"You said that I usually curse you for being brainless, but you really gave me a brainless look?!"

The shopkeeper was so angry that he spun around the place, and when he saw his nephew looking dejected, he couldn't help but pinch his ears and curse.

Back then, he had seen the owner of the luxurious carriage, who was either rich or powerful. Could ordinary citizens like them easily afford to offend such a person?

Every day, he would go to the backyard to check on the situation of the luxurious carriage. He had intentionally paid a large price for the two horses in the carriage to use as fodder for their food.

But now, this brat actually rented out that luxurious carriage?!

"Do you know that it is not our carriage?!" The shopkeeper saw his nephew gritting his teeth as he was being carried. Seeing the look on his face and thinking that the carriage had already been rented out, he let go and sighed.

"Don't we have two carriages of our own? He could totally rent it out to them! Why do you have to go and touch the guests?! "

"Second Uncle …" "I also introduced our own carriage at the beginning, but that lady didn't like it and insisted on being luxurious. I thought we just happened to have one here and it hadn't even been deposited yet, so …" The waiter rubbed his ears, and after hearing his second uncle's words, he couldn't help but explain.

"Bullshit!" Even if that young miss doesn't have the carriage, at most, I won't be doing this business, but you, brat! " When the shopkeeper heard this, he looked at the waiter in disappointment. He was still not satisfied, so he hit him on the head again.

"What is the purpose of the deposited service in our relay station? Just to help those guests keep their belongings! " As the shopkeeper said this, he slapped himself again, "You actually lost it. What a misfortune for our family!" "It's bad luck for our family!"

"If that customer knows about this, how can I keep this inn open?!"

"Second Uncle, I'm sorry, but it's useless to be in a hurry now. This carriage has been made as an excuse." Seeing the shopkeeper actually hit him, the waiter couldn't help but jump in fright. He quickly pulled the storekeeper's hand and advised him.

"Sigh, I've suffered miserably because of you." The shopkeeper was helped to sit down by the waiter and sighed. Since the carriage had already been borrowed, he didn't know where the other party had gone to. He could only wait for the other party to return it.

"Alright, you said that the young miss borrowed it for a day, right?" "I want to see the carriage in the yard at night, or you can find a way for me to get there!" Seeing that his nephew was still standing in front of him, the storekeeper could not help but scold, "Hurry up and get the hell down to cook dinner!"

"Second Uncle …" I just have one more thing to say. " The waiter stood on the spot, nervously rubbing his hands as he looked at the sky. He didn't even look at the shopkeeper as he spoke.

"What is it?" The storekeeper's saliva had dried from his earlier scolding, so he took advantage of this time to drink from a teacup on the table, "Why are there two teacups here? Have you just had a guest? "

"Second Uncle, the people from the two carriages came and wanted to take the carriage away, but the carriage was taken away earlier, so I …" The waiter quickly looked at the shopkeeper and stammered, "That's why I said that the carriage was taken by you to the village to be maintained."

"Pfft!" The shopkeeper had just one mouthful of tea in his mouth, but before he could swallow it down, he was directly sprayed by his nephew's words. The waiter in front of him didn't have enough time to dodge and was directly sprayed by the tea.

"F * ck your turtle nephew!"

The shopkeeper was so angry that his eyes turned red and the teacup in his hand directly smashed onto the waiter's body. He then pounced on the waiter as well and swung his fist at the waiter's body.

"I'll smash you little thing to death! "If you want to cause trouble for me, then scram back to the countryside tomorrow!"

Ah!" Second Uncle, have mercy! Second Uncle, listen to my explanation!

Ah!" "AHH!" Help! Uncle is going to beat his nephew to death!

"Pull him down if you want to! "Don't say you're my nephew from now on!"

A one-sided fight was performed at the inn, they had already left the city gates, and Liu Xinyue, who was heading back to his old home in the countryside, did not know of this matter.

As for the carriage they were lending to Feng Ying, she knew nothing about it.

"Master, seeing Xia Gu's face just now really gave me a fright!"

The horse carriage slowly drove through the main road, Cai He smiled towards Liu Xinyue who was taking off his disguise mask and said.

"Hehe, when I saw that the guard insisted on checking the carriage, I thought of changing my appearance." Liu Xinyue kept the torn off disguise and placed it at the side, then continued speaking, "Furthermore, you mentioned sisters from your residence, so I wanted to change my appearance to Xia Gu's, so I had a higher prestige."

"Moreover, with the identity of this Xia Gu, perhaps later when he goes to the Old Manor, it might also be useful."

"Master is really smart. He was able to think of so many things in such a short period of time, and he even made the disguise so quickly." Cai He said in admiration.

"Cai He, it will take some time to make this disguise mask." After Liu Xinyue heard this, he shook his head and continued, "If it was only that amount of time I spent in the carriage, I'm afraid I would not have made it in time."

"What does master mean?" Cai He said, puzzled.

Since he had no time to make a disguise mask, where did the Xia Gu's mask come from?

"I made this long ago." Liu Xinyue laughed and said, after that he took out a small box from his bosom and opened it, saying, "Furthermore, not only did I make a copy of it for the Xia Gu, I also made one for He Jinlan, Cai Lv, Cai Ju and the others."

With that, Liu Xinyue folded the Xia Gu's mask and placed it back into the small box, then placed it on the table.

"Of course, Cai He, I made your mask."

Seeing Cai He looking at her in shock, Liu Xinyue knew what she was trying to express. Liu Xinyue smiled and nodded, opened the small box and placed it in front of Cai He, then said: "You go find which one is you."

Cai He didn't think that she would have a share of it, she was both excited and nervous at the same time as she rummaged through the small box. Very quickly, she found a mask that looked somewhat similar to her face.

"Mistress, is this it?"

"That's right, let me wear it for you to see." Liu Xinyue looked at it, nodded, and then took the mask from Cai He's hand and put it on his own face.

After a while, Liu Xinyue turned his head to look at Cai He, and jokingly said: "I am Cai He, who are you?"

"Puhaha, master is so funny!" Cai He looked at it for a while and couldn't help but burst out laughing, covering his mouth as he said, "Looking at your face, I don't feel that strange, and I really want to laugh."