Chapter 1417: Fast progress

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-seven chapters progress quickly

I have to say that after Song Qiming's body has undergone the transformation of the scented grass, the talent in cultivation is indeed very good, and even some of them are beyond the expectation of Xia Ruofei.

After a short break, Song Qiming couldn't wait to sit cross-legged on a yoga mat.

This time, Xia Ruofei deliberately did not use hypnosis to guide. As a result, Song Qiming only took a short five minutes to successfully enter the state of concentrating and ecstasy, and successfully perceive the aura around the body. .

Of course, after having successfully experienced the aura experience, the second time you perform the induction, the success rate will be much higher.

Only Song Qiming's high efficiency still makes Xia Ruofei somewhat surprised.

Without hesitation, he began to guide Song Qiming to try to absorb those auras.

At first, the aura seemed to be a naughty child, and did not listen to the command. However, after ten minutes of trials, Song Qiming seemed to gradually find the doorway. As the first aura was successfully absorbed into the body, everything behind it became very smooth.

Xia Ruofei did not use the infuriating spirit to guide Song Qiming. He chose the verbal guide to let Song Qiming try to control those auras in the correct meridian route.

Of course, Song Qiming had not been exposed to the knowledge of human meridians before, so it is not so easy to accurately let Aura run along the meridians.

It’s just that Xia Ruofei always uses the mental power to sense the aura of Song Qiming’s body. As long as there is a slight deviation, he will immediately remind him.

Although this method will be somewhat inefficient, it will make Song Qiming more deeply impressed.

After a while, Song Qiming finally controlled the aura of a week in the body in accordance with Xia Ruofei's guidance.

Because the aura of absorption is rare, and it is not very consistent during the operation, more than half of them are dissipated during operation, and only a small part of them successfully return to Dantian, and the resulting infuriating is almost invisible.

Even Song Qiming himself could not feel this extremely weak instinct.

Of course, even if it is weak, it is also the real instinct, and it can't escape the monitoring of Xia Ruofei's mental strength.

He is very clear that this faint infuriating spirit is like a kind of fire. Song Qiming is on the right path, I believe that it will not take long before this fire will evolve into a blazing flame.

Under the encouragement of Xia Ruofei, Song Qiming began the second and third rounds of trials.

With the day-to-day operation, Song Qiming has become more and more familiar with this meridian line. After running for five or six weeks, he basically does not need Xia Ruofei to give a reminder. He can also correctly control the infuriating and complete the whole. Sunday is over.

Even if the proficiency needs to be strengthened, such efficiency has already made Xia Ruofei happy.

He was prepared to do a few more days in these days. It seems that he hopes to get it once a day. Later, Song Qiming will slowly cultivate himself.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Song Qiming had mastered the first layer of the "If Xu Xin Su" in his own ignorance.

While familiar with the first layer of meridian running route, he is more and more proficient in the control of Aura, and he can basically sense the aura at any time and absorb it very smoothly.

Moreover, Song Qiming’s Dantian has already had a true sense of infuriating, which is the return after completing dozens of Sundays today.

This infuriating atmosphere is made up of a faint qi that is produced after each Sunday's operation. Even Song Qiming can feel its existence, and he also feels that there is a warm bulging position in Dantian. sense.

Xia Ruofei’s experience in cultivation during the refining period is now very rich. He realized for the first time that Song Qiming’s cultivation today should be over.

It is an irrefutable truth, and it is equally applicable to cultivation.

So, Xia Ruofei said: "Uncle Song, finally these nutrients are absorbed, and today's practice is over!"

Song Qiming still has some meanings - even if he does not know how cultivation is going, but the feeling in the cultivation process is addictive, which is why many beginners are easy to cultivate.

However, for Xia Ruofei, Song Qiming is convinced that even if he is disappointed, he will stop practicing after he has finished the last episode of aura for a week.

"If you fly, your method is really useful!" Song Qiming showed a hint of joy. "I feel very spirited now, and it seems like there is no end to it! It is like returning to a young age!" ”

Xia Ruofei naturally knows the feeling of the first cultivation. He smiles and says: "Uncle Song, this is just the first practice. You will practice for one or two hours every day, and the effect will be more obvious!"

Song Qiming nodded and said: "Do not worry! You will not insist that I will insist!"

Xia Ruofei said with a smile: "I am not worried that you will be abandoned halfway, but I am afraid that it will be too late."

"Is it too late?" Song Qiming asked with a frown.

Xia Ruofei nodded and said: "Well! Anything is moderate, this is the same way. You should be able to feel the warmth of the lower abdomen, and have a feeling of fullness, right?"

"Well! You are right!" Song Qiming said, "To tell the truth, this feeling is quite comfortable!"

Xia Ruofei said: "You just have to remember that every time you practice in the future, when this feeling of fullness appears, you should stop in time. If you stick to it, it may not improve your body, but your body will be damaged! Now that you are just starting out, it is best not to practice more than two hours a day."

As a beginner, Song Qiming insists on practicing an hour every day. This intensity is just good.

Especially with Lingjing cultivation, the efficiency of absorbing aura is much higher than those of the hard-working hahavers. One hour has been able to reach them for several hours. For Song Qiming, these times are enough.

Song Qiming just thought about waiting for Xia Ruofei to go back. He then practiced for a while. After all, the feeling just quite beautiful was really an addictive feeling. After listening to Xia Ruofei's words, he couldn't help but secretly fear, and said that if he was lucky, he would promptly remind him, otherwise it would be easy to turn good things into bad things.

Song Qiming quickly said in a positive color: "I remember! If you fly, if you fly, my self-control ability is good. As long as there is a feeling of fullness, I will stop in time!"

Xia Ruofei smiled and nodded and said: "I certainly believe in Song Shushu's self-control, but this is a small matter, so I still need to remind you. And you may not know, if forced cultivation leads to physical overload, the damage is still Very serious, not only the body's roots are completely destroyed, but you may no longer be able to practice this regimen in the future. If it is serious, it will even threaten life, so you must remember!"

Improper cultivation or excessive cultivation will have serious consequences. If the meridians are damaged, they will no longer be able to cultivate in the future. If the situation is serious, it may lead to loss of control, serious injury or even life-threatening. This is not a joke. .

"Understand!" Song Qiming said, "I will be careful!"

Xia Ruofei smiled and said: "Uncle Song, the stone that I just gave you is to help you practice the health regimen. You must remember to take it every time you practice. In addition... this stone is more precious, if you are knowledgeable People who see it may have a guilty heart, so you have to put it in place. When not in use, it is best to find a safe place to put it up... Should you have a safe in your home?"

Ling Jing is not particularly precious for Xia Ruofei, but if it is seen by people in the earth's cultivation world, such a small piece of Lingjing may cause a storm, so that those who practice the earth can make brains, so Xia Ruofei Also promptly reminded Song Qiming, lest he did not know the situation, accidentally seen Lingjing outside.

"I have a safe in this study!" Song Qiming said, then hesitated and said, "If you fly, since this thing is so precious, you still have to take it by yourself! I usually practice at home, even if it is, even if it is It doesn't matter if the effect is a little worse..."

Xia Ruofei smiled and waved his hand and said: "This thing is rare, but it is not so exaggerated. I still have a lot of it! This piece is specially for your use. At home, you can use it with confidence, as long as It’s okay to show up in front of outsiders!”

If there is no Lingjing assistance, then Song Qiming can only practice in the time of the child and the time, and absorb the lesser aura that is free in the air.

If this is the case, I am afraid that he will cultivate to death, at most, it is a low-level monk in the refining period, and it is impossible for life to cross this stage of the refining period.

Song Qiming listened to Xia Ruofei’s words and hesitated and finally nodded. He said, “Well, then I will accept it!”

Then, Xia Ruofei smashed some attention items, and also explained it repeatedly. If there is any discomfort during the practice of this "health method", he must stop at the first time and contact him immediately to solve it.

At about 9:30 in the evening, Xia Ruofei and Song Qiming finally got out of the study.

Song Qiming’s footsteps are brisk, and the whole person seems to be mentally awkward.

This is only the first time of cultivation. After a long time, Song Qiming will even find that his strength will continue to grow, and the coordination and flexibility of the body will be strengthened in all aspects.

Even Xia Ruofei is amazed at the speed of Song Qiming's cultivation - he is not only very quick to get started, but also very efficient in absorbing aura. At this rate, it may not be a month, Xia Ruofei will begin to teach him the second layer of exercises.

This effect, on the one hand, is that condensed grass has changed Song Qiming's physique. On the other hand, it may indeed be because "If the Heart of the Heart" fits well with Song Qiming's physique, and it does allow the practitioners to be older. Still unaffected, cultivation can advance by leaps and bounds.

Fang Lizhen has prepared a sweet soup for the two, a peanut longan soup. After the sweet soup was cooked, Fang Lizhen kept the soup pot on the gas stove and kept it on a small fire.

As soon as they saw the two men coming out of the study, Fang Lizhen immediately went to the two bowls of steaming sweet soup, and looked at the two people to drink a drop, so I nodded with satisfaction.

"If you fly, the sky is not too early, just stay here tonight!" Song Qiming said, "This Wei Wei is not at home, and our old couple staying at home is quite lonely..."

"Yeah! And you have a little drink at night, or don't drive, just stay here!" Fang Lijun said enthusiastically. "There are a lot of rooms in the house, and the sheets are brand new!"

Xia Ruofei originally wanted to leave, but after listening to the words of the Song Qiming couple, he was hesitant. Considering that Song Qiming was not completely familiar with the first layer of the "If Xu Xin Su Jing", he could also guide him to stay again. One cultivation.

So, after a little thought, Xia Ruofei nodded and said: "That disturbs..."

"What the child said stupid things!" Fang Li groaned. "Here is the same as your own home! Don't see it later, you know?"

"Yes, yes!" Xia Ruofei said quickly. "That... It’s not too late, and your uncle and aunt should stop early..."

"Alright, if you fly a hard day, go to bed early!" Song Qiming said.

I don't know why, Song Qiming felt that after practicing the "health method", the body seemed to be a lot younger. When he saw Fang Lizhen under the lamp, there was a long-lost idiot...

Fang Lizhen naturally did not know Song Qiming’s thoughts at the moment. She greeted the housekeeping waiter to hurry to prepare the room. She went to find a new pajamas that Song Qiming did not pass to Xia Ruofei, Song Qiming and Xia Ruofei’s body, his The clothes Xia Ruofei wears and fits.

Before returning to the room, Xia Ruofei said to Song Qiming: "Uncle Song, get up early tomorrow, I will guide you to practice once around six o'clock."

Song Qiming immediately said: "No problem! I used to get up early in the morning. It is you... Do you all young people like to sleep late? If you can't get up, you can't even..."

"I'm fine!" Xia Ruofei smiled and said, "Uncle Song, that's it! At six o'clock tomorrow morning, let's go directly to the study!"

"A word is fixed!" Song Qiming said.

After everyone said good night, they went back to the room.

Xia Ruofei simply washed, put on his pajamas and lay on the soft bed of the room.

He was slightly indulged, took out his mobile phone to open WeChat, and sent a message to Song Wei: Hey! Guess where I am?

After a while, Song Wei replied: [smirking] There are no clues at all. How do I guess?

Xia Ruofei did not reply immediately, but got up and walked to the window of the guest room. He picked up the mobile phone and took a selfie. The courtyard downstairs in the background was faintly visible in the lights.

Then, Xia Ruofei sent this photo directly to Song Wei, and then sent another message: the clue is coming! Send a sub-question!