"Where is your friend? Please come quickly!" The eighth prince, Wu Hai, seemed to be a passionate seed with a straightforward personality.

It is estimated that it will not be so urgent if it is replaced by other heaven-level powerhouses.

Moreover, even if he is nervous about his relatives, he will not show it to the outside world.

Of course, Yue Yang couldn't say that Xue Wuxia, who could be predicted by the book of truth, was practicing at the Life and Death Gate of Tongtian Pagoda. He smiled and waved his hand, indicating that his friend was not by his side, and he would go to visit him when he had time. There are many strange people in the heavenly world, with all kinds of personalities and tempers. Some people don't like to see strangers, but only friends. The Eighth Prince Wu Hai, Lord Lingyun and others did not doubt Yue Yang's words, they just felt that this predictable and strange person must be a master of the hidden world, never would have imagined that it was a Tongtian Tower human like Xue Wuxia woman.

Lord Lingyun and Tu Hai both comforted the Eighth Prince Wu Hai, guessing that something on the road delayed the schedule, so the Eighth Prince's concubine has not returned to his hometown.

After some persuasion, he invited a banquet again.

Although Wu Hai was a little anxious to find his woman, but when he came to Rizhao City, he still hoped to use the power of local warriors to expand the search together. On the other hand, he also wanted to use Yue Yang's power to find useful clues through the expert who predicted the truth.

Ever since, he suppressed the anxiety in his heart and entered the City Lord's Mansion together with Yue Yang.

In terms of banquets, Tu Hai put a lot of effort into it.

Delicacies from mountains and seas are presented like flowing water, especially the last dish, which is a unique flavor that only Rizhao City has in the entire heaven: braised bird tongue.

After brewing by famous chefs, the freshest and most delicious sparrow tongues are cut off from the mouths of thousands of gray sparrows, and then made into the shape of gray sparrow storks, braised in brown sauce, soaked in honey sauce, and it tastes plump but not greasy , crisp and sweet, full of taste.

"Please invite a few distinguished guests to try the unique flavor of our Rizhao City, sparrow tongue. This kind of gray sparrow stork is only found around Rizhao City in the world. Although it is a useless beast of war, it is better than the quality of the meat. It is superior to other poultry and wild birds. The tongue of the gray sparrow is long and thin, tender and smooth. It is known as a beautiful tongue, and it is the best among delicacies. It is said that thousands of years ago, there were people who transformed into human forms. The beauty of the gray sparrow stork, some heavenly powers cut off her tongue, and after being brewed in ten dishes by famous chefs, its delicacy can be rated as one of the top ten delicacies in the heaven!" Tuduo, Tuhai's cousin, is a famous chef in Rizhao City. Gourmets, specially present this braised bird tongue.

Of course, it was to prepare a banquet for classmate Yue Yang.

Now, Hachioji Wu Hai, who came unexpectedly, is also lucky enough to taste the deliciousness of the local sparrow tongue.

When Tu Duo proudly introduced this famous dish, Tu Hai and Lord Lingyun looked at each other and nodded secretly.

Although Tuduo, the captain of the personal guard, is usually like a waste, doing nothing all day long, patronizing food, drinking and having fun, but in terms of hospitality, he is still doing a good job, and it is barely useful.

The previous 'beautiful tongue' cannot be copied.

But there is a unique bird tongue in the heavens to treat guests, so it will not be rude at last.

If the two distinguished guests Yue Sanshao and Eighth Prince can return with satisfaction, then, in the future, they will have the best start in diplomacy in the heavenly world and the Eastern Monster Race... Lord Lingyun and Tuhai even feel that , Third Young Master Yue most likely came from the Eastern Immortal Clan... If he got his friendship, he would be able to achieve great success in the future, just around the corner.

"Brass tongue?" Eighth Prince Wu Hai's servant who was waiting to serve food was stunned as soon as he opened the cover in front of him.

In front of everyone, is a beautiful woman with a sparrow stork.

It is composed of braised bird tongues. The chefs carefully arranged and stacked all the bird tongues one by one into the shape of a beautiful head and bird cheeks, and then blended it with honey mushroom dew.

The beauty's head is lifelike.

The beautiful appearance is amazing, making people reluctant to eat this delicacy that is comparable to a work of art.

Tuduo is very proud, this sparrow-tongued beauty, not to mention the cooking process, just arranging it took an hour. In the Heaven Realm, apart from a few famous chefs passed down from generation to generation in Rizhao City, there is no other chef who can make this beautiful, fragrant, and beautiful bird stork dish. The only thing that makes Tuduo a little regretful is that if the tongue of the sparrow beauties lined up is really the best "beauty tongue" cut from the mouth of the sparrow beauties who transformed into human shapes, then it will definitely be rated as one of the top ten delicacies in the heaven one.

Tuduo was even more proud to see that the distinguished guests were overwhelmed by this famous dish.

He seemed to be modest on the surface, but in fact he laughed arrogantly inside: "Unfortunately, in Rizhao City, there is no gray bird stork that has a phantom human shape or a human-like shape. Otherwise, we must entertain a few distinguished guests with a beautiful tongue! We Rizhao City is located in a remote location, the food is simple, but the hospitality is warm, and a little bit of country stuff can represent our sincerity."

"Which one of you has ever eaten a beautiful tongue? I mean, the beautiful tongue cut from the mouth of a beautiful sparrow?" Eighth Prince Wu Hai suddenly stood up and asked.

"Your Highness, don't worry, a beautiful tongue is hard to come by, and I don't have such a good fortune." Tu Hai was afraid that the other party was a gourmet fanatic, so how could he get a beautiful tongue for him all of a sudden? There are very few war beasts as low as the gray bird's cheeks in human form. Although they have been in Rizhao City for many years, it seems that they have not seen a humanoid bird stork beauty. The bird's cheeks beauty and the beautiful tongue only exist in legends.

"Well, what's so difficult about this!" Tuduo was proud and boasted: "His Royal Highness wants to eat it, I will send someone to search for it immediately, or cultivate it with magic crystals, but it will take a little longer. I think there are no less than thousands of people around Rizhao City. Tens of thousands of gray sparrow storks must have sparrow beauties, but they hide away, lest mercenaries catch them...Your Highness, you don’t know how many gray sparrow storks we eat every year in Rizhao City, and the number must not be less than a million! It is also possible for the mercenary to hunt down the beauty of the sparrow stork and cut off the beauty's tongue. Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, maybe there is a beauty's tongue in the delicacy served by the little ones..."

"I kill you!"

Wu Hai, the eighth prince of the Golden Crow Clan, suddenly exploded with anger.

Appearing in front of Tuduo, he stretched out his hand to grab Tuduo's throat, lifted the whole body up, and prepared to kill this frightened poor wretch with one palm.

Tuduo, who has the strength of the first level of the heavenly rank, is not even a fart in front of Wu Hai, who is at the fifth level of the heavenly rank. If King Lingyun hadn't intervened to stop him, Tuduo's head would probably have been shattered like a rotten egg.

Except for Yue Yang who just noticed that Wu Hai was a little strange, everyone was shocked when they saw this.

Well said, why do you want to kill someone all of a sudden?

Tuduo, where did he offend the Hachioji?

As the lord of the city, Tu Hai was dizzy, what a bad day today, he could eat the hatred of killing people after eating a meal, what taboo did he commit?

"It's easy to talk, everyone has something to say, don't do anything for now...Your Highness, what happened? Is Tuduo disrespectful, or the food is not to your taste, if this is the case, we will withdraw immediately." City Lord Tuhai was the first Response, maybe the Golden Crow of the Eastern Monster Clan doesn't eat crows like gray sparrows, so Tuduo's flattery was wrong, and the horse's leg was photographed.

"My queer, you died so miserable!"

The eighth prince, Wu Hai, shook Lord Lingyun's arm away, pressed Tu Duo in front of him, and firmly stepped on it with his feet.

Then he turned to look at the braised sparrow tongue in the form of a beautiful sparrow stork, tears streaming down his face.

There was no end to howling loudly.

Lord Lingyun and City Lord Tuhai, who were about to dissuade them, were suddenly stunned.

A terrifying thought came to my mind.

They couldn't help shivering.

Wu Hai, the eighth prince of the Jinwu tribe, is his beloved concubine the legendary sparrow-cheeked beauty? If this is the case, then it's over, completely over!