In the dark, Han Fei covered his face with a piece of black fish skin.

"Xiaohei, when you go in later, you can see what's easy to take. You can take all the big things out of my mouth. We can't take the big ones. Take all the small ones. Can you hear me clearly?"

Xiaohei also intimately rubbed on Hanfei's face, and then flew out.

Han Fei was amazed. He didn't know whether the life of soul beast was a fish or a soul. Let's say it was a fish. How can a fish fly in the air without relying on water? It can be said that it's a soul. People can swim in the water, eat and bite.

Han Fei doesn't care about this. He lies in the woods in the distance and waits. The whole person is motionless and turns into a color with the plants.

After a while, Xiao Hei picked up a small bottle. Han Fei thought about what it was, but he opened it and saw that it was a bottle of mending pill.

"Ha ha, little profit."

Han Fei doesn't leave until he sees Xiaohei. He looks straight at the mending pill. Han Fei pours one in his mouth with a black face, and then flies back.

The second time, Xiaohei took back a money bag with nearly 100 top-grade pearls. Han Fei didn't care about it. Now I don't know how much money my barbecue stand has made. I haven't counted it, but steal some money!

Until Xiao Hei took a dozen of such money bags, Han Fei couldn't help it.

"Xiaohei, let's steal something else. This thing can't be eaten. The spirit in it is thin and hard to use. Let's steal some smart or precious things, such as small bottles, small boxes... "

Xiao Hei came and went very fast. Han Fei calculated that it would take about five minutes to go, but now it only takes more than an hour, and those guarding the treasure house are kowtowing to the sea melon seeds.

Five minutes later, Xiaohei catches a small box. Han Fei opens it and takes a look. Good guy, lingguo. Because of the fragrance, Han Fei immediately closed the box.

Han Fei: "Xiaohei, just steal this. Some of us steal ourselves."

It's a pity that Han Fei is disappointed that there are only two such lingguo, which makes him depressed. It's not that Li Jue sent many people to find lingguo. How can he find two?

Han Fei didn't think about it at all. Where there are spiritual fruits, there is no powerful guard beast. The sea dragon he met at the beginning is not something that ordinary people can deal with. The two fruits in his hands alone have been damaged by the gang members of Hutou gang. If Li Jue knows about them, he must be angry and spit blood.

The next day.


"A group of rubbish, who stole my treasure house?"

Li Jue is almost crazy. All the small things in it are gone. He doesn't even leave a candy bean. It's as big as weapons. I don't know why. There are rows of teeth marks on it. Some of them are even eaten directly. But who even eats weapons?

And Han Fei is sitting at home at the moment happily turning over the baby, which adds up to a pocket full of money. Only two lingguo fruits have made a lot of money, let alone so many messy things.

"Three bottles of elixir, half for Xiaohei, and 7500 points of elixir left. That's good."

"There are 1314 middle-class pearls. The Hutou Gang is too poor. It took so long for them to put so little money in the treasure house?"

What Han Fei didn't know was that, in fact, there was a big box full of medium-sized pearls in the treasure house of Hutou sect, but Xiao Hei couldn't move it.

"There are 27 bottles of iron fish forging body fluids. The damn Hutou Gang is really rich. They have saved so many goods. Sometimes it's priceless. It's the only way to refine the body."


"Lying trough Treasure map. "

Han Fei was stunned, and immediately pulled all other things aside. He found the treasure map in a box, and he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Han Fei spreads out the fish skin on his hand, and a small map appears. The central area of the map is the location of the suspended Island, and the lower part is naturally the location of the common fishing ground. However, what is drawn here is not the sea surface, but the underwater topographic map. Many places are also marked on the map.

For example, there are dozens of places, such as coral reef concentration area, snake cave, seafloor stone forest, spirit sucking jellyfish Jedi and so on. Among them, there are three places marked with the word "danger".

One is the sea area of sucking jellyfish, one is a cave on the sea floor, and the other is a shippit.

In these three places, the name of funerary ship pit is drawn in a circle.

Han Fei frowned. He had never heard of any of these places, but it was not a good place just to hear the names. There must have been more than one ship sinking in the funerary ship pit. But why did the ship sink there? Is imaging the problem with Bermuda's magnetic field? It's not right. If there's a problem with the magnetic field, there's a problem here. Who dares to go to an ordinary fishing ground?

Han Fei thought that Li might have explored this place, but he didn't die. Otherwise, how could he know that there were a lot of fishing boats sinking there?

The next day.

Han Fei finds Li Qing.

Han Fei: "Uncle Qing, do you know where the funerary ship pit is?"

See Li Qing immediately change color, even busy way: "young master, never go, that is Jedi!"Seeing Li Qing's reaction, Han Fei guessed a general idea in his mind: "first of all, I'm still in the period of sea ban. It's two months after I want to go to sea."

Li Qing took a slow breath this time, but his expression was still a little frightened: "young master, there are many dangers in our ordinary fishing ground, but the danger will not be put on the surface. The most terrible thing about our fishing ground is the funerary boat pit. It is said that dozens of fishing boats disappear there every year. Young master, you know the leader Er, did Li Jue get the injuries on his body and face? "

Han Fei raised his eyebrows and said, "I did it in this funerary boat pit?"

Li Qing: "not really. At that time, Li Jue was already a senior fisherman. Although he was not at the peak, he was not far away. He heard that several of his boats had disappeared there, so he started to investigate them himself. But later you can see that Li Jue was seriously injured and went back in a short time, and none of the people he took could come back. At that time, there were at least hundreds of wounds on his body. Although he was very lucky, he could not get rid of the terrible scars on his face and body. "

Han Fei hurriedly asked, "where did he get his tiger head fish?"

Li Qingleng for a moment, then shook his head and said: "no! The piranha is found in the sucking jellyfish area. But you can't go, young master. There are not many people fishing in that area of water. This sucking jellyfish is also sold in our market, but there are only a few people who buy it. This game means that they will absorb the spirit of other fish. If people go down, they will be absorbed and fall into the sea. At that time, Li Jue took more than 20 people to explore this place, only 7 of them came back, and all the others fell down. Fortunately, he also got the reward and got the tiger head fish. "

Han Fei immediately asked, "do you know where the underwater grottoes are?"

Li Qing lost a moment, shook his head and said, "is the sea floor of our common fishing ground? I haven't heard of it! "

"Yes! Well, I'm afraid this business won't work out in this period of time. You and Gangzi have a rest. If you have nothing to drink at home, don't run out. "

"Yes, sir."

On the way back to the plantation, Han Fei thought that there was an opportunity in the sea area of sucking jellyfish. Maybe there was a piranha that lived there, but Li Jue got rid of it. But I'm afraid there are no other opportunities. If there are, according to Li Jue's once safe return nature, he will definitely go for the second time.

However, Han Fei is not sure whether Li has ever been to the underwater grottoes. There are only two possibilities. One is that Li has never been there, and the other is that he has never had a chance. If it's the latter, it's all right. At least people can return safely. But if it's the former, Li Jue didn't go because he was afraid of something, it's worth pondering.

But Han Fei is not afraid, the treasure! There is no danger in treasure hunt. Are treasure hunters afraid? Did you ever fear it? No, all treasure hunters are full of adventurous spirit. They are gambling with their lives.

"Haha, there must be a big chance to bury the boat pit. This place must go."