Fantasy Popular Recommendation

Latest Release Novel

The Cardboard Explorer 04-10 09:04
Fantastic Journeys Through the Stars 04-10 03:04
Invincible System-I am the Great Devil 04-10 00:04
Evil Emperor 04-09 23:04
World Destruction X Universe Salvation 04-09 23:04
Juvenile Medical God 04-09 11:04
Spirit King's My Husband 04-08 18:04
Nether Marriage: Ghost Husband, Be Gentle 04-08 18:04
Cultivate in the City 04-08 18:04
Double Pole Heaven Dao 04-08 18:04
Life Of Cannon Fodder 04-08 18:04
The Revelation of Gods and Devils 04-08 17:04
Nether Marriage: Dead Hubby Never Satisfies 04-08 17:04
Heroes in the Troubled Times 04-08 17:04
Domination: Divine Doctor Hua Tuo 04-08 17:04
Nether Marriage, Charming Ghost 04-08 17:04
Ghost Husband Dotes On Me 04-08 17:04
Quick Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Hotline 04-08 17:04
Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy 04-08 17:04
Ghost Husband Entangle Me 04-08 17:04