Keke, two words from the author ~

Summarizing last week's results, I don't know if any book friends noticed that this book once ranked second on the fantasy hot list, ninth on the overall list, alas, now it has fallen, but it is still on the fantasy list The fifth place is expected to continue to fall tomorrow!

But it doesn't matter, the author Jun has always been open-minded, only to have once owned, not to last forever!

Thank you for your support for this achievement, thank you, bow!

Then there are monthly tickets, recommended tickets, reward these, thank you very much, the author Jun keep in mind!

Ming sense within five!

Someone once said that the author's recommendation ticket was drawn out, and the author smiled at the time. I didn't have the money to enter the rivers and lakes, and I wrote a fart book. Isn't it fun to play everywhere?

In short, thank you for your support, you have let this book go to the present, and hope that you can continue to go on and on steadily ... Above!

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