Chapter 1002

Li Yun faintly smiles, raises the foot to walk forward, "I also really want to walk the main gate!"

As he spoke, he walked to the courtyard guard in front of him. His eyes were cool, and he didn't pay attention to the powerful guard in front of him.

"Boy, you want to die!"

The guard was furious. As a thug of the Song family, he didn't know how many people were fawning on him when he went out. How could he allow this young man under 20 years old to be wild?

He fiercely picked up a black sunk wood stick placed by the wall, and hit Li Yun's forehead fiercely. He didn't show any mercy!

The stick roared, and Li Qiaolan's face turned white. If this stick goes on, the rich second generation's head is afraid to blossom, right?


At the next moment, what Li Qiaolan heard was not the sound of the black wooden stick hitting the forehead, but a clear and pleasant sound, like the sound of slapping hard on the face.

"Ah" screamed, Li Qiaolan did not see what had happened, that and the original aggressive courtyard guard actually flew upside down, the stick in his hand was taken out, and Li Yun caught it.

The guard flew two meters away, fell down in the front yard of flowers and plants, smashed a pile of flowers and plants.

"You, you, you!" The courtyard guard was hit by this powerful slap in his head, and covered his red and swollen face with one hand, and pointed to Li Yun tremblingly with the other.

"Next time, keep your eyes on the bright spot and don't provoke the wrong people."

Li Yun said lightly, throwing the stick on the ground, clapping his hands, Yiyi ran into the Song family.

Li Qiaolan behind him was stunned. She guessed wrong again. Li Yun is a warrior!

"Ding, the host makes a choice, rewards experience + 300000, free attribute points + 1000, blue gift bag * 1, additional rewards: the anger of the Song family, the disgust of a clever and benevolent fairy."

Li Yun stopped for a moment. What's the situation? The disgust of a good hand and a benevolent fairy?

Just then. The guard behind him screamed: "come on!! Come on, someone broke into the Song family. Come on, stop him

The harsh shouts broke the peace of the Song family. Seven or eight practitioners, armed with black sticks and wearing white training clothes, rushed out of the Song family. Seeing the fallen man and Li Yun, they understood it immediately.

"Where are you from!? How dare you come to the Song family and kill yourself

"Go ahead, kill him first!"

"This boy and Li Qiaolan are together. It seems that the bitch hired him to harass the owner of the house!"

"Damn it, Li Qiaolan is a bitch indeed. The owner of the house has cut off the relationship with her. She still wants money!"

A group of guards rushed up, sticks fell on Li Yun's head fiercely, and then the figures flew and screamed everywhere.

In less than five seconds, all the guards fell to the ground.

Li Qiaolan's legs trembled with fright. In her eyes, she was already a giant Song family. However, Li Yun could not be polite to beat the huge beast's yard guard, and beat down all the thugs used by the Song family to deter hengying county!

"You know what's wrong?"

Li Yun stood quietly in the front yard, standing in the middle of a group of fallen guards. Her strong momentum and handsome posture made her breathe a little bit short of breath. She found that she seemed to like this kind of domineering man very much!

"You, who are you?" The leader of the courtyard guard looked at Li Yun. His chest hurt so much that he was knocked down by Li Yun. Now he feels extremely disgraced!

"I say again, my name is Li Yun. It's Gong..."
