Chapter 688: 【Excited Eagle Sauce】

For the Series A financing, I need 15 million US dollars to transfer 12% of the equity, Class A equity. "

Marcus Lyle also had no hypocrisy, and directly expressed his demands.

This is a very reasonable valuation. Lyell Binary also adopts the AB share system and the limited partnership structure. Such a top-level design can ensure that when the equity is transferred, the company’s control is firmly in the hands of the founder, that is, the Luo Sheng's hands.

"A round of financing for a valuation of $125 million... No problem, I can accept it." Larry Page said with a smile, and after a while he added: "But I want to add a condition Mr. Marcus ."

"Please speak."

Larry Page nodded and replied: "I will have priority in subsequent financing at the same valuation."

Page's company's cash flow can't compete with Luo Sheng, but it is relatively speaking. In fact, Google is also one of the richest companies in the world and a master of money.

Obviously, Page is very optimistic about the future of the Lyle Binary Company, and Google does not lack this money. If he hasn’t understood it, he even wants to buy the company directly, but the founder does not agree, he can only retreat to invest second. Too.

Marcus Lyle: "No problem."

It took less than 20 minutes to complete the Lyle Binary A round of financing agreement. After this round of financing, the company added an investment shareholder, respectively, Angel Capital, which acquired 9% equity of Anaheim Capital. As well as the Alphabet Google parent company that exclusively contracted this A round of financing.

With the development of the company, more external shareholders will be introduced through subsequent continuous financing, and eventually the IPO will be achieved. This is the path that must be followed for the development of startup technology companies.

After further understanding the Lyle binary drone colony combat system, Larry Page is more confident in this investment. The drone itself is secondary, and there are a large number of companies in the United States that can make it. The difficulty is the bee colony combat system platform, and this is the core competitiveness of Lyle Binary.

On the same day, Page signed a contract with Lyle Binary to formally complete the A round of financing, and then happily left. This kind of high-quality company will not lack the favor of venture capital institutions. This time, we can start first and Google in the future. You can become the largest external investment shareholder, and even the largest shareholder.

Under the framework of the AB share system and the limited partnership structure, no matter what percentage of equity is transferred, it will not have any impact on the company's control. There is only one case of loss of control, that is, Luo Sheng voluntarily gives up.

For this company, Luo Sheng doesn't care how much equity he transfers, he only needs one thing-absolute control.

It was originally a **** under his back.

With the completion of the A round of financing, all employees of Lyle Bin had a party celebration in the garage that night. Although Marcus Lyle is a bionic man, he can also eat and drink like a normal human. The complete metabolic cycle is the key.

However, it is not enough to extract the bioenergy from food digestion. It is necessary to maintain the calorie consumption of the entire body through external intake. He will inject bioenergy in private to maintain the body's consumption.

The next day, another group of people came to the Lyle Binary Company.

"My name is Will Parks, which is affiliated to the magnesium military equipment headquarters. The drone technology of your company has attracted the interest of the Ministry of Defense. If it meets the needs, the Ministry of Defense may issue an expensive purchase to your company. Order."

Marcus Lyle looked at the document sent by the other party, looked at the other person's face, and then at the rank of his colonel, and finally confirmed that it was correct.

The Equipment Headquarters, which is the department in charge of planning, spending, and ordering military combat equipment. The people in this department personally come to the door, and Lyle Binary’s technology is obviously taken by the Wujiao Building.

Especially recently, Luo Sheng was stimulated by this time.

After completing the identity verification, Marcus Lyle took the people from Will Parks and the Wood Corner Building to introduce the company's products in detail again.

"How many drones can you coordinate with your bee colony system at the same time to the greatest extent?" Will Parks asked. This is the most concern of the Wujiao Tower.

Some time ago, I accidentally discovered that the Chinese side has been able to achieve coordinated operations against more than 5,000 drones, which has made Laomei's face dull. For so long, this face was too awkward, and now there is a little stunned circle, and it is regarded by Lao Mei as being bullied by the other party on the face, which is very uncomfortable.

Marcus Lyle replied without thinking: "In theory, 10,000 drones can be coordinated at the same time for bee colony operations."

"Well, 10,000 are not bad... what? What are you talking about?"

Will Parks reacted slowly for a moment, but soon recovered, and then looked at the other person in shock.

Marcus Lyle repeated: "I said that in theory, 10,000 drones can be used to conduct bee colonies."

Will Paxton questioned when he came back, "How do you prove it?"

Marcus Lehr said calmly: "Colonel, my company is in the start-up stage, and the funds are tight. I can't specifically build 10,000 drones at this time to prove myself that the cost of one drone is not Less than 30,000 US dollars means 300 million US dollars. I can’t do this without so much money, unless someone pays, but I have absolute confidence in my technology, which you will see in the future.”

Will Parks: "No, no, no, if you can really do what you said, the Pentagon will give you funds to pay for you, and promise to give you follow-up orders, when will you get 10,000 without Man-machine came out and tested?"

One 30,000 US dollars is no problem for the Wujiao Tower. The cost of 10,000 US dollars is only 300 million US dollars. The maximum cost is not more than 500 million US dollars. Compared with the annual expenditure of more than 700 billion US dollars, it is almost nothing.

Now, the most important thing is how to pull back a round from the Chinese in the field of drone swarm combat, regain the face, and suppress the arrogance of the other party.

Marcus Lyle said: "We only got Google's $15 million Series A financing yesterday. If we want to build 10,000 drones, we need to recruit more employees, build production lines, and purchase parts... $15 million. not enough."

This is also an indirect way to show that Lyle Binary is not a start-up company that can be manipulated by anyone. There is a super technology giant with a market value of more than 600 billion US dollars behind it. First anxious to you.

Will Parks: "Listen, money is not a problem, okay? OK, you are going to the Wujiao Tower with me now. I think it is necessary for you to report your company's situation to the higher security department. It’s your chance."

In Marcus Lyle’s logic program, there is no concept of hesitation. The time required to judge things is positively related to the speed of his chip processing, but he still “hesitates” for a moment like humans, which is simulated by emotion result.

After a moment, Marcus Lyle nodded: "I need to sort out a piece of information and make a systematic report."

Will Parks: "OK, then I'm waiting for you outside, not too long."

Ten minutes later, Marcus Lyle took the information and left the Menlo Park with the old and beautiful military personnel to the Wujiao Building.


Two days later, the Science and Technology Complex Building.

"Master, the latest news came on the 3rd. Lyle Binary Company has received US$500 million in research and development funding from the Wujiao Tower and US$2.5 billion in defense purchase orders."

Xiao Na’s voice responded in Luo Sheng’s office. The latter was surprised when she heard: “The progress of No. 3 is a bit fast. The day before yesterday, I ‘fleeed’ to Google. ."

When he said that, he couldn't help but laugh, and he broke into the other party's interior unexpectedly.

After going to the Wujiao Tower, Marcus Lyle got the super large order for the purchase of 70,000 drones at a cost of 35,000 US dollars per aircraft, but the premise is that the Lyle binary must be The Wujiao Building saw that his company's technology can really cooperate with 10,000 drones to conduct bee colonies at the same time, and achieved amazing results.

It still depends on the effect, so the $2.5 billion super-large order is just a short check, which requires exchange conditions, but as long as it can prove that the Lyle binary technology is as described, this order will definitely not be placed on pigeons.

First, Lao Mei has given US$500 million in advance to allow Lyle Binary to test 10,000 drone bee colony combat systems as soon as possible. Second, Lao Mei is now stimulated by previous opponents' drone bee colony exercises. There is a sense of urgency in it, and there is also a matter of regaining face.

Xiao Na responded: "Master, have you initiated an intellectual property lawsuit against Lyle Binary?"

This is a planned plan. The Côte d’Azur will prosecute Lyle's binary "plagiarism" technology in the future. Both sides will treat Bo Gongtang and give outsiders the illusion that both parties are rivals.

The "contradictions" displayed on both sides are becoming more and more unmanageable, UU reading books www.uukanshu. The more secure com Lyle Binary Company is, the less it is suspected that the person behind the scenes is actually the same existence.

Luo Sheng stopped: "No, let the bullets fly for a while."

It’s not the right time, and when the Cote d’Azur is about to close this year, there is one last important task, that is, the Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition on December 19th. From the time point of view, this is already near Things in front of me now.

The drone colony needs to collect more data in actual combat to further optimize the product, so the export foreign trade version should also be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

While making money for local tyrants, local tyrants also help to test your products, and later introduce more cattle products to make local tyrants more money, perfect circulation, this is the export foreign trade version.

Selling things to the local tyrants there, there is absolutely no lack of actual combat opportunities there.


(End of this chapter)