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Latest Release Novel

Adagio 01-16 02:01
A Tale of One Lady and Two Men 01-09 02:01
End of World's Businessman 01-08 13:01
The Double Life of The Villainess Grand Duchess 12-26 20:12
Wicked Island Of Ireland 12-24 16:12
Gang of Yuusha 12-12 00:12
Drifting Between Filming and Reality 12-08 00:12
I Betray My Dignity 11-17 06:11
Coincidentally Inevitably 11-10 18:11
April, Training of Teachers, Love Letter From Within 11-10 06:11
Doberman 11-10 06:11
Harmless Obsession for the Captivating Male Lead 11-08 14:11
Beauty Of Thebes 10-31 12:10
For Persephone 10-31 12:10
Making My Beautiful Roommate Cry Everyday 10-31 12:10
I Deserve A Second Chance 10-31 11:10
Black Lotus 10-31 00:10
Red-Cloak 10-24 16:10
Harem Palace Sect's System 10-24 16:10
Aphrodite's Choice 10-23 20:10