Han Fei thinks that only fools can sell places like dangerous places and secret places. That's a chance! Can someone just let it go?

It seems that you can guess what Han Fei is thinking. Lin Miaomiao said bluntly: "dangerous places do not necessarily represent opportunities. Some people have found dangerous places, but they have no strength to explore, so they have to sell them. After selling it, you can buy a lot of resources on the dragon boat and improve your strength. "

Han Fei wondered: "how can the buyer ensure that this dangerous place is real? If you make one up, who knows? "

Lin Miaomiao shook his head: "those who propose to sell dangerous land usually buy dragon boat first. After the confirmation of dragon boat, we will choose to explore by ourselves or sell During this period, people who provide dangerous locations are not allowed to leave the ship. "

Han Fei knew that he had acted as a second dealer with the dragon boat. If you meet a good dangerous place, maybe dragon boat can make a difference from it.

Lin Miaomiao smiled: "in fact, you are right. Generally, few people sell dangerous land. Even on dragon boats, it's rare. "

After a long stroll, Han Fei and Lin Miaomiao asked and answered each other. Many things that Han Fei didn't understand before are also understood.

It turns out that there are several places in the third-class fishing ground, where danger and opportunity coexist. It seems that there are amazing secrets in those places. Every moment, there are people going to those places. There are often people who get the chance, and there are often people who fall.

In places like this, there are no less than 10 tertiary fisheries. One of the most typical is the step into the sea.

Lin Miaomiao explained that the step into the sea is a wonderful place for the third level fishing ground. There, there is a vast offshore platform, and in front of the platform is a natural step formed by the flow of water.

No one knows how these steps are formed As you all know, that place is forbidden for thousands of miles. There's a huge blockade. It's all around.

If you want to enter the sea step, you can only walk on that offshore platform. The steps into the sea are down. It's said that each step is more dangerous.

It is reported that the current record of the steps entering the sea is 208, and some people have gone down 208 without dying. Such achievements mean that the challenger has gained unparalleled opportunities.

However, Lin Miaomiao is not clear about these. She is just a senior fisherman, not qualified to go to the sea steps. For a big fisherman, the growth space on the dragon boat is much higher than any place in the third level fishing ground.



Lin Miaomiao takes Han Fei to the trading area on the lower deck.

Just after entering the trading area, Han Fei heard all kinds of calls.

"Lamper, who just went out to sea, is an excellent material for making spirit artifact. It's on sale at a low price!"

"Find a yellow blood sea cucumber through the exploration of the secret place. It can quickly improve the body's Qi and blood, and it's super tonic If you want to buy it quickly, this is the only one. "

"A unicorn of a unicorn shark, do you want it? No one's talking. I'll shout it again later. "

"When the sickle of the black moon is cleared, only one handle of 100 standard pearls is needed."

"It's a treasure fish sale. It's 200 medium-class pearls Open the treasure bag, you have a chance to get a big chance! "

"It's a dead leaf starfish that is very difficult to catch, and one of 800 medium-class pearls. The first choice of contractual spirit beast is to pass by and never miss it. "


Han Fei was stunned to hear that. On the dragon boat, the things sold are different. It's so special. It's all good stuff.

In the beginning, a treasure digging fish was robbed by everyone. As a result, Han Fei saw a stall with hundreds of treasure fish, and often someone opened a bag to explore for treasure.

This treasure fish, however, is better than the treasure fish. After all, it is a third class fish farm species. I'm afraid that the things that come out of the tangbaoyu can be worth two dollars no matter how bad they are.

Lin Miaomiao: "don't move. It's not easy to get a good baby. It's not easy to meet spiritual fruits. "

Han Fei swallowed and said, "but that's only 200 medium-class pearls!"

Lin Miaomiao is speechless: what is the name of only 200 medium-class pearls? 200 medium pearls, isn't it money?

Lin Miaomiao said: "it's addictive to give prizes. Some people come to open the treasure fish every day, and they end up penniless. "

Han Fei has not yet had this addiction, immediately waved his hand and said, "no panic, no panic, I'll drive a few to play."

Lin Miaomiao: "..."

I saw Han Fei quickly go to the fish stall. The boss is a little old man. Seeing Han Fei, he hurriedly said, "little friend, can you have a look? Two days ago, someone explored the emerald and exquisite stone from me, which is worth 20000 medium-class pearls. It can be said that it's over earned! How many do you want? "

Han Fei rubbed his hands and said, "give me 10."

The little old man's eyes are shining, big customer.

Lin Miaomiao followed Han Fei: "Hello! Why are you exploring so much? "

Han Fei said with a smile: "curious. Before, I always wanted to open a treasure digging fish. Later, I felt that the level of treasure digging fish was low, which was boring. Today, when I met the treasure fish, I had to be addicted to it... "The little old man quickly called it: "that is! If you come to the third level fishing ground and haven't even opened the treasure fish, have you ever called the third level fishing ground? Little friend, I see your face is full of magic light, and I'm sure you can find something good... "

Said Han Fei, pointing: "I want this one, this one And this one... "

Suddenly, when Han Fei's hand passed a treasure fish, he found that his wrist hurt a little, and he said: "and this one..."

Han Fei carefully chose for a long time, and 10 treasure fish were put on the table. The little old man held up his knife and said, "is the little friend exploring by himself, or does the little old man help you?"

Han Fei stretched out his hand and the blue sea dragon blade appeared: "I'll do it myself. How can I please others for such a thing as giving prizes? "

Han Fei's mind is fretting: my baby Hulu chose it, mixed with the one he chose At the end of the province, all the prizes were won, which was amazing


In the eyes of passers-by and Lin Miaomiao, the big bag on the head of the treasure fish is cut open, revealing a light gold stone. However, the stone is inlaid with crystal gravel.

"Ah, natural gold! Lost... "

Passers by sighed.

The little old man said, "go, who says that the natural gold is lost? This natural gold is also called fish head gold. It's also the material for refining the best magic weapon. It's worth 100 medium pearls. "

Han Fei just doesn't care and continues to cut.


"Ah! Through plaster, this time even worse. "

The little old man turned out the onlookers again and said with a smile: "little friend, don't listen to their nonsense. This plaster has healing effect. It's a first-class medicine to deal with trauma. It's also worth 80 Chinese pearls. "

Han Fei hasn't studied it. He's a spiritual master. What kind of medicine do you want? But there's everything in the ocean. The plaster is soft and seems delicious

Han Fei continues to search for treasure.

"Eh! Water crystal, it's OK. "

Immediately there was humanity: "little friend, I have 200 medium-class pearls, how about you sell them to me?"

Someone said with a smile, "little friend, I have 300 medium-class pearls."

The little old man said again, "don't look for treasure, don't talk nonsense. This water bile crystal can temporarily store about 1000 points of Reiki. It can instantly fill the Reiki gap at critical moment and save life. It's worth at least 500 medium-class pearls. You've earned it, little friend! "

Han Fei looks at Lin Miaomiao, who is also a little surprised. His heart says: Han Fei's hand is good.

Lin Miaomiao nodded slightly: "it's worth about 500 medium pearls."

Han Fei said casually, "first, let's turn aside and watch me continue to drive."

As a result, when the fourth blade went down, Han Fei opened an empty space and there was nothing.

"Don't worry, little friend. There is no treasure fish. It's rare!"

Han Fei nodded and continued to drive: only yellow light appeared in the treasure bag.

Someone exclaimed, "ooh, out of the baby!"

Suddenly, Han Fei felt a group of people around him. Han Fei hurriedly dug out the things, only to hear the little old man exclaim: "it's amphibole. Crush this thing to help you appear 10 miles away in an instant. This is a good escape baby. It's worth at least 3000 Chinese pearls. You've made a lot of money, little friend! "

However, Han Fei had just opened the flash stone, and someone behind him shouted: "little brother, I want this flash stone. I'll give you 3000 medium-class pearls now. "

There is humanity: "what are you in a hurry? I'll give you a price I can't refuse. I'll give you 4000 Chinese pearls. "

All of a sudden, a female voice came over: "I have 5000 medium-class pearls."

Han Fei looked around and saw a young girl of the same age. However, Han Fei felt nothing and threw the amphibole into the refining world. This, I don't want to sell it!

Immediately, Han Fei opened another lingguo, containing more than 80000 points of Lingqi. Some people sold 800 Chinese pearls, but Han Fei didn't sell them either.

In a flash, Han Fei opened two more lingguo, all of which are worth more than 500 medium-class pearls. Seeing all the people, I couldn't help but be moved.

Lin Miaomiao and the fish eaters behind Han Fei can't help but be surprised: Han Fei's luck is too good! In total, there are nearly ten thousand medium-class pearls?

I saw Han Fei pull the previous treasure fish to the side: "boss, another 10."

With Han Fei's shout, several fish eaters behind him also shouted.

"Boss, I'll have two, too."

"Boss, I'll pick five."

"Old man, I'll take ten."


People looked at Han Fei's Kaibao and were a little jealous: is the quality of this batch of exploratory fish really good?

Even the old man himself doubted: this boy's luck, really so good?

Even Lin Miaomiao, some heart: 2000 middle-class pearls, in a blink of an eye earned 5 times? Han Fei's hand is plated with gold, right?