The moment Bjorn saw the ship, his eyes widened.

Can't believe what I saw!

"This is a ghost ship!" Bjorn shouted loudly.

Ghost ships are those ships that travel the sea!

These ships are long-lost ships, and there is no one on them, just driving on the sea aimlessly!

Bjorn has encountered many ghost ships, and he even boarded a ghost ship, but there was nothing in the ghost ship! Bjorn saw that the ship in front of him was a worn-out old-fashioned pirate ship!

There was even a pirate skull on it.

This pirate ship should be around the 18th century, an extremely old pirate ship! Bjorn did not expect to encounter such an ancient ghost ship, knowing that those ancient ships will fall apart in the sea over time and finally sink into the sea.

Ghost ships are the most dangerous.

Because it is in a state of no one, it must be avoided!

"Ghost ship, everyone be careful to avoid it!" Bjorn just shouted these words when he heard Ye Xiao say, "There is someone on it!"


When Ye Xiao said these words, Bjorn felt that his heart suddenly lifted!

How could anyone?

This pirate ship has a history of at least more than a hundred years. It is a miracle that it can sail on the sea. It is absolutely impossible for anyone to have it.

Bjorn looked over, terrified at the time.

Unexpectedly, there were actually people on this pirate ship, and there were a lot of them.

The people above are all dressed up as ancient pirates. This is not simply encountering a ghost ship, but encountering a ghost ship.

"Ghost ship!" Bjorn couldn't help shouting when he saw the pirate ship, "We've encountered a ghost ship, hurry up and leave!"

Ye Xiao's eyes looked at the ghost ship!

There are many pirates on this ship. In this day and age, there are no such ships and pirates dressed in this way. These pirates are the same as the 18th century pirates in the movie.

Ye Xiao frowned when Bjorn said it was a ghost ship. If the ship was a ghost ship, it was most likely related to the thick fog.

At present, there is only one way, that is to leave this dense fog at full speed!

"Don't run." Suddenly, on the opposite pirate ship, a bearded pirate leader wearing a captain's hat yelled! He held a knife in his hand and pointed in the direction of Ye Xiao.

The ship also rushed over quickly.

"Unscientific." Misha stood beside Ye Xiao, saw the pirate ship rushing over quickly, and said, "How can that ship be faster than our ship."

"Do you think there is such a ship science?" Ye Xiao asked back.

"Darling, you are so smart." Misha looked at Ye Xiao with a fiery look like a fangirl, "You are so right, I didn't even think of it."

"That's you stupid." Ye Qing's voice came over.

As soon as Misha saw Ye Qing, her face sank, "I'm much smarter than you little girl."

"Stupid woman!" Ye Qing said coldly, "stay away from my brother, my brother doesn't like you."

"We have had an intimate relationship." When Misha heard Ye Qing's words, she reached out and took Ye Xiao's arm, looking at Ye Qing provocatively, "What about you? Do you have one?"

"My brother and I have a closer relationship." Ye Qing not to be outdone, took Ye Xiao's other arm.

The two of them completely ignored the current situation and didn't mind that a terrifying ghost ship was crashing.

"The two of you don't fight." Ye Xiao said, "Get ready."

"Prepare for what?" Misha asked.

"Of course, after the pirate ship collided, we fought against the pirates." Ye Xiao said.

Misha was stunned and looked at Ye Xiao, "Didn't Bjorn say that it was a ghost ship? We have nothing to worry about, is it possible that they can still!"

When Misha said this, she suddenly opened her mouth, "They are ghosts and will possess us, isn't that so?"

"No." Ye Xiao said, "They are not ghosts, but entities!"

"Entities?" Misha was startled again, "How could they be entities? Aren't they dead?"

"I can confirm that the ship and the pirates on board are real." Ye Xiao said, "Perhaps it has something to do with the thick fog. I have encountered a similar situation, and I can't tell for a while. Anyway, go back to the cabin now and don't come out."

"No, I want to be by your side." When Misha heard Ye Xiao's words, she stayed firmly, "I want to help you."

"You help my brother? You will only be a burden for my brother." Ye Qing sarcastically said mercilessly, "You should hide in the cabin, it's enough to have me here."

"Hmph, I'm very strong!" Misha said.


Ye Xiao said suddenly.

Misha and Ye Qing finally stopped, and they looked at the pirate ship at full speed together.

That pirate ship is too fast!

In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of the ship.

Although Bjorn had made people drive at full speed, the speed of the pirate ship on the opposite side was amazingly fast, and it had already driven in front of him. At this moment, Bjorn was completely panicked!

"Avoid, quickly, avoid."

Bjorn shouted with all his strength.

But it was too late, and the ship rammed into the pirate ship.

Unlike the expected crashing sound of the two ships colliding together, the two ships collided without making any sound!

"Sure enough, it's a ghost ship!" Bjorn just thought it was really going to end, but he didn't expect that this pirate ship was not a real one. Bjorn was relieved and finally didn't have to worry.

But I didn't expect to hear a crew member screaming!


Bjorn looked over, stunned.

Only saw the deck, full of pirates.

The pirate ship collided with Bjorn's ship, and although there was no sound, the pirate ship merged with the ship, and those pirates on the pirate ship were now on this ship.

These pirates, armed with weapons in their hands, attacked the crew.

The crew member just screamed after the sword in a pirate's hand pierced through his body!

The intense pain convinced him that it wasn't a hallucination, it was real.

These pirates are real.

"Ye Qing, do it!" Ye Xiao suddenly shouted when he saw the situation, "Bjorn, you go to the cockpit immediately, no matter what, you must use the thick fog here, otherwise, we will all die in the cockpit. here."

"Okay," Bjorn agreed.

He ran towards the cockpit.

Suddenly, the bearded pirate leader suddenly came to Bjorn, and the knife in his right hand slashed towards Bjorn's neck.