Chapter 160: [Cash Out]

[Do n’t forget to vote for a monthly ticket, it ’s super important, so is the recommended ticket, anyway, the better.]


Yesterday, the first day of the Bluestar Technology Group's listing, Luo Sheng sold about 20 million shares at the highest price of the day, and successfully cashed about $ 1.25 billion at the transaction price per share at the time.

The tax is about 1 billion US dollars. As the company's founder, it is necessary to give a reasonable explanation for selling 20 million shares on the day of listing, otherwise the market will be uneasy and bring negative effects.

Luo Sheng's response to the outside world was that the cash out of 1.25 billion was used to develop the Cote d'Azur companies, optimize personal asset allocation, and do not overinterpret.

Fortunately, the core team of Bluestar Technology Group did not cash out on a large scale, which also dispelled some doubts and concerns in the market. To take a step back, the performance of Bluestar Technology Group was there.

Many people are not surprised by Luo Sheng's behavior, because before he went public, he once transferred a large amount of equity for the development of the Blue Coast.

Even now, Luo Sheng, a company that does ICT business, is still not favored by the outside world.

He is undoubtedly the "son of the Internet" in the eyes of Silicon Valley, and now people call it "the Internet giant".

But in the field of ICT and mobile equipment, people don't think Luo Sheng can achieve miracles in just three years like the Internet.

Because this field is not so easy to do, let alone the Cote d'Azur companies want to make mobile phones, then they have to face more than one or two giants in this field, Nokia, Motorola, Benmai and so on.

Investors are not optimistic about Luo Sheng. Even if the Azure Coast mobile phone comes out, it can only have limited shipments in the Greater China market. It is too difficult to recover costs and achieve profitability.

Seeing his mysterious reluctance to reveal, Qin Weimu nodded, and nodded and said, "Okay, I'll sort it out and give it to you at that time."

Luo Luosheng also nodded, and then smiled again: "You don't have to worry too much about this, it's not too late for you to get it today next year."

Qin Weimu was about to leave, Luo Sheng thought for a while and called out quickly: "Hey wait a while, there is one more thing, prepare an asset management fund for me as soon as possible, and transfer the cashed out funds into this fund pool. You Just take care of it for me. Sooner or later, it will be my wife. It is justified to hand the money over to my wife. "

"Go on the side and want to be beautiful." Upon hearing the last sentence, Qin Weimu saw Luo Sheng staring at him with a smile, and suddenly flung him with a big white eye, and then turned his head to ignore the guy.

But after listening to Luo Sheng's arrangement, Qin Weimu thought about it and immediately said: "Judge from what you just said, do you have to wait at least one year before you can run this fund?"

Luo Luosheng nodded.

Qin Weimu said immediately: "Okay, leave it to me to deal with it, then I plan to use the funds to repurchase the shares of Blue Star Technology Group. Of course, there are a few twists and turns. This trust fund should be anonymous and operate. It's complicated but I can solve it. "

不 These funds are not deposited in the bank. Generally, they will be entrusted to a third party's private fund management, and usually have a guaranteed return. After that, the third party takes the client's money to invest or hedges in the international foreign exchange market.

However, Qin Weimu did not want to do this. Her method was to use the money in turn to buy all the shares of Bluestar Technology Group, because she believed that the stock of Bluestar Technology would rise sharply in the future. Starting funds to play in the international foreign exchange market, backhand trading of Bluestar Technology stocks has lower risks and even higher returns.

I seem to be overdoing it, and even if I move in and out, I will lose a lot of money even if it is every other day.

But this is the wonder of capital operation.

Luo Luosheng is the founder and head of the Bluestar Technology Group. If he sells shares on a large scale to cash out, he will seriously dampen the confidence of the market, and Bluestar's stock will face huge fluctuations.

The stock market is sensitive and sometimes fragile, especially in the face of event-driven effects.

The shareholders do not understand and question, they will think wildly, is there a problem with the company's operation? Even the founders have sold off on a large scale. After all, this is a matter of vital interest, and they will definitely think more and not less.

In this way, if it is not good, it will somehow generate a "panic mood" and follow the sell-off. Although Luo Sheng does not care too much about the fluctuation of the company's stock price, the impact is not good.

In addition, Luo Sheng also has to consider the team members who are working hard with him. You sell and cash out on your own, and tell everyone not to cash out. There is a feeling of wrong atmosphere.

But this time, Qin Weimu decided to use Luo Sheng to cash out the funds and buy "BTC" stocks in the form of anonymous funds. If he wants to cash in the future, he can boldly sell without hesitation.

After Qin Weimu put forward this idea, Luo Sheng didn't think about it. He smiled and said, "OK, all wives have the final say."

Qi Qin Weimu ignored him and turned proudly to leave the house.

She had just left for a while, and Irene quickly came to Luo Sheng's room.

Eileen came in and sat beside him generously without speaking, just watching him silently.

Luo Luosheng said inexplicably: "What's wrong? Why look at me with that kind of resentful look? Not happy to be the youngest billionaire woman in the world?"

After a while, Erin suddenly said, "Roger, can you promise me a wayward question?"

Luo Luosheng glanced at her and said, "It's not a good thing to listen to this tone, but to listen, but I can't promise it absolutely."

"Never mind that, you won't agree."

Eileen said discouragedly, after finishing speaking, she turned away and turned away, drumming herself with a playful face.

Luo Luosheng didn't say a word, stared at her profile, looked closely, and saw an inexplicable feeling.

I thought for a moment what he seemed to guess.

She was most likely because she and Qin Weimu happened to have a face-to-face meeting. Mostly it was for this reason that they were both trying to avoid meeting each other.

Luo Sheng grabbed his waist and laughed in his arms: "I know, I'm definitely thinking about it again. I don't understand, why are you so unconfident about yourself? I have to say it myself, I have been long ago by you The mystery is turned upside down, and there is no other woman in her eyes. "

Luo Luosheng's letter of vows was extremely calm.

When Irene heard Nu Qiao's mouth, she knew that the truth of his remarks needed to be considered, but it was still very useful, and said differently: "I do n’t believe in this less, Qin Weimu is beautiful , With temperament and talent, you stayed together for three days, I don't believe you didn't think about her unless you fired her. "

As soon as I heard the word "dismissal", Luo Sheng knew that this was the wayward question she just wanted to say.

"If Qin Weimu is not important to the company and the cause, I really promise you to be willful once and fire her. However, she is too important to the company ~ ~ she is quite equivalent to the French Riviera As for you at Bluestar Technology, besides that she also has so many core business secrets of the company, how can she get off the boat? Right? ”Luo ​​Sheng was in a hurry and has a well-founded analysis, thinking about adding: Besides, Qin Weimu is really beautiful, but Get can't get my G spot. What good is it to be beautiful ?! "

Then, Luo Sheng didn't want to lie to himself, so he silently added: As long as it is beautiful enough, it is more useful than anything.

Eileen looked at him again immediately, but said nothing.

Luo Luosheng immediately added: "I'm a sister-in-law attribute, to be straightforward is your type, emmm ... beautiful girl who loves goose meat, really said that there is no resistance at all."

When I heard these words, Irene couldn't help but be embarrassed. "The dog can't vomit ivory, hate ~~"

After 之后 successfully brought the rhythm away, Luo Sheng immediately lowered his head and stared at no one in his arms with a grinning smile, and said, "Honestly explain that this hour is here, just at dinner time, I'm afraid it's not going to goose meat again?"

Good luck, eat chicken tonight.

Uh ...

(Ps: The protagonist wants to play high-tech such as ICT, especially the "spare tire plan" requires a lot of research and development funds, tens of billions of dollars can only complete 2333 from the wave of 薅 Laomei subprime crisis ~~)

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The genius remembers the site address for one second :. Mobile website reading URL: