It wasn't long before Angela came out with her schoolbag on her back.

She saw Lin Yi at a glance and rushed towards her quickly. But she also found that there was one more person beside Mommy today. She had seen her before. She was Liang Ruixuan's grandmother.

"Mommy She yelled at Linyi.

Linyi squatted down and opened her hand to welcome her.

Angela rushed straight to Linyi's arms. "Mommy, we're going to have an exam next week, and then we're going to have a holiday."

"Well, Angela, come on and get a good grade."

Angela nodded with a smile. "I'll come on."

Lin Yi stands up and holds Angela's hand. Then she notices that ye Jinxin is still standing beside her.

She was struggling to let Angela call her, but she was worried that others might think she was going to cling to the Liang family and say something ugly at that time.

She's fine. I'm afraid Angela won't be happy to hear that.

Just as she hesitated, ye Jinxin's voice suddenly came, "Angela, do you remember me?"

Angela looks at her and nods.

Lin Yi looks at Ye Jinxin and doesn't quite understand her intention, but it doesn't look malicious. She looks at Angela and says, "Angela, it's grandma."

Angela looked at her mother suspiciously, "Mommy, why did Liang Ruixuan call her grandma?"

Lin Yi is a Zheng, suddenly thought of Liang family that disorderly generation relation, a time don't know how to explain.

"Ruixuan is Ruixuan, you are you, Angela, you should call me grandma." Yeh explains with a smile that she is fluent in English.

Angela's attention instantly falls on Ye Jinxin. She looks at her and vaguely feels that her face is familiar.

Lin Yi sees her daughter staring at Ye Jinxin all the time and says in a low voice, "Angela, it's grandma."

Hearing what Mommy said, Angela came back and yelled at Ye Jinxin, "grandma."

"Good boy Ye Jinxin said with admiration that she wanted to reach out and touch her head, but she thought it was too rash now. She looked up at Lin Yi and said, "how about having dinner together in the evening?"

Lin Yi looked at her and nodded, "OK!"

The smile on Ye Jinxin's face deepened and he looked at Angela and said, "what does Angela like to eat?"

"She prefers Western food." Lin Yi answers instead of Angela.

Ye Jinxin said with a smile: "I happen to know a good western restaurant. Let's go."

Lynn nodded and took Angela to her car.

On the other side, ye Jinxin also gets on the bus, her car is in front, and Lin Yi's car is behind.

After getting on the bus, Angela asked, "Mommy, you know Liang Ruixuan's father and his grandmother. What's your relationship?"

Lin Yi looked at her daughter in the back seat through the rearview mirror. She thought it over. Fang replied, "people I used to know."

She was afraid that if it was her father's family, Angela would be directly in a mood.

During this period of time, she did not dare to mention her father in front of the little girl.

Angela didn't ask much when she heard this.

It took about half an hour to get to the destination.

Into the restaurant, the waiter took them to the inside position.

Lin Yi asks Angela to sit inside and herself to sit outside, while ye Jinxin sits opposite her.

After ordering the steak, I'll order some snacks and desserts.

Looking at Angela, ye Jinxin asked, "Angela, do you want to eat ice cream?"

Angela sniffs and subconsciously looks at Linyi.

Lin Yi took a look at her daughter and said to Ye Jinxin, "her resistance is not good. She has a fever some time ago, so I generally don't let her eat too cold food."

Ye Jinxin nodded, "sorry, I don't know. Let's order some other desserts."

Angela didn't say anything, and Linyi said, "I'll do it."

Lin Yi took the menu, ordered some of Angela's favorite desserts and gave them to the waiter.

Ye Jinxin looked at Lin Yi and said with emotion, "it's not easy for you to take care of your children alone these years." , the fastest update of the webnovel!