After a few days in the hospital, Xia Ning was transferred to the confinement center.

The confinement center is close to the suburbs, with good environment, quiet, complete facilities and first-class service.

The day after Xia Ling moved into the confinement center, Lin Yi came to say goodbye to her.

It's hard for her to stay here for such a long time, so Xia Ling didn't keep her. She just said that when she was free, we would get together and invite them to come back to s city.

Lin Yi agreed and left B city with Liang Jingchuan and Angela.

Before leaving, Enoch and Angela were both reluctant to give up each other. How to say, they were playing together and had a friendship during this period.

After returning to B city, Lin Yi began to put herself into the intense work. She asked for leave, but she didn't do a lot of work. Now she has a headache.

Liang Jingchuan is almost the same there. He doesn't take care of the small things in the company, but he can equal countless small things with one big thing.

So nervous after two weeks, Lin Yi and Liang Jingchuan finally relaxed.

But once people are free, it's easy to think too much.

This is not, since Liang Jingchuan saw Qiao Yu added a son, he always felt that his family was too lonely, so he wanted to have a child again.

It's just that he didn't dare to say any more after his proposal was rejected by Lin Yi last time, but it doesn't mean he won't plan.

He told ye Jinxin what he thought first. He knew that she would support him in this matter.

For ye Jinxin, it would be better to have more grandchildren. No one doesn't like a family full of grandchildren. In addition, although she loves Angela, it's a pity that she didn't help her bring up Angela, so she really wants to bring up her grandchildren.

However, she hesitated,

"what is the result of your discussion with Lin Yi about this matter?"

"Of course, there's nothing to say over there, but you know, Angela has been sleeping with us now, so..." Liang Jingchuan looked at his mother, "Mom, can you take Angela to sleep for a few days?"

"It's OK to take her to bed, but there's one thing you should pay attention to." Ye Jinxin looks at her son with a dignified face. "Maybe you have considered whether Lin Yi is willing to give birth, but you have to ask Angela about this matter. Suddenly, there is one more child in the family, and they will take away their parents' love. Many children will not agree."

Liang Jingchuan smell speech, some doubt, "should not."

"You shouldn't do this. Before you held Angela in your mouth, you were afraid of melting. When you held her in your hand, you were afraid of falling. She was used to being nice to her. Can you guarantee that you won't ignore her when you have children?"

"Of course not!" Liang Jingchuan said in a deep voice, not to say that Angela is his first child, but to say that he has felt guilty for him these years. He can't ignore her, let alone give birth to one, even if she has ten more children, she also ranks first.

Ye Jinxin looked at his son and said with a smile, "well, I just want to wake you up. Just pay attention to yourself."

"Well!" Liang Jingchuan nodded.

After dinner in the evening, ye Jinxin takes Angela to play games and tells her the story of Liang Jingchuan when she was a child. The little girl is fascinated by it.

So when ye Jinxin put forward that she was sleeping with her today, she agreed even though she didn't want to.

Daughter with Ye Jinxin back to the room, Lin Yi also some sleepy, so also back to the room to rest, Liang Jingchuan immediately followed up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!