I haven't been out of the hospital for several days. As soon as I came out, Xia Ning felt that the air was quite fresh.

When her son wakes up, all the haze in her heart has dissipated. She suddenly finds that what she was told is not important. In fact, she is grateful to God that she can still have the child.

She knew that this idea was unfair to another child, but she could not bear to lose it.

Recently, her mood fluctuates a little. I don't know why. It seems that a word can affect her mood. She even feels that she can't control her mood.

However, she found another surprise, as if after last night's vent, she has been able to speak frankly about the child.

Theoretically, she is going to go to Qiao Yu to discuss with him who murdered Enoch.

But after what happened last night, she suddenly didn't know how to face him. There was a child between her and him. It took time for her to let go. Maybe they needed to calm down, but this time she would not escape.

Since she chose to be with him, she would not give up on him.

After taking a taxi, Xia Ling said that the address is se entertainment building, and it's similar to looking for Zheng Ziming. It happens that some things have been explained to him clearly.

In the taxi, Xia Ling noticed that the driver had been looking at herself, probably recognizing who she was. She frowned and didn't scold him. Instead, she took out her mobile phone. It seemed that she didn't know what happened on the Internet these days.

After searching her name, Xia Ling sees a hot topic, "Xia Ling calls the police!"

She points in and has a look. What she writes is that she called the police to catch the reporters at the entrance of the ward that day. She doesn't know about the follow-up events, but she believes that there is evidence. The reporters must have gone to the police station.

Netizens praise her behavior, but there is some dissatisfaction between her words.

"Xia Ling, why are you so tolerant of Jin Yan when you are so critical of reporters?"

"Xia Ling, I don't believe you have anything to do with Jin Tianwang, but there must be boundaries between friends."

"Xia Ling, if you are really with Jin Tianwang, I will blackmail you all my life. That's a pity for Joe and the bun. "

Xia Ling dropped out of the topic and started another topic. It was all about her affair with Jin Yan. There were even photos on it. They were photos of her accompanying Jin Yan in the hospital. The netizens scolded her so badly that they almost said they were adulterers.

Seeing these news, Xia Ling can't help recalling all kinds of things related to Jin Yan during this period. It's clear that she has tried to draw a line with him, but the scandal is getting worse and worse.

It's because of Jin Yan's accident that she went to the hospital, but no one reported it. It's because of their scandal. Is it someone who wants to blackmail her?

Xia Ling looks at her mobile phone, dazed.

At this time, the interface of the mobile phone changed and a call came in. The display was Jin Yan.

Xia Ling returns to her senses, looks at her mobile phone, and is silent for a while. She answers the phone.

"Hello, Jin Yan."

"Are you ok?" Jin Yan asked.

"It's OK," said Xia Ning in a low voice

"I know you don't want me to come with you, but you can call me if you have anything." Jin Yan's voice on the phone was gentle and lost.

Xia Ling's pupils are slightly tight. An idea flashed in her heart. She said in a low voice: "I had a quarrel with Qiao Yu yesterday, because that child, he doesn't know anything. I'm very angry. At that moment, I have the impulse to leave him."

"Xiao Ke, don't be sad any more. It's all over. If you want to leave him and calm down, it's a good way to leave him and forget the pain." His voice is very gentle.

Xia Ning hung her eyes and said in a low voice, "well, I need to think about it. I have something to do now. Let's talk about it again." Then she hung up.

Looking at Jin Yan's two words on the mobile phone screen, Xia Ning's hand clenches the mobile phone. Is she worried too much?

How can Jin Yan like her?!

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