile: "it's just the trouble point. It's the standard practice to check all the cars that go to the Adow mountain and come to the volcano group with cameras. It's not very standard. It's stupid. If we get on the car and see how deep the mark is, we can roughly judge it. "

Footprints can be camouflaged, but wheel prints can't be fake.

Zhao Tianfeng confirmed that the girl looked cute, but actually she was very smart.

The result of checking the gas station's camera soon showed that Li Yun received a multimedia message from director Amur when he went to the volcano with people.

"Two men, a young man under 30, and a middle-aged man in his early 40s, with a beard and a sword in his hand, wrapped in cloth, probably a sword."

After reading the text message, Li Yun can basically conclude that the person on the car is the target he is looking for!

"Speed up and see what they're doing!"

Under the leadership of Li Yun, the two women quickly followed him around a circle and went up the mountain from the side of the volcano where the smoking man was just seen through the telescope. But soon, the three found something wrong.

"Why? There is another mountain

Hu Xiaomeng sighed in a low voice, because there was a volcano on the side, and the two mountains almost merged together.

"Maybe this is where volcanoes are active, so that's why the two volcanoes come together." Looking at the sky, Li Yun saw the plume of smoke which was obviously bigger than other active volcanoes and said, "maybe not just two, but three!"

Sure enough, after they carefully went up to the top of the mountain, blocking other people's sight by the uplifted rock, they saw a magnificent picture after observing the crater on the top of the mountain.

The three volcanoes are arranged in pinyin shape, and the three craters are joined together to form a huge crater!

The super large crater is thousands of acres in size. The smoke is rolling up and down, and the terrain is uneven. The huge rocks are formed by ejecting and solidifying magma. Entering it is like entering a labyrinth of rocks!

What's more terrible than getting lost is that in this labyrinth of magmatic rocks, there are cracks everywhere, or the bottom is not deep, or the magma is rolling. If you fall into the labyrinth, it will melt on the spot.

"It's like hell!"

Hu Xiaomeng was stunned. The labyrinth of boulders, the rolling of volcanic ash, and the scorching environment were all pictures of hell except that there were no ghosts.

"It's hot!" Zhao Tianfeng's expression was solemn, "it's hotter than the previous active volcano. Maybe this is where Li Yun is looking for!"

She has guessed that Li Yun came here to find a special volcano.

The three men have not yet entered the huge crater, but they have already felt the heat wave. From a distance, it seems that even the air is ignited by the magma in the crater and becomes distorted.