Chapter 726: City people are so crafty

As soon as Huang Mao and the others turned the corner, they couldn't wait to take out the compass again.

"It should be fine this time, right?"

Several people looked at the "public compass" eagerly, hoping to succeed this time.

According to Ye Feng's instruction just now, one person needs to walk in front with a traction stone, and the people behind only need to follow the direction of the pointer to find the treasure.

Huang Mao didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately handed over the "traction stone" to one of his subordinates, then closed his eyes, and muttered something.

"Looking for the dragon and dividing the gold to look at the winding mountain, one level of entanglement is one level of gate. If there is a thousand locks on the closed door, there must be a prince living here... definitely!"

When he opened his eyes again, he found that the compass had responded, and the pointer was shaking non-stop.

"Hahaha, sure enough, there is a reaction. Now I'm rich, let's go."

Huang Mao immediately greeted excitedly and began to follow the pointer.

The others hurriedly followed, with excited expressions on everyone's faces.

"It's really great, the male compass is more reliable than the female compass."

"With the traction stone, the effect is really different."

"When we find the antiques, we will soon become rich. It's exciting to think about it."

"When I have money, I will also buy a sports car and hook up with such a beautiful woman..."

"Come on, if you want to hook up with a beauty of that level, you don't just have to be rich, you have to have a lot of money."

"We have this public compass, are we afraid that we will run out of money?"

"That's right, with this baby, we're just picking up money hahaha..."

Several people were looking forward to a better life in the future, but the yellow hair found a problem.

The pointer on the compass kept shaking, pointing to this side for a while, and pointing there for a while. What is the reason for this?

He thought hard for a long time before he suddenly remembered that the guy holding the traction stone was crippled, and whenever he walked with a deep foot and a shallow foot, the pointer would also shake.

"Can you **** stop shaking?" Huang Mao couldn't help but cursed.

"Brother Yao, I don't want to, but I'm a cripple." The **** immediately looked at him aggrieved.

Huang Mao was speechless for a moment, and immediately waved to the tall and thin man, "Old donkey, come get the traction stone."

The old donkey immediately agreed, stepped forward to take the magnet, "Brother Yao, where are we going?"

Huang Mao looked at him like a fool, "How do I know? Of course I followed the compass."

The old donkey scratched his head, "Who does the compass follow?"

Huang Mao glared at him angrily, "Isn't this nonsense? Of course the compass followed the traction stone."

The old donkey became more and more confused as he listened, "Who will the leading stone follow?"

Huang Mao felt that this guy really had a brain problem, "Are you stupid? The traction stone is in your hand, so of course it followed you."

The old donkey blinked, "Then who shall I follow?"

Huang Mao roared impatiently: "Of course you followed me, aren't you stupid?"

The old donkey was completely confused now, and scratched his head vigorously, "Brother Yao, this logic doesn't seem right. You see, you follow the compass, the compass follows the leading stone, the leading stone follows me, and I follow you Let's's a circle."

When Huang Mao said this, he froze in place, thought for a long time, and immediately slapped his thigh, "Damn it, we seem to have been played with again."

The others were also angry.

"I said there was a problem just now, but none of you listened to me."

"When did you say that? Didn't you just happen after YY got rich?"

"I... I was indirectly reminding you that getting rich is not so easy, you just didn't realize it."

"Fuck off, you're an afterthought."

"People in the city are so cunning, we were fooled by accident."

"It's disgusting, we gave him all the money, and he lied to us?"

"The 10,000 yuan is my grandpa's pension. If I don't get it back, my grandpa will beat me to death..."

Listening to the discussion of a group of subordinates, Huang Mao was already furious, and his majesty has been discredited today.

If he didn't vent his anger, what prestige would he have in front of this helper in the future?

"Go find this kid for me, dare to play with us, I will make him pay the price today!"

As soon as he gave an order, the crowd immediately scattered away, looking for the whereabouts of Ye Feng and the two of them.

Ye Feng was bargaining with a family at this time.

This family has a pair of official hat chairs, which can be worth hundreds of thousands of yuan according to the prompts of the deep scan.

This family had already heard that these two people were collecting antiques all over the street, so they came up and asked for a price of 100,000. Despite Ye Feng's earnest talk for a long time, he refused to lower the price.

Ye Feng glanced at the pair of official hat chairs, then glanced at a coffee table in the corner as if nothing had happened, "One hundred thousand is fine, you can set that coffee table for me."

The host immediately became unhappy, "The tea table was handed down from my ancestors. If you want to take it away, you have to pay more. Add it all together, and you have to pay at least 150,000."

Ye Feng also got a little angry, "I can pay up to 100,000. If you agree, I will take the official hat chair and coffee table. If you don't agree, then I will leave."

The male host was also very confident, and immediately sneered, "I will not stop you if you want to leave, but when you come back next time, it will be more than 150,000."

When Ye Feng saw that this guy didn't eat oil and salt, and was suffering from a headache, he suddenly saw Huangmao's group walking towards this side aggressively with sticks in their hands.

With an idea, he immediately turned his head and said to the male host: "Did you see those people? They must know that your house has antiques. Judging by their appearance, they are here to rob."

The host's expression also changed drastically. Of course he knew Huang Mao's group, and knew that these people did all kinds of crimes such as stealing, groping, and fighting.

If this group of people really came here for their own antiques, then he might not be able to keep them.

"Okay, I agree, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, and you take the pair of official hat chairs and coffee table."

He hurriedly turned his head and said to Ye Feng, his voice was somewhat eager.

Ye Feng was not in a hurry now, and slowly stretched out five fingers, "Fifty thousand!"

When the male owner heard that he was taking advantage of the fire, he immediately gritted his teeth in hatred, "Didn't you agree to a hundred thousand just now? Are you going back on your word?"

Even Zhuang Xiaoqiao, who had been watching coldly from the sidelines, couldn't stand it any longer. This guy can really take advantage of the fire, he is simply a big profiteer!

The old **** Ye Feng stood there, "It was just now, and now is now. I can only pay 50,000 now. If you don't agree, forget it."

With that said, he was about to turn his head and leave.

The host hurriedly grabbed him and begged: "You can give me some more, fifty thousand is indeed too little."

Ye Feng had a tough attitude, "I can only pay up to 50,000 yuan at most. If you are reluctant to sell it, then wait and let them grab it."

The host glanced at the Huangmao group who were getting closer, and gritted his teeth, "Okay, fifty thousand is fifty thousand, you pay me right away, quick!"

Only then did Ye Feng take out his mobile phone, and transferred him 50,000 yuan in a calm manner.

When the money arrived in the account, the male host let out a sigh of relief, "Now those things belong to you, if they take them away, it has nothing to do with me."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly lifted out the pair of official hat chairs and the coffee table, and closed the door with a "bang".