I didn't eat much yesterday, and I still don't have any rice today. Anyue is really hungry when she sees a big breakfast.

Just seeing the person sitting opposite her, her desire to eat was greatly reduced.

She lowered her head and took a small bite of shrimp dumplings.

In the past, her favorite food was shrimp dumplings, but now some of them are tasteless.

An Shi Jue looked at her food and tasteless appearance, frowned, suddenly got up and walked toward the upstairs.

As soon as he left, Anyue's tight heart relaxed and began to eat recklessly.

She was really hungry, but she didn't have much in the end.

When she was almost full, she wanted to take things away.

But there are two bodyguards at the door, which makes her escape idea disillusioned.

Soon, an Shijue came down from upstairs.

She saw an Shijue approaching and stepped back. Her eyes were a little evasive and she asked, "can I go now?"

An Shijue stopped and looked at her, "this is your home. Where are you going?"

"Not here!" Anyue gritted her teeth and said, "I want to go back to school."

"Your school has already asked for leave."

"I only invited one week!"

"I've hired you for two months!" Anshi Jue said in a light voice.

"Why do you ask for leave for me?" Anyue looks at him angrily. What does this man want to do.

An Shijue looked at her, "with me as your guardian."

"Is there a guardian like you?" Anyue is more angry.

"Not before, but now." Anshi Jue said in a light voice.

Anyue found that she really didn't know him very well.

How could he be so calm after doing that to her.

"I'm going to get out of here!" She said aloud and went out.

But when she got to the door, the two bodyguards stopped her.

She looked back at an Shijue, "are you going to imprison me?"

"If you have to think so, it's probably."


Anyue looked at his cold face and fell to the bottom of his heart.

He's not. He's not the brother who hurt her.

What happened that night turned him into a demon. It was terrible.

"I want to call the police." She took out her cell phone and called.

"I'm your guardian. It's no use when the police come."

"What about the guardian, who can rape the ward?" Anyue said hatefully.

Yeah, he's a rapist!

An Shijue's pupils are slightly tight and her whole body is full of hostility. Is that what she thinks of him?

He said in a cold voice, "you can try if the police will take you when they come."

Anyue dialed her hand, and she looked at Anyue. The corners of her mouth moved, and a sense of dispirition came from the bottom of her heart.

Yes, he is the owner of an's family. He is very powerful in a city. Even if the police come, he doesn't dare to do anything.

There was anger in her heart, which needed to be vented.

With a bang, she smashed her cell phone on the ground and squatted down to cry.

Why did fate make such a joke on her? Why!

An Shijue looks at her helpless appearance. A touch of heartache flashed through her eyes. He said in a deep voice: "as long as you stay here for a month and a half, I will not restrict your freedom in the future."

Anyue cried. She looked up at him for a month and a half?

In a month and a half, he'll let her go?

"Is that true?"

"I have no reason to lie to you." An Shijue lowered her eyelids, "as long as you are obedient, I won't interfere in what you want to do in the future."

Anyue pursed her lips. Besides being obedient, does she have any choice now?

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