"I told you earlier that you don't need to ask any questions, you just need to follow orders!" The male voice on the other end of the phone looked very displeased.

"Then, then I have something to report." An Xiaobei hastily changed her words.

The voice on the other end of the phone really softened a little: "Is there anything to report?"

"Pengfei was almost kidnapped tonight, and the other party seems to be a foreign agent." An Xiaobei said softly, "I suspect that they also came after Pengfei's parents."

"Is there such a thing?" The voice on the other end of the phone was a little surprised, but then he understood, "You just said you wanted to ask me something, did you suspect that we did it?"

"No, I just want to ask..." An Xiaobei hurriedly explained.

"You don't need to hide it. It's normal for you to have this suspicion, but I can tell you that this matter has nothing to do with us. If we really want to kidnap Shi Pengfei, do we need to send any foreign agents? You just send him over." Phone The man at the other end said coldly: "Now tell me, how many people want to kidnap Shi Pengfei? Have you confirmed their origin?"

"I don't know for sure. I only know that there are four people, all of whom are armed with guns. The voices should be European and American, maybe American." An Xiaobei said in a low voice, "Three men and one woman."

"Four people? Then why are you all right?" The man on the other end of the phone was a little surprised.

"We have a bodyguard, who seems to be an agent from China, and then, someone called Xia Tian appeared..." An Xiaobei just said this, when the man on the other end of the phone suddenly raised his voice unconsciously and interrupted her : "Who are you talking about? Summer? That summer in spring, summer, autumn and winter?"

"It's Xia Tian, ​​but I don't know the specifics. I didn't see him, but I heard him say a few words. As soon as he came in, he left immediately, but after he left, those foreign agents were already in a coma. On the ground." Speaking of this, An Xiaobei couldn't help but asked in confusion, "Is there any problem this summer?"

"Damn, it looks like it's really him!" The tone of the man on the other end of the phone became a little annoyed, "You and Shi Pengfei get out of there immediately, stay away from Xia Tian, ​​the farther the better!"

"This..." An Xiaobei was a little puzzled for a while, "Why?"

"I told you not to ask, just do it!" The man on the other end of the phone suddenly roared, and then hung up the phone directly.

An Xiaobei was stunned for a moment, she didn't know if she heard it wrong, the person on the other end of the phone who had controlled her for several years and had been giving orders to her on the phone, the person who always spoke to her in a commanding tone The angry person seemed to have a hint of fear in his tone? And if she guessed correctly, the reason why that person was afraid was because she mentioned the name Xia Tian?

"Who was that summer?" At this moment, An Xiaobei suddenly realized that she was eager to figure out this question.

In the hotel room the next morning.

The excited symphony sound came from the bedside, a snow-white lotus root arm stretched out from the cup, took the mobile phone, and connected the call. There was a bit of laziness in the voice: "Hello, who is it?"

"Sister, it's me, Xiaoguang." A somewhat uneasy voice came from the other end of the phone, "Sister, something happened here, can you come over?"

"What's the matter?" Yun Qing shrank under the quilt, it was a bit cold in the room, although she is in good health now, she is not very afraid of the cold, but she is not wearing anything now after all.

"It happened the night before yesterday. That Niu Dagen died of alcohol poisoning. Now his family is arguing. They were arguing with the hot pot restaurant yesterday, but today they came to me and said that I drank with Niu Dagen. Niu Dagen I am also responsible for alcohol poisoning, and I am at the Public Security Bureau at the moment, negotiating with them about this matter." Yun Zhiguang was a little depressed, "Sister, I think you are a lawyer, so you should know how to deal with this kind of thing, right? Are you really responsible?"

"Xiaoguang, it's hard to say about this matter. Actually, you and Niu Dagen didn't drink much. The one who is really responsible should be the director Wang of the traffic bureau." Yun Qing thought for a while and said.

"Sister, that's what I said too, but people say that Director Wang is also dead, so we can't find a dead person to take responsibility, right? No, they're going to ask me to pay for it." Yun Zhiguang was very depressed. Now Niu Dagen If he died, his business might be ruined, and if he had to pay a sum of money, it would be a real loss.

"How much do they want you to pay?" Yun Qing asked after thinking about it.

"Niu Dagen's wife asked for 200,000 yuan. If he was paid 200,000 yuan, wouldn't Director Wang of the Traffic Bureau also have to pay 200,000 yuan? The people from the Public Security Bureau told me, let me understand Let’s just pay 100,000 to each family.” Yun Zhiguang said in a low voice, “But sister, don’t say that I can’t afford so much money now, even if I can, I feel aggrieved. I'll pay, I only had a few glasses of wine with them."

"Xiao Guang, you should pay some money, so as not to cause trouble." Yun Qing thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, you don't need to pay the money, I will just give you the money when the time comes."

"Sister, how can I do this? If I really want to pay, I will take the money..." Yun Zhiguang said hastily.

"Xiaoguang, just do as I said, we don't need this little money, don't cause other troubles, understand?" Yun Qing's tone hinted something vaguely.

Yun Zhiguang over there was silent for a while, and then replied: "Sister, I understand."

"Let's just put it this way, you negotiate the conditions with them first, and when you need money, call me." Yun Qing confessed a few words, then hung up the phone, and then tucked himself into the quilt , and at this moment, a pair of hands wrapped around her, accurately covering her pair of spikes.

"Honey, it's getting late, shall we get up?" Yun Qing asked softly.

"Sister Yunqing, you should exercise before getting up in the morning." Xia Tian grinned, "Let's do some exercise first!"

"You, you are always like this... um!" Before Yun Qing could finish speaking, she felt her body was fuller, and the pleasure of ecstasy came continuously.


When Yun Qing and Xia Tian walked out of the hotel, it was already noon, but they separated soon, Yun Qing was going back to Shi Changgeng's for lunch, and Xia Tian was going back to Dongsheng Hotel.

Xia Tian came to the sixth floor of Dongsheng Hotel unhurriedly, and was about to knock on the door to enter Qiao Xiaoqiao's room, but found that the opposite door was suddenly opened, and Qiao Feng'er appeared at the door.

"Why did you come back only now?" Qiao Feng'er was a little annoyed, but her voice was very low, as if she was afraid that others would hear her.

Xia Tian looked at Qiao Feng'er wonderingly: "You are not my wife, but my wife's bodyguard. When do you care when I come back?"