Chapter 1315 Big Fudge Lele

Don't look at the little cutie who is usually lazy, likes to eat, drink and have fun. She is still very reliable when she is doing business. When she wants to fool people, she has a set of principles.

It goes without saying that Zhuang Mian, Zhuang Wen, Zhuang Wu are harmful. Once they are left to their own devices, they will actually be a big disaster.

But before the catastrophe can harm someone, Qin Lele's talent must be obtained first. All along, others have been targeting her.

But when she said this, it became those people who wanted to harm others, and she was discovered by her in the middle of plotting big things, and wanted to silence them.

"Who is Kelele? Of course they turned back. They regretted provoking Lele."

Jiwu doesn't regret after knowing others, but he regrets not doing more assassinations before being caught.

Little cutie is still making up, "Do you know why he targeted Lele recently? Because Lele is too powerful and has destroyed their plot several times. They hold a grudge, and they feel that they can't continue to carry out the plot unless Lele is resolved."

She is unconsciously elevating her status.

Everyone followed her rhythm and really thought it was important to protect her.

When facing away from the camera, the cutie smiles like a little fox.

Su He smiled slightly, and paid attention to the fluctuation of Jiwu's expression.

The appearance of the other party has not changed, and there is no smell on the body, which shows that the body can continue to be used.

But just now, when he heard that 'If Lele is not resolved, there is no way to continue the conspiracy', Ji Wu's reaction was very strange.

Su He lowered his eyes slightly, and a flash of deep thought flashed across his clear face.

The destined person.

Solve Lele.

Fate and sworn enemy.


He almost knew the reason why the other party has been targeting Junior Sister.

That's really the case, heh, it's really the best decision for the little junior sister to unite everyone to fight together.

If something happens to the little junior sister as the first barrier, no one else will be able to please!

Little cutie is still fooling the Taoist monks in the live broadcast room.

"So, let's act together!"

Everyone was a little excited because of her speech.

Little cutie took advantage of the situation and made a request, "But Lele is very distressed. He refuses to speak up anyway. Do you have a way to make him speak up?"

Everyone came up with ideas.

This matter involves a lot. As long as what Xiaocuti said is true, everyone is obliged to participate, and some temple masters and hostesses have ordered their disciples to come and help.

After closing the live broadcast room, Xiaocuti looked at Ji Wu with a smile.

"Are you still satisfied with the highlight moments that Lele gave you?"

She looked at the other party's bald head and smiled.

"This highlight moment is brighter than your bald head, are you moved?"

Ji looked at her blankly, "I won't tell."

The little cutie ignored him and went out bouncing around.

When Su He also came out, she immediately came over.

"Do you want to test him with that matter?"

The two are brothers and sisters, and they have a tacit understanding. Su He immediately understood what she was talking about.

The fat monk once saw the appearance of the person behind the scenes, but the strength of the other party made him unable to fully see the appearance of the other party, and he couldn't even recall the appearance of the other party.

Ke Gaofa monk was sure that the other party had attended a meeting many years ago.

They have been investigating for a long time.

"Do you want to test whether that person is a monk? Are you afraid of scaring the snake?"

Little cutie nodded with her hands in her hands, "Yes, yes. But oh, that person actually relies on his own strength and never hides his face. He must be very conceited."

Now it's just a gamble, the other party is conceited. If they use this test to get an accurate answer, even if the news spreads, that person will not change his body.

But once the bet is lost, the other party will change their appearance, making the investigation more difficult.

Su He: "When you choose to bet, it is equivalent to giving up the initiative to the other party."

Little cutie understands.

"Then don't gamble, anyway, before we gave money and prizes for everyone to help. This time, when Lele fooled around, everyone had to act."

She can feel sorry for the money and prizes given out.


Su He patted her fluffy head.

Little cutie covered her head and backed away, "Don't ruin Lele's hairstyle, Lele still has to maintain this handsome posture and continue to fool people!"

Su He didn't realize that those people could appear in a 'swoosh', and the junior sister couldn't find them even if she wanted to fool her.

"Since you are a handsome junior sister, I will leave it to you to investigate the matter of the old house. I hope you, who are handsome, can investigate clearly."

Little cutie's eyes widened.

She quickly found a reason to be lazy.

"But they planned to lure Lele to that old house, and you asked Lele to investigate, isn't it a sheep in the mouth of a tiger?"

She hugged herself tightly, "Lele is just a poor little sheep."

The corners of Su He's lips twitched, and they changed her mission.

"Then look up the composition of the ash added to the metal pendant, and what effect it has."

Little cutie reluctantly accepts this task.

She was still muttering as she walked out.

"Why does Lele, who is so handsome, still do these things? It seems that Lele's deceit is not enough."

From the corner of the eye, she caught sight of the beautiful boy following up silently, and she leaned over to praise him, "Thanks to you, I found out that those people have physical problems."

Xiao Tongtong shook his head, "You don't need to say thank you for things related to you, I will pay great attention to it."

Little cute immediately sticks to him happily.

Xiao Tongtong pursed his lips and smiled.

Su He stared at the boy's obtrusive side face, because the other party was doing well, so he let him go.

Although he handed over a small task to his junior sister, he still has more things to do.

How to arrange manpower to protect and monitor Ji Wu? is the top priority.

The other party refused to say anything, and his attitude was confident. He was probably sure that someone would come to rescue him.

He doesn't think this person is not afraid of death, it can be seen that Jiwu thinks that he is so important that the people behind the scenes will definitely take action.

It is a matter of anger that a person who is rarely caught refuses to speak. But Su He thought about it carefully, this is also an opportunity.

If the people behind the scenes really want to take action in person, it is the best time for them to capture each other. Even if you don't take action personally, send other people, they will cut off each other's wings one by one, and in the end only him will be left, let's see what kind of storm he can stir up.

Many people have no sleep this night.

Two days later, Xiaocutie and Xiaotongtong came back with a cardboard box each, and found Su He sitting in the living room chatting with Qin Tiangao, and immediately rushed over.

"What are you talking about? Lele also wants to know."

The silver-haired beauty was about to speak when she heard Su He's laughter, "If you know, you must participate and contribute. Do you still want to know now?"

Little cutie is thinking fast.

I don’t know, I can play openly, but I can’t satisfy my curiosity. You know, you can satisfy your curiosity, but you have to work hard.

She chose the former.

"Lele won't ask anymore, none of you are allowed to talk about it!"

Qin Tiangao pursed his lips and glanced at the man opposite him.

Su He said with a smile: "Sometimes you can't get too used to my junior sister. No matter how sharp a knife is, it will rust if it is always left there."

Junior Junior Sister is talented, but she just likes to be lazy. He has worked out many plans for this.

Don't expect the little junior sister to stop asking because of laziness, but he dared to bet. If you persist for less than a day, the junior sister will still ask.

If Qin Tiangao told the other party easily, he wouldn't be able to command his junior sister.

(end of this chapter)