Everyone looked at Yue Yang.

Waiting for him to give a shocking answer, who knows, only heard this kid say: "The weakness of the restoration talent is that it is not resurrection, but restoration!"

Ming Rihao fell headlong to the ground, okay, such an answer...is this also a weakness? This is a fart weakness! Restoration talent is scary enough, to restore everything, but also to resurrect? Still let people live? Ming Rihao was very speechless, and felt that his expectations for this kid were not too high, after all, no matter how awesome this kid is, Yue Yang didn't live for a few days, he was still very young!

The Sun King's complexion suddenly darkened, making it extremely difficult to see.

The silent king of silence.

For the first time, he showed a shocked look, because he had never seen such a gaffe reaction from the Sun King.

Could it be that kid Yue Yang really hit the spot?

Is this really a weakness?

The Emperor of Vengeance and the others were at a loss. What hit them the most was that Yue Yang had already given the answer, but everyone still couldn't figure it out!

Lord Qinglang really wanted to jump out like an idiot, take off his clothes and run naked all over the ground, then raised his middle finger high, put his hands on his hips, and yelled a hundred and eight times to the sky. However, with his identity, status or ability, there is no place for him to speak here, so no matter how depressed he is, he can only admit it. It's fine if you don't understand, it's safer to have a low intelligence, look at Master Titan, isn't it just that you have a smarter head? To let the Sun King stare at him, and to stare at him so hard, he is truly depressed!

If Lord Qinglang knew that there was once Ah Q in the Celestial Dynasty, he might be happy in his heart.

"Well said." The Sun King was silent for a long time before nodding his head in affirmation, and then he shook his head and sighed: "Young Master Titan really has a pair of eyes, which is so admirable. If you grow up for a while, how can we stand in the future?" The place?"

"Recovery talent is really a weakness?" Someone as smart as the double-faced king couldn't figure it out.

"..." To be honest, including the Silent King who has been following the Sun King, he couldn't figure it out. He just heard the Sun King mention the regret of this restoration talent.

"Say, tell us quickly." Although Ming Rihao knew that a decisive battle was imminent, curiosity could kill a cat, so he wanted to ask clearly.

"The Sun King's restoration talent can restore all items in the time domain, but it cannot restore life. In other words, the Sun King's ability is not a real time reversal, or in other words, it is not a complete time reversal, but is aimed at a certain target. Reverse time and restore everything. On the surface, it looks perfect, no different from time reversal. In fact, it has a biggest weakness. If the living body is damaged during the process, such as being killed, Then the restoration talent will not be effective." Yue Yang's words instantly made everyone understand that if he killed an opponent, it is impossible for the Sun King to revive the target, and the time is reversed, only the damaged items can be restored.

"In this case, it might be interesting." Ming Rihao laughed loudly. Now that he felt that he blew himself up, he might be able to get back a little price. The Silent King and the Double-Faced King may not be killed, but at least they must be severely injured. Of the eight generals, none of them will be able to escape.

"Even if you see through my ability, I won't let you have a chance to display it." The Sun King once again showed a smile that grasped the overall situation.

"Unless there is divine power, or powerful law power." The Vengeance Domain Emperor looked at Ming Ri Hao.

"Don't look at me." Ming Rihao said that he didn't have this ability, even if he could use a little power of law, it was far inferior to the Sun King's law of time. People rely on this to make a living, can they compare?

"Maybe I can help, but you have to promise me that you will take over Tianhuayu in the future and let the people here live a good life. I believe that you will be the best ruler, although you are a bit lazy, But the heart is very kind..." The Queen of Liberty suddenly stood up and said softly to Yue Yang: "As long as you promise me, I will send you out of here."

"Ah, this is the first time I've heard someone praise me for my kindness, thank you, but do you think I look like a soldier fleeing on the battlefield?" Yue Yang laughed loudly, stretched out his hand, and mysteriously ejected the Queen of Liberty a hundred meters away.

"Even if she sacrifices her life and asks for divine power to help you leave, you won't be able to escape." The Sun King was extremely affirmative.

"Let's fight!" Ming Rihao felt that there was a glimmer of hope at this time, and his fighting spirit was boiling, but he didn't hear Yue Yang's words, so he didn't know what to do, should he rush forward, or use some kind of conspiracy?

He cast his eyes on Yue Yang, hoping that this kid would clearly arrange everyone's tasks.

The Vengeance Domain Emperor also looked over.

Then there was the angry Territory Emperor, who looked over unwillingly, waiting for Yue Yang's arrangement... Everyone's life and death depended on this kid's words.

Only the Emperor of Shenguang, whose eyes were still flickering, couldn't make up his mind. After all, the Sun King was too powerful. Even if Ming Rihao, the Emperor of Vengeance, and the Emperor of Anger helped out, it would be nothing but a drop in the bucket, not to mention the soldiers around the Sun King. There are many generals and strong horses, not to mention the Silent King, the Double-Faced King alone can withstand the heavy losses of the Vengeful and Angry Territory Emperors. If the Silent King can temporarily hold Tomorrow Hao, the Sun King should be able to kill Yue Yang in a second. A son of Titan who has a pair of discerning eyes but not enough strength.

Yue Yang waved his hand in the same way: "Old Hao, stand back, now is the time for king to king, it's not your turn yet!"

Ming Rihao was furious: "Are you a fart king? If I am a miscellaneous soldier, you are at most a commoner!"

Yue Yang's answer is to get out and add two bumps.

The Sun King also waved his hands, making the Silent King and the Double-Faced King retreat with their eight generals. Killing Ming Rihao and the revenge of the domain emperor and others is not the biggest purpose of his trip. It is his greatest purpose to kill the new generation prison emperor of the Tongtian Tower and the rare and rare genius Yueyang Yuetaitan. Target.

In order to achieve this goal, the Sun King will pay any price.

A young junior who can see through his own weaknesses in a short trial, he must die, and he must not be given a chance to grow up.

This person must die by his own hands to be truly relieved.

A burst of black light suddenly filled Yue Yang's body, covering his whole body and blocking the light from the sun clock.

The Sun King saw that this was still the trick, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Like a needle like a dagger.

With the snap of his fingers, the sun clock reversed instantly.

Ming Rihao and Vengeance Territory Emperor in the side didn't feel it at all, but they could see that beside Yue Yang, countless electric currents were generated, crackling, as if there was an invisible confrontation. In the end, time reversal won the final victory. When the time pointer of the sun clock returned to its original position, all the black light on Yue Yang's body dissipated and returned to its original state.

"You have actually comprehended the power of the small law..." Sun King stared at Yue Yang seriously, showing a hint of fanaticism: "Compared to you, when I was your age, I was still discouraged by my ability, Being able to kill a peerless genius like you is more fulfilling than destroying an artifact. It is so exciting. Mr. Titan, if you have no better way, then the temptation is over, and I will send you on your way as soon as possible Yes. I always have a feeling that the longer I let you stay, the greater the changes here, and I will never let you see through more things, so please say your last words!"

"Come." Yue Yang's answer was simple, he beckoned to the Sun King.

The Sun King's eyes shine like stars.

Reach out solemnly.

one finger.

Youdao Guanghua shot down from the top of the sun clock and went straight to Yueyang.

The heavy crown that really possessed the special ability of 'shape-shifting', flashed on top of Yue Yang's head, and forcibly received the impact of this light wave. He showed a bitter smile in the sky: "There is no way, with my strength, I can only do this!"

The Sun King snapped his fingers: "Time, a hundred years go by."

Chong Guan screamed and fell to the ground.

The whole body is thinning at a speed visible to the naked eye, not because of the passage of a hundred years, but because the passage of a hundred years has caused his body to consume too much energy. Without any supplement, he can no longer maintain what his body needs, thus becoming Became a skinny hungry ghost. That kind of hunger is not only food, but also the crazy 'hunger' caused by all kinds of fatigue and overdraft... "Unexpectedly, I starved to death." Chongguan gasped for breath, and closed his eyes weakly.

"No!" The black soil and the white horse galloped out, howling in grief.

Two beams of light shot towards Yue Yang.

Although they saw the tragedy of the heavy crown, they still rushed over without hesitation, hoping that before their death, Yue Yang could have more time to prepare, and it would be best to see through another weakness of the Sun King's ability, so as to reverse the victory.

The Sun King looked at Yue Yang expressionlessly, and said slowly: "As long as I snap my fingers, it doesn't matter whether a hundred years, a thousand years or even ten thousand years pass by, no matter how many people protect you, it won't help, maybe you want to borrow them sacrifice to find my weakness, but it is too late, and your strength is too weak. The gap in strength between us is a gap that cannot be bridged no matter how great wisdom and sacrifice are. Therefore, After the third light wave, everything will be over!"

With a touch of his finger, the sun clock emitted thousands of beams of light.