As soon as he heard this voice, Tiancheng God's expression changed on the spot.

Fatty Hai and Ye Kong and the others.

He was even more dumbfounded.

This is the East? The traitor who betrayed Tongtian Tower ten thousand years ago? Such a corrupt guy is actually a strong man in the divine realm?

Moreover, there is such a perverted innate ability, is there any reason for this nima? Such a tough and perverted guy, who just doesn't take action to protect his homeland, is willing to be a traitor that everyone despises, and leads foreigners to come back to invade his hometown and wreak havoc, what kind of person is this! Isn't this guy a psychopath?

The general of Tiancheng immediately knelt down.

He was sweating profusely, and there was endless fear in his eyes.

His whole body was shaking.


Almost collapsed.

With an attitude that was almost pious, he knelt down in the direction from which the voice came, with his forehead on the ground.

"Tiancheng, I gave you the opportunity because of your hard work. You have to remember that there are many powerful people in this world, and even more people who are eager for opportunities. If someone is unwilling to be a pawn and wants to jump out If he is outside the chessboard, then he is destined to become an abandoned pawn. Moreover, there will never be a shortage of qualified pawns in this world. Every second, there are countless countless pawns eager to enter the game, willing to serve Serve the superior! This is the last chance I will give you, and also the last advice I will give you: If you do not have the ability to play chess, you must be a well-behaved chess piece. As a chess piece, it has no thought. Any thinking chess piece is not a good chess piece, if the chess piece has its thoughts, it means that the day when it becomes an abandoned piece is not far away..." From the distance in the sky, the voice was very soft, but it was like five thunderclaps The ground exploded in Tiancheng's heart, and he was so frightened that he didn't dare to move. He could only use this most humble kneeling posture to please the Lord's mind and calm down the destructive fire.

The voice that came from the sky did not impose any restrictions on the God of Tiancheng.

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared without a trace.

As if it never appeared.

However, God General Tiancheng's expression changed, as did his attitude, becoming crazy and bloodthirsty.

He stood up slowly, and then looked at Fatty Hai and Ye Kong, his eyes had become as cruel as a wounded beast: "I, Tiancheng, am a qualified pawn, and all enemies standing in front of me must die!"

"Are you crazy?" Fatty Hai exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm already crazy, you guys drove me crazy! I was originally a qualified pawn with no thoughts, but you let me, a puppet that has been a puppet state for thousands of years, have thoughts, which is very dangerous. This almost completely destroyed my entire life and my entire family! Now, I want to tell you for the last time, confess your last words, you only have ten minutes left in your life!"

After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he shook his hands.

The vassal soldiers of the heavens who were fighting fiercely on the ground all had a strange red light on their bodies.

Steaming like fire.

Happily, she is as coquettish as a flower.

The expressions of these celestial miscellaneous soldiers showed an extremely joyful joy, and they all stood still, like statues with distorted faces. Even if the female warriors of the Succubus tribe knocked them down and beheaded them, there was no pain on the face of the head that fell to the ground, only endless stimulation and happiness.

There was an indescribable bliss in that look.

More frenetic and crazy than the extreme pleasure of many men and women.

If a celestial miscellaneous soldier had that kind of expression, then Fatty Hai and the others would think that it was the succubi clan using the innate ability to seduce souls, but all the celestial miscellaneous soldiers had such an expression, and the scene was so weird that they were really worried. Chilling. In less than three seconds, all the succubus fighters came to their senses. Even those who are red-eyed will feel terrified when they see such a terrifying scene... "Back, this should be a sacrifice!" the succubus woman The king hurriedly ordered the whole family to retreat.

"Come on, leave here, go to the fourth floor of Tongtian Tower, there will be someone to meet you." Prince Tianluo didn't care about leaking the military information, anyway, this won't be hidden for long, so it's better to inform everyone as soon as possible. Especially that Dongfang possessed the innate ability of heaven and earth as chess and all things as sons, and it might be impossible to whisper a word. It is simply whimsical to hide such a big event as the migration of the succubus family from him. However, when Dodo brought this plan to Dean Shui Dongliu, it was implemented on the bright side, and he never thought of hiding it from the eyes and ears of the Celestial Legion.

"No one can leave, you are all going to die!" The God General Tiancheng raised his hands high, and the red light on the celestial miscellaneous soldiers below was bursting, thousands of red lights were connected to his hands, and countless life energies gathered In his palm, on top of his head.

Nearly ten thousand celestial soldiers are like blooming epiphyllum.

Withered in an instant.

In the end, the celestial miscellaneous soldiers whose life energy was taken away by Tiancheng God turned into mummified corpses and fell to the ground, with their heads and limbs scattered all over the ground.

The Heavenly God General who obtained the life energy of thousands of people did not devour it greedily like other celestial powerhouses, but twisted the ball of blood-red and coquettish life energy into several balls, and separated them into several balls. Throwing at the bodies of Fatty Hai, Ye Kong, Xuetanlang, Prince Tianluo and the Li brothers.

Fatty Hai and the others jumped out of the attack range.

But these blood-red and coquettish energy clusters are like gangrene attached to the bone, and they can't be shaken off no matter how hard they are.

Once these extremely fast and self-tracking monster energy clusters hit the bodies of Fatty Hai, Ye Kong and others, they would immediately produce a kind of mysterious pollution.

This kind of pollution is not harmful to Fatty Hai and his body, but the blessings of 'Ancient Forest' and 'Ancient Thorn' given by Duo Duo before have faded like a tide. The God of Tiancheng will use this kind of life sacrifice to successfully eliminate the blessing of Duoduo, the flower god. The only price he had to pay was the lives of nearly ten thousand celestial miscellaneous soldiers.

"You are completely crazy!" Fatty Hai sighed almost inaudibly. In fact, he had guessed this result since the other party's action.

"I am now a thoughtless chess piece. In order to win, I can do whatever it takes, and I can be desperate! This is me, and this is what I need to do!" Tian Chengshen's eyes flashed a faint pain .

But soon.