Chapter 817: [Linga unmanned port starts operation]

Yao Jianhong's strength in the negotiations surprised many North American buyers. They also heard from Yao's tone that the Azure Coast is indeed a steady rhythm.

Then the terminal video link was once again, and the private chat started.

Mr. Yao spread his hands and continued to drink tea and wait. Anyway, he is not in a hurry. He is impatient for the buyers who urgently need these scarce materials, but now it is an absolute buyer's market.

After waiting ten minutes, the video connection was opened again.

Yao Jianhong put down the teacup in his hand, directly showing an impatient appearance and said straight to the point: "How are you making your decision? I hope to hear your final decision next."

A buyer in North America was silent for a moment, and the person in charge in California said: "OK, we have agreed to your company's terms, only US$150,000, but it is impossible to make an advance payment of more than US$200 billion within a week. If it is done, it is impossible to print money so fast. We can only make up to 40 billion U.S. dollars in advance."

As the saying goes, repaying the money on-the-spot with the sky-high asking price, I expected three inches in my heart, and shouted five inches and then retreated two inches, and still got three inches.

Call out the prepayment scale of 220 billion U.S. dollars. Only when the numbers are called out will there be room for bargaining.

After Yao Jianhong negotiated and bargained with each other for a while, both sides stepped back and reached a consensus on the advance payment. The final figure was 76 billion US dollars.

An advance payment of US$60 billion is the bottom line of the Côte d'Azur. As long as it is not lower than this line, it is acceptable. Of course, the more the better.

With funds, the Côte d’Azur can expand its production capacity wildly on a large scale. To know that Dabai can produce, the upstream providers and downstream distributors have to keep up with the rhythm. The Côte d’Azur also gives them advance payments. In order to ensure the stability of material supply and channels, the expansion of the entire industry chain can move forward together without losing the chain.

The Côte d’Azur has its own direct sales channels, but the current overseas direct sales channels and offline stores have been forced to close. This is to avoid greater losses. At this time, a portion of the profit is allocated and temporary dealers are found to meet the current bad trade. surroundings.

As the two parties reached a cooperative company, the Côte d'Azur immediately disclosed an announcement to announce the matter.

Although the global stock market has been severely hammered, at any time there is always a sector that bucks the trend. Once this announcement is released, the Dabai robot industry chain and its theme concept stocks have risen sharply.

Finally opened the North American market, which is a major positive for the concept theme of the azure coast, especially the big white robot concept theme stock.

After the announcement of the companies of several Dabai robot upstream suppliers listed on Big A, the news was announced in the morning, and the daily trading limit was opened on the same day. Two of them have been listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board for two months. In a few transactions of, there have been three consecutive high-specification upward trends with one-word daily limit.

There was no limit on the price increase or decrease in the 5 days before listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. After 5 days, the price increase or decrease was 20%. The two upstream suppliers directly bucked the market and doubled the board in just five trading days. And obviously there is inertial kinetic energy for upward thrusting.

It also contributed two new listed technology companies with a market value of over 100 billion yuan to the Sci-tech Innovation Board. It is one of the few listed companies with outstanding performance in the technology sector. The current technology sector has experienced a super bull market. , The momentum was extinguished by Sequoia, and the flame was turned off.

However, the sci-tech innovation board did not show too much decline because of this, because the medical sector, another major weight of the sci-tech innovation board, has taken over the banner of the science and technology sector, and now it is the turn of medical care to take the bull.


Time flies, 2019 ends and enters a new year.

In the southern waters, the Malacca Strait is the world's largest unmanned cargo port in Linga County.

The port is the core asset of Star Arrow International. The port is now called "Linga Unmanned Port", but in fact, the "Ring Orbit Star Harbor" named within Star Arrow International has not been disclosed.

According to the original plan, the port will be put into full operation in the middle of this year. However, due to the Sequoia virus epidemic, the "Linga Port" opened ahead of schedule, but about 30% of it still cannot operate.

It has now become a core transit port for Chinese goods exports and imports from all over the world. First, it is a unique geographical location, located on a maritime hub such as the Strait of Malacca. Minimizing contact between people and harbors is an important barrier to prevent the sequoia virus from entering the mainland. Thirdly, it can also ensure that import trade will not be completely interrupted due to the sequoia virus pandemic.

At this time, people had to lift Luo Sheng out and touted it fiercely. It should be understood that at the beginning of the "Linga Port" project, the outside world was very optimistic about Luo Sheng's entry into the traditional port trade industry.

Who would have thought that there would be a Sequoia pandemic seven or eight years ago?

Now, the value of this port is quickly reflected, because under the current circumstances, Linga Port is the core hub that directly connects the world's largest industrial manufacturing country with global trade.

In the context of the sequoia pandemic, all cross-border trade with the world's largest industrial manufacturing country must follow this line, where supplies, disinfection and isolation can be completed before they can be imported into China.

At the same time, this port is also needed for export, because it is located in the busiest main road, and other ports are not safe at present. People would rather float at sea for a few days than wait for the line to enter Linga Port for supply transfer.

This also caused Linga Port to enter into overload operation just after it was put into operation.

Of course, the corresponding excess profits have also been brought, and the port price is three times that of other ports, so the supply exceeds demand and the price naturally soars.


Port Linga, January 6, local time, Monday at 15:00.

A super freighter set off from the Yangtze River Delta in China, and entered Linga Port all the way to the south. At this moment, container unloading is in progress. All are unmanned operation. A large number of AGV automated guided transport vehicles will be unloaded from the cargo ship one by one. The container carriers are sorted and unloaded to the terminal, and they are busy and orderly running. It seems that the guided vehicles will collide, but in fact, a powerful central control system is used to coordinate the route planning of each guided vehicle.

The entire terminal does not have a human employee, and it operates completely unmanned.

And not far from the east side of Linga Port, there is a super dredger that is greedy by all the Southeast Asian countries. It is currently undergoing reclamation and island construction through a local island. UU Read www.uukanshu .com has been underway for more than half of it and will be completed by the end of this year.

This artificial island belongs to inkpad in name, but it is leased to Star Arrow International for a period of 45 years and has the right to renew the contract. Unless Star Arrow International voluntarily waives the renewal, inkpad has the right to take over the island.

Luo Sheng doesn't care about ownership at all. As long as you firmly control the right to use it, it's OK. In short, the island is yours in name, but if you say it, I don't count.

The island is to build a large cargo airport to supplement the linkage of Linga Port. Its huge scale can carry An-225 to take off and land there, and its scale is gradually increasing.

As for inkpad, after I was educated last time, I have now figured it out. It’s enough to lie down to make money and collect rent. Don’t toss about it. You don’t need to do anything. You can get stable income from Luo Sheng through taxation every year. Isn't a soup fragrant?


At the unmanned container terminal, several workers from the Côte d’Azur were present at the moment. One of the containers was opened. Inside were all white robots, most of them were from domestic consumers. Repurchase for export.

"Mr. Harris, your cargo has arrived. Let your ship call at the port for delivery, right?" the person in charge said after opening the customer's contact number.

This batch of materials arrived at Linga Port from China was for Australia, Spain and France. As all parties robbed Hu some time ago, they were all robbed of fear. Therefore, for some important materials, all parties are now It is too unreliable to entrust a third party to pick up the goods in person, and the amount of shipping is not a small amount. If it is intercepted again, it will really be autistic.

These years, the rivers and lakes have become more and more sinister. They are all dead daoists but not poor daoists, and they have to defend themselves.
