"Then you go, I won't go."

Enen can't ask for more, and I wish Tang Guoer could go.

Anyway, she doesn't want to go, if she and I go, Gu Nancheng will definitely be angry, but En En, I would rather Jiang Yifan be angry, and Jiang Yifan would be unhappy than this person is Gu Nancheng, it's as simple as that, because of the joys and sorrows of human beings , are not the same.

"You too, don't ignore Fanfan too much, he has no family's love, it's already very pitiful, you should pay more attention to him, you know?"

But in Enen's ears, Enen just ignores it. I don't understand Tang Guoer. Why do I keep saying that Jiang Yifan has no father's love, no mother's love, and is pitiful. If you want to say it this way, Gu Nancheng is the most pitiful person. ?

Because Gu Nancheng has never even met his parents since he was born, so in comparison, Jiang Yifan is really much, much better!

"I see, Mom." Enen almost replied impatiently, then Tang Guoer glared at her, and went downstairs without saying anything.

Tang Guo'er has always been a kind-hearted person, and she doesn't want anyone to be wronged, especially those around her, especially the younger generation.

It just so happened that Jiang Yifan was a junior.

Seeing the two children loving each other, Tang Guoer was relieved, but Jiang Yifan was a guest, so she couldn't just sit idly by, so she had to go downstairs to find Jiang Yifan.

On the way, Tang Guoer happened to run into Gu Yebai. When Gu Yebai saw her, he naturally stopped her from leaving and asked her, "Honey, it's already midnight, what are you doing?"

Tang Guoer told the truth without hiding anything, "It's nothing, I'll go find Fanfan, he doesn't know what's wrong, Nannan said he was in a bad mood and didn't know where to stay, I'm not at ease , so go and have a look, no matter what, Fanfan is a guest, come to our house as a guest, we can't sit idly by!"

"Can't I not go?" Gu Yebai didn't want his wife to accompany other men. Although that person was only in his teens, Gu Yebai was still not very happy. The opposite sex, he doesn't want Tang Guoer to accompany anyone of the opposite sex except him!

Sure enough, men are like this, they are easy to get jealous, and Gu Yebai can't be vulgar, he is indeed jealous.

It's funny to say, to be jealous of a teenage boy!

"No." Although Tang Guoer knew what Gu Ye was thinking at this moment, she couldn't leave Jiang Yifan alone.

What's more, Jiang Yifan is just a child in Enen's eyes.

Apart from Gu Yebai, could it be possible that Enen would have some unreasonable thoughts about others? Impossible, no matter what happened, it was simply impossible.

Gu Yebai was so kind to her, how could she have two minds, even after she divorced Gu Yebai before, she never had it, no matter how good Zuo Yichen was to her, she didn't have a minute, a second, He forgot about Gu Yebai, let alone his kindness to her and devotion to her.

She loves Gu Yebai deeply, no matter whether it is the past, present or future, or many, many years later, in the next life, there will be no change. From the beginning to the end, there is no possibility of any change, because this Feelings, as well as her love, have already identified Gu Yebai, in this life, in this life, in the next life, and in the next life, they will never change until death.

Sometimes emotional matters are so simple that no one needs to question them, as long as two people think it is right, then this is the best result, "Gu Yebai, Fanfan is still a child, I will treat his son Look, do you understand what I mean?"

Tang Guoer sincerely treats Jiang Yifan as a son. Of course, even so, it doesn't mean that Gu Yebai feels uncomfortable, "Even if he is a child, he is still a man, so wife, do you understand what I mean?"

How could Tang Guo'er not understand, "But this child is not yet an adult, our Mr. Gu, is he thinking too much? Don't forget, he is En En's classmate, who is En En, our daughter Well, he is our daughter's classmate."

Repeatedly emphasizing that he is Enen's classmate and daughter's classmate, Gu Yebai's defensiveness finally became a little lower, "Okay, then you go."

Gu Yebai compromised, but it didn't mean that he didn't ask any questions at all, she naturally still had to ask his wife, "Half an hour, my wife, I'll go back to the room first, if you yell for half an hour, I'll see Don’t blame me if you can’t find someone for you, come downstairs to find you in person!”

"No problem!" Tang Guoer readily agreed, because in Tang Guoer's heart, she felt that half an hour was enough, "Then can I go now?"

Gu Yebai waved his hand, "Go, go, come back early, your husband and I will wait for you in the room, don't make me wait too long."

"I'm going, you just wait for me steadily, within half an hour, I promise to come back!" Tang Guoer left after leaving these words, and went to find Jiang Yifan. On the way, she met a servant. If you are not a person, just ask the servant directly, "Have you seen Young Master Jiang?"

After asking a few servants, they all shook their heads and replied that they didn't know, until one person replied, "Madam, Master Jiang is at the pavilion. I passed by there before and saw it before. You can go and have a look now. He shouldn't have left."

"Okay, I'll take a look." After finishing speaking, Tang Guoer went straight to the pavilion. In the dead of night, there were only street lights on the road, which were quietly on. Tang Guoer went all the way to find Jiang Yifan, and the road was quiet. , there was no one there, only occasional servants passed by.

Not long after, Tang Guoer came to the pavilion, a few meters away, Tang Guoer saw a figure, and sat in the pavilion, sitting motionless, with a preoccupied look, unhappy, because Tang Guoer could see how lonely and lonely that figure was!

Tang Guoer went straight to that figure, walked directly to Jiang Yifan's side, and sat in front of him. Jiang Yifan seemed to be distracted, and didn't notice Tang Guoer at first, until Tang Guoer coughed, "Ahem!"

Tang Guoer's coughing was intentional, but Jiang Yifan heard it. When he came back to his senses, he looked at the source of the sound and saw Tang Guoer, with a little surprise on his face, "Auntie?"

Probably did not expect that Tang Guoer would appear beside him, after all, this corner at night is already considered very remote, "Why are you here?"

There was a gentle smile on Tang Guoer's face, "I'll come and see you, and see why you're upset."

Even Tang Guoer could tell, was he unhappy?

Is it really so obvious that his unhappiness is all written on his face?

Jiang Yifan couldn't believe it, but when she thought about it, he didn't hide his emotions because there was no one around, so now, she didn't think it was strange that Tang Guoer saw it.

But if you can see it, you can see it, but Jiang Yifan doesn't want to admit it, he doesn't want to admit it from the bottom of his heart, "No, Auntie, you miss me too much, and I don't have anything unhappy about it?"

"Oh? Really?" Of course Tang Guo'er didn't believe it. First of all, she was not deaf. Gu Nancheng had already said earlier that Jiang Yifan was not very happy, so she took a look. Secondly, she had eyes. She Before getting close to Jiang Yifan, he saw the lonely and hurt look of the other party from a distance.

"But what to do, Auntie saw you from a distance, hiding here alone, looking very unhappy, why don't you take it off?" Tang Guoer said slightly distressed.

Jiang Yifan knew that he didn't hide his emotions before, because he didn't expect that Tang Guoer would come, so he didn't notice it, but now, his true emotions were exposed by Tang Guoer, and Jiang Yifan didn't want to make any more excuses Covering up, because he knows it well, it has no effect.

The more this happened, the more melancholy Jiang Yifan felt, and the less beautiful his mood became, "Auntie, tell me, am I a bad person?"

Tang Guoer was speechless, and really couldn't understand why Jiang Yifan had such an idea, what was wrong with him? To put it bluntly, Tang Guoer seldom sees a child as outstanding as Jiang Yifan these days.

Of course, Nancheng in their family is an exception. Naturally, there is a world of difference between geniuses and ordinary people, so there is no comparison at all!

"No!" Tang Guoer said truthfully, without any hypocrisy or comfort, "To tell the truth, Fanfan, you are very good. Among the children nowadays, auntie rarely sees you like me. You are such an excellent child, and you have a good personality and good looks, you are like a ceiling."

"Really?" In the past, Jiang Yifan could still respond with a smile, but now, after being hit by Gu Nancheng, Jiang Yifan has almost doubted himself, and feels that he is completely worthless compared to Gu Nancheng. !

This point made Jiang Yifan very hurt. He seemed to have seen the reality clearly, and he knew the gap between people, and that gap cannot be caught up with hard work. No matter how hard you spend, you can't catch up!

So Jiang Yifan could only sigh in his heart.

"Of course it's true." Tang Guoer was not simply consoling, on the contrary, Tang Guoer felt that everything she said was the truth, without any falsehood, "Fanfan, you have to believe what Auntie said , everyone is unique and everyone is the best.”

"And do you know, probably in your school, or around you, there are many people who envy you and want to surpass you. Your existence is the object of envy of most people, so, just like you , there is absolutely no need to belittle yourself.”

But what's the use of others envious of him? What's the use of others liking him? He doesn't need it at all, what he needs is Enen, what he wants is Enen's liking, Enen's admiration, if these are just extravagant hopes, then let him live on, he hopes Enen En Neng looked at him more and paid more attention to him.

If he could get En En's attention, he would be satisfied, instead of losing all his face in front of the person he likes like tonight, being trampled underfoot and humiliated by Gu Nancheng, he lost even a little bit of face None left.

He doesn't care what other people think, but he only cares about Enen, just like what Enen said tonight, doubts about him, and disapproval of him, Enen laughed at him, "Jiang Yifan, Didn't you say that you are very good? And that you have never lost?"

"Didn't you want to take me to kill the Quartet in the king, I think you are just bragging!"

Those words that were said confidently in front of Enen before, after being tortured and killed by Gu Nancheng, seemed to have become a joke.

Became the biggest joke!

Because, he actually lost. Isn't it the biggest joke for a strongest king to lose to a novice Xiaobai?

He never cared about winning or losing. Jiang Yifan has always had this idea, but by Gu Nancheng's side and in front of Enen, everything is different. Who doesn't want to be appreciated in front of the girl he likes and become Her pride?

Jiang Yifan thought he was just a layman, and he was not afraid of falling into the routine, but although the development of this incident was not conventional at all, it was the greatest humiliation to him in his life, and made him lose the courage to face Enen.

She was afraid of seeing Enen's disappointment in him, and even more afraid of seeing Enen's admiration for Gu Nancheng, so he simply went downstairs and hid here. At least when he was alone, it was better than facing Enen. Good face.

Maybe all boys are like this, no matter how big or careless they are on weekdays, at the critical moment, they all have to respect themselves, but for me who has no self-esteem, who is firmly stepped under by Gu Nancheng, it is really a shame to forgive him There is no way to accept that even all of this is an unchangeable and irreversible reality!

"Auntie..." Faced with Tang Guoer's comfort, Jiang Yifan didn't know what to do, so he could only call her respectfully.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Tang Guoer asked reflexively, but she didn't know what Jiang Yifan wanted to say when he suddenly called her.

But as an elder, of course she must give Jiang Yifan enough time and space.

After all, today's children are different from before, and without them, they would always be ashamed.

"But what to do, I feel very bad."

There was a bitter curve on Jiang Yifan's lips, "I feel that I can't compare to others in anything, and I lost a lot."

"Who is that other person?" Tang Guoer asked subconsciously.

Jiang Yifan can make such a sigh, among the children of their age difference, there should not be many.

Because Jiang Yifan is good enough.

So, for him to say something like this and feel that he is no match for the other person, how powerful must it be?

But during this period of time, Tang Guoer knew that Jiang Yifan had no contact with anyone, not just the two of them.

The two of them? Tang Guo'er seemed to have noticed something unusual, the two of them, couldn't it be the kid from Nancheng? (end of this chapter)